Friday, June 29, 2007

Roller Coasters, Packages, and a Correction

What a day already!! I took the kids to my niece's birthday party at an indoor amusement park. Great fun for the kids, but I am wiped out! They had fun, though Zach got on the roller coaster by himself and got very scared. Luckily, my mom had the girl stop the whole thing and let him off. All he could say was "Oh dear! I am never going on that roller coaster again." He IS his mother's child!

They all had a good time. It may not look like much of a ride but...

This picture was of Zach once the ride started! It went pretty fast for a "kiddie ride".

Though it took us almost 90 minutes to get there, we made it home in about an hour. I tried a short cut! I was pleasantly surprised to find 2 boxes on my front porch, both from Amazon. Neither were the one I have been patiently waiting for, but they were both fun.

I have never read any of the Elm Creek Quilt novels, and this book contains the first three. Great fun! On a different subject, Charlotte saw my post on her quilt top and made it a point to me that this is NOT her first sewing project. She did make me a pillow for Mothers Day several years ago. Correction noted!


Libby said...

Nothing like finding a package at the door*s* Sounds like everyone had a nice day at the park - rides are such fun.

Sue said...

Glad you got your package..and survived Dinorex, yikes. We haven't been there, yet, but that was where we were going to end up for Lucas' birthday if we weren't coming by you :)

Tomorrow, rest and quilt!

Belvie said...

Not a roller coaster fan here either!!

I think you will enjoy the Elm Creek Quilt stories. It is nice to find those surprises boxes on the porch.

Lily Mulholland said...

Bren, correction noted!!!! Glad you had such a fun time AND found a shorter route home!

And well done to Charlotte on putting together her first top :) She can now call herself a quilter!

Anonymous said...

Hope you survived this evening. Those phot's sure look like the rides were fast. I'm with Zach, time to get off. I've been thinking about that series of books, let's know what you think of them/it,. It just might be a good investment, I miss reading a good book, other than the good book....

Solstitches said...

Great choice of books! I have both on my bookshelves :)


atet said...

Ok, where in the world is that indoor amusement park? My dd is too young yet, but I have the feeling there will be a required trip in the not so distant future!

And if she's like mother -- oops, terror until she hits her teens then look out Great America. But, given her stand on taking risks and loving the feeling of falling -- I think she takes after her father!

Andrea said...

I love the Elm Creek quilt books. I've read them all about 3 times each. I hope you enjoy them !