That is the only word for it. I went to bed last night to pretty clear skies, and I woke this morning to 10+ inches of new snow on the ground!!! It will be a white Christmas for sure. We are expected to get blasted again on Christmas Eve.
Charlotte stuck her ruler in the snow on the patio table....it measures 10.5 inches!! You can see the inch and 1/2 sticking up out of the snow.
Zach played Math
Blasters (a treat for acing his math test this morning), but has since bundled up and is outside playing in the white stuff!

I had a nice visit from the mailman yesterday.
Sweet Donetta sent me a set of beautiful earrings, which she created herself! They are just gorgeous! Thank You Donetta! You are such an inspiration to me! I owe Donetta a PIF gift and have been working to get it to her. I am hopeful she will get it before the end of the year!
I also received a pretty package from
Inside were 3 wonderful dishcloths, made by Cheryl (I LOVE her dishcloths!), a set of note cards with photos by her daughter Dani, (the girl has talent!), and some kleenex holders (which my kids snatched up!) Thank You, Cheryl. Your friendship has been the most amazing gift of all!
I was able to get all my holiday sewing done and even put my sewing room back in order. It was so neat and clean that the closet stood out like a sore thumb!
In no time I had it all organized and cleaned out.
Now I am ready for a new year of sewing. Those 3 boxes are full of scraps and strips, ready to cut for my log cabin quilt, plus I am doing a project with Winona....Harvest Sky, by
Aunt Em's Quilts.

I am excited for a new year of quilt making. Along with the 2 new quilts, I plan to finish up some UFO's hanging around here.
I just have to mention one more time how much I enjoyed Biggest Loser! The new season starts on the 6th of January. If you do not watch it, take a look at this....the winner lost 110 pounds! She went from this.....

to this.....

And she was such a nice girl. Now you might be saying, "But she is so young and weight is easier to lose when you are young." That is true, but look at her MOTHER.....

I get so inspired by weight loss shows...wonder why??
Now I mentioned that Michelle (the winner) was a nice girl. What does that have to do with anything? Well there were a few not-so-nice people on the show. One of them was Heba (though she was nicer than the wicked one), and Heba was the biggest girl to start out. In fact she lost the most percentage of body weight than anyone and would have won, but America had a hand in voting her out. Still you gotta see her transformation....from this....

to this....

Maybe she will be nicer now that she does not have to battle the scale! We can only hope! Ok, so I will stop blabbing about Biggest Loser....until January!
The snow is beautiful! We just had a round this week, and expecting more on Sunday. Hopefully it will stick around and give us a white Christmas. Being from the south, I've never had a white Christmas (that I remember), and we live in the part of Canada that rarely gets snow! So we're hoping . . .
I didn't pay much attention to The Biggest Loser - never have - but my daughter enjoys watching it, so I watched the finale with her. I have to say it was inspiring to see the percentages of body weight lost. Made me go and figure the 5-10% that will improve my diabetes management, then the total amount I need to lose, and it's not very much compared to what these folks lost. I should be able to do it - but that is should, not done, yet. Maybe this year!
You're funny! I actually watched the Biggest Loser finale after Little Guy went to bed the other night..so I actually know who those people are! (I never watch tv...) That much weight loss is crazy, I didn't however like the plug for Subway being "healthy"...buncha baloney in my opinion. :)
I think they call this global warming. Enjoy the snow, there isn't much more we can do about it.
I am glad that you like them. Merry Christmas You do not even have to dream of it now...
Boy Bren, you did get blasted. It looks pretty, but I'm always glad when it is gone. I think I may get to take my ham to mom's tomorrow night after all. I talked to the neighbor after we talked and she said the blacktop was fine now. My honey will check it out first before he turns me loose with the car. LOL If everything is ok, I'll drop him off at the truck and continue on to help mom. Enjoyed our visit tonight. Take care. Winona
I know all about the after effects & the inconvenience, but gosh! that snow looks just gorgeous!!
I have to say, even when those people were larger, they were still very beautiful. I am sure it is more healthy to weigh less, but sometimes I wonder why society today is so judgemental of 'larger' sizes.
I personally find people who are overthin... dare I say it... UGLY!!
Dont want to end on a sour note, so hugs to you!XX
Thanks for the little plug. I so appreciate it. Have a great day! Em
Don't you think that wicked Vicky and Ed would be the two most likely to put the weight back on? I do -- I think Vicky was only doing it to win the money and now will go back to her old ways of eating and no exercise. And I always thought Ed didn't have the "want to" to lose the weight in the first place. I love that Michelle won too!
The snow is beautiful! I love Texas, but I wish we had more snow! Your sewing room looks great! You motivated me to get in a cleaning mood! I only caught a few episodes of this season of TBL, but the transformations are amazing. I wish I could go on that show! Even if I didn't win, I would still lose some weight, which is much needed!
There seems to be snow here and there, we have had a lot of it lately.
I have gotten my studio straightened and cleaned up. I'm anxious to plan some projects for 2009 winter time. Looking forward to some nice quiet days.
Mama Bear
Brrrrr! looks cold and frost and just like Christmas! I hope you and yours have a wonderful celebration. I like the Biggest Loser"! It is always fun to see the progress.
Wow! That is a lot of snow! I haven't seen that much since I left Colorado! I have to say, I don't miss it one little bit! lol
I love the quilt you're going to be starting. That is one of my goals for the new year - to get some quilting done. I have SO much fabric - quite a stash of it, in fact! - and I would love to get some things made!
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Merry Christmas!! I'm so glad we've gotten to know each other! Merry Christmas!
Love in Christ ~ Julie
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