UPDATE: The Winner is Holee!!
Thank You for entering and come back to visit!
It is finally here!! The Whirl Into Winter Quilter's Giveaway!!! What do I have for you this season???

A Touch Of Amish
An Amish Tablerunner and matching coasters to be exact!
Done in traditional Amish colors and pattern, hand quilted in black thread.

The back is also traditional and a solid powder blue.
The shoo-fly blocks are a favorite among Amish quilters, and have many different names...my favorite is "Hens and Chicks".
So how do you win this??? Simple as an Amish maiden!!! Just leave a comment here. No blog is required but please leave your e-mail address if you do not have one. Since I am not a huge fan of winter, I will ask you to answer this, "non-winterish" (my own word) question in your comment..."What is your favorite Amish quilt pattern?" Now if you have no clue as to quilt patterns you can answer this question...."What is your favorite aspect of the Amish lifestyle?" Comments left without an answer to one of the two questions will not qualify for the drawing. The winner will be drawn on January 15th.
There are about 60 participating blogs in The Whirl Into Winter Quilter's Giveaway. Click on the snowflake at the top of this post and you will find links to all of them! Happy commenting!!!

I think my favorite is called sunshine and shadows (like trip around the world) I do love shoo-fly and churn dash too!
I am not sure about my favorite Amish quilt pattern. I never really thought about it. I can tell you what I like about the Amish lifestyle. I love the simplicity of it all. Hope you have a great New Year! BTW, great pics of the grands, kids, and the holidays in your past posts. Looks like you had a great time. =) Karen
My favorite aspect of the Amish lifestyle is probably the food. My knowledge of the Amish is limited to Beverly Lewis novels, but the food always sounds so delicious!
No clue about Amish quilt styles (blush). My favorite aspect of the Amish lifestyle has to be those horse drawn buggies!
Beautiful runner and coasters, BTW!
I would have to say I enjoy the simplity of pattern that always shows the wonderful quilting that can be done. You do such marvelous work thanks for showing it through your blog.
wonderful giveaway - please enter me and happy new year/
Happy New Year Bren, my favourite Amish pattern would be Bars and Stripes.Also the colours which are added to black.Love to be in the draw. Regards Lyn
My answer is the beautiful gardens, simple and organized life of the Amish. I visit Shipshewana, IN several times a year and so enjoy the homes we pass on the way. Thank you for the chance to win.
Bren~ I don't know much about names of the amish quilts I have seen(in pictures only) but the one thing I love is the colors and they are always so beautifully put together. The thing I like most about the amish lifestyle is they have such faith, sometimes it's hard to keep the faith when dealing with hard circumstances but they seem to rally together as a community.
Happy New Year to your and your family..
Blessings, Joann
Oh I am going over to my blog right now to post a picture of my purchases today at Joann's..
When it comes to quilts I am prejudiced towards my mom's quilts so I will answer the second question. I think what I like most about the amish lifestyle is that they have the willingness to swim upstream in this world while most of the rest of the world is floating downstream. They do what they say and believe what they do and say
I don't know much about Amish quilts, but I do have one - I think! When my husband and I first started raising support to come live here in Canada, we went to a church missions conference in GA where each year the ladies would make a quilt and give it to one missionary wife at the conference. That year they made one called Hot Bun Cross, and my name was the one drawn. It's black with square crosses made of bright purples, reds, yellows, and greens.
If that's not an Amish quilt, then my favorite aspect of the Amish lifestyle is their devotion to a simple lifestyle. They seem to lead such a peaceful, calm life.
My favorite Amish quilt pattern is the Log Cabin.
One of my favourite Amish quilt pattern is the school house
My favourite Amish quilt pattern? I guess Churn Dash would be it. I love the simplicity of their lifestyle and their sense of community and wish we all could take a few pages out of their book.
Happy Quilty 2009! My favourite Amish pattern is square in a square. I like what they can achieve with solid colours too, the effectiveness of simplicity.
I don't know too much about the Amish, but I like that they are "traditional"....I bet you could've guessed that about me!...something along the lines that we don't have a tv and I'm sure they don't either! Hope you draw my name!!
oh my gosh, what a generous giveaway.. favourite amish pattern would be monkey wrench.. I love the quilts that they acheive with such a limited palette..
Happy 2009 to you!!!
I love the Amish simplicity of life, how they are protecting the environment even if it is not intentional.
I am also hosting a giveaway
www.bejeweledquilts.blogspot.com come see me
The spirituality is my favorite part of there lifestyle...god bless and hapyp new year
I would love to make an Amish quilt!! I love the contrasts!
I admire the way of Amish life and think it would be wonderful to live with out TV, Hollywood, high paid sports players, etc.
My favorite Amish design is Lady of the Lake (?) Made of half square triangles.
My favorite Amish pattern is just the Bars. What I admire is there strength to remain a strong community withall of the changes around them. I would love to participate in the giveaway. email : crangellaw@yahoo.com
I just love reading anything Amish I'm on book 2 now of about the6th set have anew set after that, I think I like the Log Cabin best, and I love the way they all meet to fit round that big fram to hand quilt. please enter me in your giveaway Id just love it
I love all the Amish designs but my favourite is shoo fly. My husband and i visitied Lancaster County many years ago and fell in love with the area. We are lucky enough to have Amish friends now who we visit when we can. The Amish way of live is amazingly hard not sure I could live that way but it seems to work as very few actually leave. We will be going to PAin the summer. Oh my I can now say this year!
Many thanks and happy 2009
I don't know the names of Amish patterns. I do love how they take simple colors and make such rich looking quilts though!
As per their lifestyle, I love the horse drawn carriages they use. :)
Hi and Happy New Year to EVERYONE!!! I'm not familiar with Amish patterns so this would be a real treat to win!! I do admire the Amish way of life. It's a simple life that takes us back to gemtle times. Thanks for the chance to win! Hugs Kay M. (petking@vcn.com)
since I love hand quilting I too love homw the amish hand stitch their quilts.
I have always loved Amish quilts and their simple clean patterns. My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Lancaster, PA!
My favorite Amish wisdom is that only God is perfect so mistakes are to be expected and are fine.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I like the Trip Around the World pattern. Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy New Year!
I love the way the Amish live a simple life. I like how they are all connected and live their lives as one family. I LOVE their quilts. I like how they have bright colors with black. Stunning!
My favorite thing about the Amish lifestyle is the overall simplicity of their lives and how they are self-sufficient and don't depend on outside sources for what they need. I also love how they deliberately make a mistake in EVERY quilt...because they believe only God is perfect, so their quilts should NOT be perfect! Love your prize and would love to win it.
I'm giving a prize, too, as I'm part of this even though I'm a new blogger.
My blog:
This is a tough one, I would have to say Diamond in a Square is my most favorite with Sunshine and Shadows running a very, very close 2nd!
I don't know anything about Amish quilts but the tablerunner you are giving away is beautiful. I like the simple lifestyle of the Amish. In this times with all the global environment crises i think we could learn some from them.
Happy new year!
I admire the Amish for their simplicity, work ethic, peace and love....
I also love the Hens and Chicks pattern....
Happy New Year!
My favorite aspect of the Amish community is the older women teaching the younger girls how to sew and quilt. I love how their lives seem so uncomplicated, because they seem to enjoy the simple things in life that others tend to overlook.
Count me in!
My favorite Amish block is Amish Bars. I've finished one (though not in traditionally Amish colors) and have started another.
My favroite Amish block is Churn Dash - (I think it is an Amish block) - but, in case it isn't - the one thing I love about the Amish community is that they live lifestyle is so simple. Something I hope to attain this year!
I am not familiar with which blocks are purely Amish. But the one thing about any Amish quilt is the use of Black with very bright colors. Quilts were the only place the Amish could use bright colors. I have to say the Amish live a simplier life style which in this day and age we all could use. The best Amish quilt store is The Buttonhole in McPherson, KS.
My favorite would be Churn Dash or Hole in the Barn Door, but the simple lifestyle is what I admire the most. Lovely Give Away prize.
My favorite thing about the Amish is their simplicity. They do not seem to be to stressed by the ways of the world.
I am not positive if this is an Amish Quilt pattern but I am going to say Trip Around the World. In regards to their lifestyle I would say it just seems peaceful.
I think my favorite pattern would be the Lone Star or Dahlia. As far as their lifestyle I think I like that they live a very simple life, no modernization in their life etc and seem so content. Thanks for the wonderful give a way and have a Happy New Year.
Rae Ann
The focus on family and home is my favorite thing about the Amish. I love all their quilts, but like many others, I don't know the names of any of the quilts I like! Wish I'd begun quilting long ago, but alas, it ain't gonna happen now! Blessings on your New Year!
Hi Bren! I love all the Amish Quilts, so I guess I'd have to say my favorite part of the Amish culture is the sense of community. Everyone working together and supporting each other. Great giveaway, by the way! Thank you!
I love the color of the quilts not alot of colors, flower....
I love the simple Amish life style and visiting the shops in Amish country.
My favorite thing about the Amish lifestyle is the dresses the women and girls wear. And the bonnets. When my kids were little the Amish buggies would go by our house and my daughter would run out to the street to wave. Normally they would ignore her but one time a little girl waved back to her and she was so happy. It is a sweet memory for her and for me.
The sense of community is my favorite thing about the Amish lifestyle. They really stick together and help each other, in good times as well as bad.
Thanks for offering such a lovely giveaway.
I think my favorite Amish-sh pattern would have to be by Cheryl Wall of Country Quilts (www.countryquilts.ca), and it's her "Amish Country Quilt", #172.
Check it out!
Great giveaway! Kimberly
My favorite would be the Triple Irish chain (I think that one is traditional with the Amish people).
what i love most about the amish lifestyle is the horse & buggy's.
Very simple life
i would love to win, my email is codiandtim@gmail.com and my blog is deathbydenim.blogspot.com
My favorite thing about Amish life would be the simplicity of it all; life is just so busy now a days. Thanks! Codi
I don't have a fav pattern, but I do envy them the simple life.
i really admire how the Amish help each other. whether it's in big thngs like barn raisings or little things like getting together to make quilts or can veggies. i wish had time for group quilting!
thanks for offering your beautiful runner and coasters. nystraldjo at hotmail dot com.
I like "Sunshine and Shadow" quilt pattern. Ab out the Amish lifestyle, I like the food because it is pure and natural. (I think) When I was in Ohio years ago we would go to the Amish community to buy food. Mmmm...sweet memories.
You can contact me on my blog or at
ebandit AT hotmail dot com
I love the Amish work ethic.
I love the way the saturated colors pop on a Sunshine and Shadow quilt. By the way, 'Piece on Earth' cracks me up, too LOL
The thing I like most about the Amish is their strong sense of family and community.
Lovely table runner. Having grown up near an Amish community, I must say that I admire their family and community life. They live their beliefs.
Happy new year.
I love the slow pace of life there and all the hand made crafts.
Your giveaway is beautiful.
I don't know about Amish patterns so I'll answer the other question. My favorite part about the Amish lifestyle is either the quilts or their homemade bread. Yummy!
Thanks for such a get giveaway!
Since I do not quilt, I will say, I love how the Amish are so self reliant. They can do everything on their own to care for their own without interference from the "outside". They live happily off grid....just the way I wish to be someday.
I admire and respect the Amish lifestyle because of the simplicity of their life--recognizing the valuable things others take for granted.
Thanks for taking part in the giveaway. Happy New Year!
My favorite Amish block is the log cabin using black. Please enter me.
I admire the slow paced lifestyle. and they make beautiful furniture. :o)
My favorite Amish pattern would have to be the Log Cabin. But I'd like to add that my favorite thing about the Amish is their determination to practice what they believe. blessings, marlene
I am not real familiar with Amish patterns but I will say the thing I admire about the Amish is the simplicity of their life. Not lots of material things to get in the way. The tablerunner is beautiful
Love your table runner and coasters. I am not too familiar with the Amish, but what I do admire about them is their work ethic and devotion to family
What I admire about the Amish is their close knit community and family values. I believe that the loss of family unity is part of what has caused many of the problems we face today.
I think that my favorite Amish quilt pattern is the shoofly block. I live in central PA near a large Amish community and shop at a couple of quilt and general stores where the Amish shop and some sell their quilted items. They are so beautiful! Thanks for entering me in you drawing.
I think my favorite thing about the Amish has to be the way they get together and help each other in every thing they do. If only more people did that.
I would love to win that table runner. I want to do a quilt in traditional Amish colors someday. There is just something so special about it.
I also live in central PA close to lots of Amish
Happy New Year!!!
What I love about Amish life is the pure simplicity of it.
nici826 at yahoo dot com
I believe it's called Amish Shadows. I haven't made it yet, but want to. Please add me to the draw. Thanks.
I don't really know about Amish quilt patterns, but I certainly love what you have going on here. My favorite thing about the Amish lifestyle is the simplicity and lack of materialism.
Thanks for the opportunity to win your give-a-way! ~ Amy
I love the movie "For Richer for Poorer" with Tim Allen and Kristi Alley which has them living with an Amish family. I would like to say I love the simplicity of their lives but after watching that movie I think the simplicity is a lot of hard work! Their quilts are beautiful...love the vibrant colors. Happy New Year. Please enter me in your giveaway, thanks,
Karleen rtnkt@charter.net
I do not have a favorite pattern but I love their colors choices, it shows off the hand quilting, and I like the simplicity of their life.
I think my favourite part of Amish life is the simplicity of the lifestyle. It's so far removed from the rat race.
I love the simplicity of their life...handmade quilts and yummy food!
Happy New Year!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
What beautiful pieces!! Please count me in the drawing!
My favorite Amish patterns are the Amish Basket and also the Amish Star. I always love baskets and stars. :o)
I'm going to also answer your question about the Amish lifestyle, too. I think my favorite part is their devotion to God, their families and their community. We could all learn something from that.
Happy New Year!!!
God bless you ~ Julie
Wow this is a lovely runner and coasters! This would look wonderful in my kitchen! I don't know much about Amish quilts. I have studied the Amish lifstyle and I love how they live simple and live off grid! Also how they strive to live off their land (food wise)!
Thank you so very much for the wonderful chance Hun!
Have a lovely New Year!
Hi, gorgeous runner and coasters...don't know a lot about Amish things, it's not about the quilt patterns for me, just love their colour choices, they are always so clean and fresh looking, beautiful!
cheers Julz
Oh boy ... your question is a hard one for me. I know practically nothing about Amish. But I'll say I like the simple life they lead and the plain dress they wear. Plz enter me into d drawing. I would like to win your lovely runner.
Simplicity! That was easy. Thanks for the fun!
I guess the trip around the world quilt would be my favorite. I do love the Amish way to an extent. I don't think I could do without electricity but I do like the way they l live off the land. They are honest hardworking people and that counts for something. Thank you for this great give a way.
please add my blog to yours.
Chris Wheeler
I love log cabin quilts. Not sure if that is terribly traditionally Amish but they look great in the Amish color palette!
that's easy. What I love about the Amish lifestyle are the horses. *S*
Happy 2009!
I love all sorts of Amish quilts so it would be hard to pick a favorite pattern. I respect the focus of their lives on what is truly important, God and family.
I like that while things may be simple that are always well done with care.
I love the shoo-fly pattern and the simplicity of Amish values. Your hand quilting is lovely. I do enjoy your blog and wish you and your family blessings in the new year.
Oh Bren this is perfect, my daughter just left me a comment on my blog, as a surpise offering me a trip in July to Amish country, won't that be wonderful.
I'm sure I could give you a better answer when I get back. But for now I love the way Amish use black in there quilts.
PS I would be honored to win the
I don't have a favorite pattern, but I love the simplicity of the Amish life.
Lovely Amish runner, hope you have a wonderful New Years.
Hi Bren, my favorite aspect of the Amish life is the simplicity, as many here have already said. It's funny how more and more people are trying to find simplicity in life. 2008 was a life changing year for me because I found that simplicity!
Thank you, Bren for your gracious give-away! My favorite Amish quilt is the Log Cabin. I love the simplicity of the Amish life-style. Have you read Plain Truth by Jodi Picoulti? Good book!
Wonderful giveaway! Simplicity is what I think is the best with Amish life. Don´t know the names of their quilts but I like them.
First I wish you a very happy new year. I like to win, please be so kind and enter my name in the give a way box.
My favorita amish pattern is amish bars.
Greeting Guilitta from germany
Your table runner and coasters are beautiful, Bren. I love the simplicity of the Amish lifestyle, but I would never want to live without electricity. I love how their whole family pulls together to get everything done. Winona
Bren, Ilove your work. Amish lifestyle is so simple and peaceful. Nothing is more relaxing to me then spending time in Ohio's Amish Country, shopping for fabric and eating!!
Karen K
I love the simpler lifestyle of the Amish. Staying close to home, women are content to run their homes . . . I think we could all learn alot from the Amish.
I like the simple. peaceful way Amish live...
all quilts are special so it is hard to pick one...but log cabin.
Happy New Year
Living in western PA where we have lots of good Amish and Mennonite neighbors and way too much winter, it is nice to see a "non-winterish" question!
My favorite Amish pattern is the Dahlia Star. And my favorite part of their culture is how hard working and unassuming they are.
I love the simplicity of the Amish lifestyle.
Since i am in the midst of making one for myself, I have to say the trip around the world in a diamond, with the simple solids on the outside... Simple is always better.
hi bren, not a quilter yet. as I have read others post, i realize my grandmother quilted mostly amish style. i have a log cabin she did for me when I graduated from high school. that is my favorite. I love the amish lifestyle. i think it is the simplicity of it all. i like to read amish stories especially when my life is really stressed out. i think and daydream about what it would be like to have a life with less gadgets and places to be. would the stress be the same since they are leaving a physically harder life. but you know me, i love to do what is out of the norm!
Definitely Sunshine and Shadows. Beautiful table runner! Thanks for the great give away.
I love the simplicity of the Amish lifestyle! I also love the work-ethic taught. I have never seen an Amish patter that I don't like, so that is too hard to choose!
sras7508 at gmail dot com
I would say the simplicity, but I live near some Amish and their lives are not that simple. Gardening, canning, cooking, laundry and sewing all their own clothes! I do love passing them though on sundays on our way home from church. Buggy after buggy on the highway...it's a site to see.
Oh, I love the Amish color blocks. I don't know a name of one of the quilts, but I do love the triangles set out in dark and light colors. Great tablerunner.
-- Michele
Amish Bars is my favorite pattern for the simplicity that is Amish...
favorite aspect is the importance of family
I love the simplicity of the lifestyle and the importance of working hard. Their deep faith is also something I admire.
I don't know a lot about the Amish, but I think the way they value life, family, and community are traits we should all carry out, when I was young, everyone in the neighborhood knew each other, helped each other, etc...Now it seems we are almost afraid to get to know our neighbors...How sad...
I don't know if it is a traditional Amish pattern, but my favorite quilt pattern is the log cabin.
I don't know which pattern is my favorite. I like the little sunbonnet girl ~ reminds me of Holly Hobbie, which my Mom collects. I live about 2 hrs from the Amish and I love their simple lifestyles. I could give up much of these modern conveniences & live that lifestyle anyday!
Late to the party again!
I love the shoo fly block.
Your hand quilting is so neat!
Good luck to everyone!
my favorite Amish quilt pattern is "trip around the world".
lovely table runner in your giveaway!
What a great giveaway! You are very talented. I don't know anything about Amish quilting... but I love the serenity of Amish life. They can focus on worshipping their Creator without being so distracted by outside life. amazing. I wish we all had that.
megan.nadalet [at] gmail.com
Happy 2009!!!!
I think I will answer the second question. I like the way they use what they have and make do with that. The simplicity in their life. Your giveaway looks awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite aspect of the Amish lifestyle is their family life...how important family is to each one of them. I also admire their ability to forgive.
I don't have a favorite Amish pattern, I do love their use of color with black though :) I am fascinated by Amish lifestyle, how simple it seems to be them. Grass is always greener though huh? LOL xoxo mel
Hi Bren,
Ok, I have to let you know that I believe, deep in my heart, that I am a quilter. I just haven't gotten to do it yet...
I think it is like painting with fabric!
Ok, I am going to enter because I would love a handmade quilt for the Princesses. Here goes...you are going to laugh...
The best thing about the Amish...is their food. We go to a local Amish community everyonce in awhile and buy their jams and stuff and eat at a restaurant that buys their desserts and ...I am not lying here...The General had to not only unbutton, but unzip his pants !
There food just tastes like I WISH my food tastes. It tastes like I wish my Mother had made. I want to make that for my girls, something to add to my goals :)
So, gee what a surprise from me, it is the healthy, filling, delicious food!
Many Blessings :)
Choosing is tough, but I think the diamond star is my favorite one that I can name. My favorite one I've seen was feathered star blocks with the stars made from royal blue and background black. It was stunning.
Oh HOW PRETTY!!!!! I would love to have something like this!!!
I do enjoy quilts but have never made one so I do not know anything about patterns.
However, what I like about their lifestyle would be the simplicity of it! The things of the World just don't seem to bind them down as they often do us.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite aspect of the Amish lifestyle is their self dependence. The grow their own food, make furniture, clothing, nearly all their necessities are self made. I think more people should learn how to be like this.
I visited Shipshewana a few years ago and was delighted with Yoder's Store. My niece and I took a buggy ride, I sure am glad that I have more comfortable transportation. The driver was an absolute delight.
I saw a Trip Around the world quilt at a shop in southeastern Minnesota that absolutely blew me away. I love the bold colors the ladies use in their quilts and admire them for adhering to their beliefs in this mateialistic world in which we live.
I love the trip around the world pattern ... and I admire and respect the importance of family in the Amish lifestyle.
Your work is lovely! Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway.
Wishing you joy in the coming year,
I love the Bear Paw pattern. They have such a wonderful way of combining the bright solid colors with the black background. Very striking. thanks for entering me in your drawing
My favourite would be the simple bars, as I mostly enjoy the perfect stitches of hand quilting upon the Amish Quilts!
I have an Amish cook book that I love! The recipes are wonderful and simple. My family loves everything I've made from that book. Thanks for entering me in your drawing. Regina
I think Churn Dash is an Amish pattern - it is one of my favorites. I love the tablerunner you are giving away and am hoping I win!
Sunshine and Shadows is my favorite Amish pattern. Happy New Year!
Sometimes I think I would so llike to live the Amish lifestyle. I like the 'work together to get it done' work ethic; where there are distinct roles for men and women. I'd love to attend a quilting bee. But then reality hits....life is hard work without our conveniences...I'd hate to have to clean the entire house from attic to basement each time 'meeting' was to be at my house :P Sorry to ramble. I do like your runner and envy the hand quilting you did on it...I have yet to try handquilting....
my favorite amish pattern: trip around the world, still on my wish list!
I like the simplicity, the closeness of family and friends. Also the working together to accomplish difficult tasks.
The closeness of the Amish community and the gentleness of the people. If only the world could use them as an example. This is a wonderful give away and congrulations on being a Christian. Blessings to you and your family.
my wife likes Sunshine and Shadows best. Thanks for the giveaway
Since of community, and how simple thier lives are.
I love the churn dash. Thanks for the beautiful giveaway.
I am not very familiar with the patterns, but I admire the Amish's sense of community. thank you
I Love the Sunshine & Shadows block!
The Amish self sufficient way of life is somrthing I greatly admire.
"What is your favorite aspect of the Amish lifestyle?" Their community to each other.
i love the churn dash.
I love your runner! As far as Amish blocks, probably the Churn Dash or a Log Cabin block. I love the commitment to their lifestyle..WOW in this day and time..AMAZING.
We just moved and are so close to lancaster co. so it is a new thing to be so close to the amish people and it is so neat. I love all the little booths of food and quilts and i love the furniture!
I like the churn dash
I too love the 'Shoo Fly' block. It is so simple, yet versatile. Is the horse part of the give away? (just kidding) Claire mckiernan@rogers.com
Simplicity is definitely a very attractive part of the Amish lifestyle.
Your giveaway is very nice and simple too!
Thanks for adding my name.
The Amish bars quilt, quilted with a different pattern of hand quilting in each bar. Your table runner & coasters are lovely. Angie
I love the shoo fly It is easy for a beginner like me.
Wow! Bren-you have really outdone yourself on this one.
Mmmmm...living here in PA myself-I could just picture you in an amish bonnet and dress at a quilting bee!
Oh! Darn it-I forgot to tell you what my favorite part of the Amish lifestyle I liked (I got sidetracked just picturing you as an Amish woman-sorry.)-anyway, I'm sure you knew this already-hanging out laundry all year long and not having ANY electricity!!! Simpicity.
I think the one I like is called barn, and they have a star I like
I love the simple way of life they have- they make time for family and God Happy New Year! mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
I love the sense of community they have. It seems to be on ebig famliy, I think that is great. More neighbor ought to be like that in regular nieghborhoods.
I just love Amish quilts. Your runner and coasters are just exquisite!
i don't know any amish quilt patterns....
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I lived in Lancaster, Pa. for years, in an Amish owned home. My heart breaks to return.
A few years ago a very sick man gunned down the children of some of my Amish friends in their school house. They opened their arms to the wife & children of the shooter. "Forgive as he forgave those who killed his son",I was told, as it lifted their hearts at a time when most would have felt revenage. That's what I love about them.
I visited Amish Country in Ohio in the year 2000. What I remember is the peace and beauty of it all. And the gardens!!!!
Hi please enter me in your give a way. The table runner and coaster are great! The thing I like the best about Amish life is the quietness of the area and the living off the earth. Thanks Sandy sandybun43@gmail.com
my favorite aspect of Amish life?
Hard to say----could be the natural gardening..... their quiet, gentle manner..... their refusal to conform to all the modern do-dads..... their roadside stands where they sell baked goods, vegetables and farm fresh eggs.....the horse & buggies...their quilting
I love the bright colors on black used.
I have seen an Amish Trip Around The World (or Sunshine and Shadows) that was just stunning! Thanks for entering me in your giveaway Bren!
The Amish star block is very nice. Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
I love the Sunshine and Shadows and I admire the simplicity of the Amish way of life.
I like the Amish Star pattern.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
The Shoo-fly is one of my favorite blocks ;)
I like Starspin.
Theresa N
this is adorable : ) I love their sense of community and family I wish more people would follow that
Oh, I LOVE Amish quilts and would be more than happy to win your beautiful table runner! Thanks for offering such a wonderful prize!
My favorite Amish pattern definitely is the Schoolhouse - and the Shoo-Fly, of course ;-)
Greetings from Germany,
I love that everything is so simple and hand made, they just really give up all the complicated stuff!
Greetings. The quiet pace of the Amish life looks so appealing compared to the ratrace the rest of us seem to run.
I love how devoted to family they are
My favourite Amish quilt pattern is Sunshine and Shadow. Thanks for hosting such a generous give away. My email address is dcg@nbnet.nb.ca.
I don't think I know any Amish patterns but the thing about their lifestyle I like is simplicity and homemade things.
My favorite Amish pattern is the churn dash, followed by square in a square.
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