It has been several days since my last post. I am still here and have been dealing with some life issues. While I share a little of my heart here, I thought I would also share these cool pictures. My mom sent me an e-mail that showed these awesome photos of a Church in England. It has been remodeled into a home. What would it be like to LIVE in a church? Not sure I could dig the cemetery in my front yard......but the inside is beautiful. Look at this entryway. When I moved back to my hometown, 9 years ago, I sought out a church immediately. I found a good one and stayed there for 3 years. While in this church we adopted Charlotte and Zachary. It was a place of friendships, worship, growth and love. Unknowingly, it was also a place of sin. It was a sad day when the Pastor announced he had been taking money and was losing his credentials for a time. The church dissolved and people scattered to other churches.
Isn't this living area incredible? I looked for another church too, but had some trouble finding just the right one. I ended up at a large 2000 membership church, where my son's future wife got saved....it was a great church and my son and his wife were married there. Too bad that the womb found out we attended there. We had to leave.
I really dislike finding a church home. So much so, that I ended my search and just stayed home for a couple of years.
That wouldn't be a problem in this church home!! It was a problem here, however. I need a church. I can blame each member of my family for that, but I won't....
I am not disciplined enough to church myself. Plus I need to be around other believers, and my children LOVE church!!
So I found Pine Grove. It has been a nice church. Wonderful people. A sweet spirit. The most giving group of believers you will ever find. Still, when it came to membership I found I could not join.
There are scriptural standards that are important to me that were not there. I discussed them with the Pastor, and came to the conclusion that this lack of standards is not something I can live with. My daughter is seeing it and asking questions, and it will not be long before our own standards are lowered to a place of unholy lifestyle (Galatians 6:1).
So, here I am again. Unchurched. Did I mention I really dislike looking for a home church? I feel like a church-hopper. Not something I believe in at all. It is a huge burden to find just the right church for your family. I know.....let the Lord lead you. I have no idea why He is not leading me to the right church.
I plan to start looking right away. I do not want to fall into that hole of staying home again. It is so easy to do!
Off that subject, the kids are doing well. Home school has changed a bit. I have Anya full time and Alphia is being home schooled by her Mom. It is working well. Alphia still comes down for afternoon read aloud and on Fridays Cindy and I will co-teach the girls Bible study.
I am finished with the last little miniature I showed you. Even the binding is attached to the front! I plan to cut and piece another one today.
The kids have doctors appointments this afternoon for check ups. Other than that it is a cold dreary day. As I told a dear friend yesterday, our joy is not found in the sun, but in the SON, whose light shines upon us everyday!

Bren, not only are you correct in that you cannot "church" yourself, God commands that we involve ourselves in a church - Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together - Hebrews 11:25. So you are right to make sure you have a church home! :)
Having said that, I'm sorry you're having to look for another church to attend, but I do think you're wise to consider what Charlotte is seeing with the lower standards where you were attending. I pray you will find a good church that is preaching and living biblically.
I love the pics of the church made into a home! It's been made so beautiful, but much too big for us - but that doesn't stop me from looking at those pics and dreaming! LOL
Bren, I will be praying that you find a church home. I am in the same situation here. I am still looking. I found a church that I like but no nursery. I have Jak on Sundays often. So on those Sundays I stay home. It is hard to go back on the next Sunday. I go alone so it is really hard! I can't go to the ladies Bible study. That is on Tuesdays and once again no nursery.
I love the last sentence in your post. His light shines upon us everyday...Hallelujah! Many blessings, Karen
Bren, that church made a beautiful home, but way to big for us. It would take all of my time just to keep it clean. (grin) I will pray for you to find a church home. It is not easy to do. Have a great day. Winona
Last year my husband announced that God was leading us to a new church. I was sooooooooo happy in our church I was like umm leading YOU maybe? Not me! But of course I stepped out on faith and went, and it took over a year to really see the final result of obeying this call and we are extremely happy now! God has somewhere for you, I can't wait to see where it is and how he leads you to arrive there, it will be exciting! Don't look at it as something dreadful, enjoy the journey getting there!
xoxo melzie
PS what advice would you give me when I am really wanting to begin looking into homeschooling but my husband is not on board with it whatsoever? (any advice from your other commenters welcome too!)
I can really relate Bren, and am praying that you are quickly led to a wonderfull church home!
My own personal advice is that unless your husband is in agreement, you should not homeschool. Now if God wants you to homeschool (which I personally believe He wants His children to do...just my own opinion) then pray for God to speak to your husband about it. Get information on homeschool to share with him and maybe have some homeschooling friends talk to him. Prayer, though, is the key.
I've been praying for you this week with your tough decisions. Still praying that the Lord will lead you to a new home church.
Berean Wife
The pictures are incredible! I would LOVE to live there.
We are in the same boat with churches right now. Our last church fell apart and all the members drifted away. We went church looking for a while, but I also hate that. Always the new person, not knowing anyone or anything about the church. Now, we have just stopped. ::sigh::
This church home is pretty but it seems cold to me and I wouldn't want to live in it.
I have been where you are so many times. I am in the same place right now. We've had to find church homes so many times as we've moved from place to place. At present, we're attending our daughter's church which is 2 miles away, occasionally. It isn't our church home. When we lived here before, we had a wonderful church home but it is further away than it was then and we feel we need something closer. So, we're praying to be led where God wants us to serve.
Mama Bear
Bren~ Will keep you all in my prayers that A Church will be found soon. I know how hard it is to not have a Church home that you feel comfortable about. glad to hear that the kids are doing good.
Hi Bren. I read your blog often and love it. :) With regards to church, we are a military family, and that is the one thing I wish I could not do. Everything else is mostly easy, but finding that right church can take some time...and we move a lot. Overseas, we haven't been to church because a lot of them are "politically correct". They are great, but not what we want. I do know that finding a good one is better than none at all... :) Best of luck in your search!
To Melzie, I agree with what Bren says, and definitely do not push this on him. My husband wasn't against my homeschooling the kids, but it was something neither of us have done or been through and there were lots of questions. Soo, I did like we always do before a move, and I researched a TON. I showed him pamphlets, I observed a family member homeschooling, talked about pros/cons and then he could say yes or no. ((I didn't pounce on him and say "So what do you think?" I gave him time to tell me.)) Every year it has been my decision since, but he gives his input...which is sooo very needed. And if he did tell me to stop, I would. Homeschooling was an adjustment, for me for sure, but after a while I got in my "groove" and it's going wonderfully. He loves seeing the kids grow and learn. Plus, he's the "Principal"-lol-so they know Daddy knows all. :)
love you
Beautiful pictures of the church turned into a home. How would it be to have those stained glass windows in your bathroom!
(Also, the picture of the house that shows on your Christmas countdown? I think that house is located near where I live. They put on a light show for several years and we always went to see it.)
I see you are having your trials & tribulations. Not my kind of problems, but I sympathise with your needs, & hope you find what you seek.
I send you love & hugs, Bren.
The church home is beautiful. I wish you luck in finding your new "home".
Go to mormon.org and find a church near you. It is a wonderful church with very high standards.
I so agree with you on this post in many ways......love the church that has been turned into a home (beautiful!), love being part of a church body, but it is so hard to find a church family and stay there for years. I will be praying for you as you search. I just finished a book entitled "Why We Love the Church" which was wonderful on this subject. Blessings on you! I enjoy your blog daily!
Praying for God's wisdom and guidance. :)
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