Friday, July 31, 2009

Buildeth Her House

No post for Feminine Friday this week, as Valencia is having her 1 year blog anniversary. It has been a full week of wonderful posts...lots of prizes she is giving away too. You can click here to join the party and wish Valencia a happy Anniversary!!
Though I am wearing one of my favorite skirts today...soft, flowing rayon...I will wait to show you another day. Like I said, I do not wear dresses only, and will wear jeans around the house. I feel better in a skirt and top or a dress, but there are days I throw on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I came downstairs on one of those days last week and Sweetheart said, "It is good to see you out of uniform once in a while!"
Have a blessed weekend. I will be battling baskets, though I am seeing a knock out coming up soon!


Sandy said...

Just wanted you to know that I enjoyed your Home Management Binder/Homemanagement in a Box post and that I also read and love Emile Barnes! I got married in 1982
and got that book soon after. I forgot to mention her in my blog today.
You are another one that I am not as organized as, but wish I was.
I am not a quilter. My grandma and both of my husband's grandmas were, and our son and we all have their quilts as our favorite bedspreads, now.
We sent my son's favorite, which is suppose to be my husband's from his grandma, to my mom to try to repair. I wish you were close by to send it to you!

Crispy said...

LOL my sweetheart always says that I clean up good in the rare cases where I dress up LOL.
