Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Friday in Pictures


Niki said...

I so enjoyed the that your new quilt finished on your bed?

Homeschool Diva said...

Ooooh! Good idea for a post. I may borrow this idea! ;-)

Dani said...

Wow, someone has been busy, busy, busy! Good for you!!!

Alesha said...

LOL!!! I love it!

and wasn't that the cutest movie?!

Have a great weekend,

Andrea Cherie said...

Thanks! You know I love pics!!

Unknown said...

The pictures say so much, great idea.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.
You take such tiny stitches when you quilt and they're so straight. Mine never look that good.
Mama Bear

Jackie's Stitches said...

What a great idea for a post! Love the idea of your day in pictures! The quilt on your bed is gorgeous!

Carolina Girl said...

A busy day, for sure! I love the day in pictures :-) Great for my tired brain LOL