I spend the day after Thanksgiving the same way every year. Doing whatever I want!! This usually means sewing, or reading or watching movies...most of the time it is a combination of the three.
Our thanksgiving was wonderful as always. I did not get many pictures. I was too busy enjoying the day. I forgot to bring my camera out until the day was almost over.
Sorry for the blurry pics. I really need a new camera. My 8 year old niece, Casey, made turkey headbands for everyone. She had a STACK of them. Bud and Rachel look cute in theirs.
The little kids got Kyle to color with them for a while.
Kyle is a great big brother, but an even better Uncle!!!
Emerson adores him, as does TJ. Emerson loved her new dolly.
The little kids got Kyle to color with them for a while.
Looks like you had a great day! I'm sewing today also, no shopping for me!! Have Fun! Libby
p.s. Did Rachel get a new hairstyle? It looks GREAT! I'm dying to see more of it!
That's my kind of day! Enjoy yourself!
Enjoy your day! I never did Black Friday sales when I lived in the US, and I'm sure not doing them now - the waits at the border crossings on this day are hours - yes, that is plural - hours long. Even at 4:00 in the morning. Then there's the wait coming back into Canada - again, hours long. There's no deal good enough for that! LOL
Same here- I decided I did not want to go anywhere today, not even to the grocery store (and I need groceries) tomorrow will do just fine. I took a walk with my sweetheart and a nice afternoon nap. Trying to convince myself to mop the floors next...
PS Rachel looks darling with dark hair!
No shopping for me either, those people are nuts waiting all night to buy something, I'd rather pay full price. Your Thanksgiving gathering looks so wonderful...I miss my family boo hoo LOL.
I am so glad you had a nice day today
I don't shop on Black Friday either. I try to finish my Christmas shopping much earlier since I shop all year. I had the gifts wrapped for son and family to take back to Texas with them. They shopped for us while they were here and wrapped those so no one has to mail packages this year. Saved a bunch of money that way.
I know how much cooking you did for your family so having Friday to do what you please is a good thing.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Mama Bear
I spend the Friday after Christmas the same way.......doing whatever I want to do, but no shopping. Isn't it wonderful?! Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for your blog. I enjoy reading it each day. Blessings!
Bren~ No Black Friday shopping for me either. Friday is my regular grocery shopping day and I postponed it until Saturday just to avoid the people trying to buy some kind of discounted garbage!! Only 19 more days till Mattie comes home and I am ready right now!!!!
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, ours was wonderful as well...
G'eve Bren ~ Nor do I do BF ... it is my time to sort of relax & play ... & get ready for the other 1/2 of the family arriving on Saturday.
Please follow/join me @ our new blog ... the old one had issues.
Hope you had a lovely holiday.
TTFN ~Marydon
Bren, that photo of Kyle with Emerson is so lovely. How proud & loving he looks with her sweet little person! Lovely to see all the pics.
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