Just a quick update to say I am fine. My family and friends got worried when I took a break. I figured I would put my Aunt Pete at ease by posting a few pics along with a few words. I have been very busy with the usual daily stuff, but have also been working hard on my sister's quilt. I got it marked....
...and several hoop fulls quilted.
I really want to get this done soon...I have given myself 6 weeks. I also got some fabrics washed and was able to buy 2 of my absolute favorite battings...Quilter's Dream Cotton. Nothing better!
I have spent some wonderful quality time with my grandkids. I had them for 8+ hours on Sunday and loved every second of it. TJ was not still long enough for a photo shoot, but Emerson had no choice! I took them both to church and they were fantastic! Lunch time was fun time!.JPG)

After a full belly, a 2 1/2 hour nap was welcome! We had more play time later though!
Kyle, Charlotte, and Zach are doing well too. The little kids are working with me on the church library. It is a HUGE project and will take a lot more time than I thought. I originally thought we could get it done in a week, working a couple of hours every morning. Well, it will take more than double that! The most difficult part is choosing what books stay and what books go. I will have to pray hard on that one. I am not at all about burning books, but a church library should have a standard.
Sweetheart is working on the basement remodel. He is installing a custom ceiling....I will show you when it is finished. He is pretty pleased with it, but it is taking a lot more work and time than he thought.
I am studying in the book of James. I thought I would leave you with a passage that is key when going through ANY kind of trial...(most people do not realize this verse is referring to times of trial).
" So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."
Bren~ So glad to hear you are doing well. I think everyone needs a blogging break now and then. Your stitching on your sisters quilt is just beautiful. Hope to see more posts after your break.
Bren, Emerson just keeps getting cuter and cuter. So glad you had a good Sunday with the grandkids. Your sister's quilt is going to be so stunning. You may have a hard time turning loose of it. LOL Good luck with the church library. Thank you for the scripture. That is a good one. Take care, my friend. Winona
Beautiful work going on there on the quilt.
Glad your enjoying the quiet time.
Steve and I did a church library so a5 years or so ago. It was on an old kapro computer. It was a glorified type writer with a four inch monitor. The precursor to the lap top.
Good fortune to you. Those are hard choices.
Your quilting is absolutely gorgeous! Glad you had a delightful time with your grandkids. Very cute pics.
With all that you do, a blogging break is a good thing to do every now and then. Your hubby has been working hard around the house. Is the basement the last room he has to do?
Your quilt is beautiful, I'm sure your sister will love it--your quilting stitches are so nice! Emerson is a cute little baby!!!
Your quilting is beautiful. And Emerson gets cuter everyday.
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