We have had a very fun weekend! The kids mixed up the cookie dough to be chilled for cut out cookies. (forgive the out of focus pics)

I made homemade soup for dinner and TJ rolled all those crescent rolls himself. He said "We should make a video on cooking, Grandma, cause we are good cookers."

I am terrible at cleaning up as you go. This drives my husband craaaaazy. Tj helped me out a with some dish washing.

After dinner, we got to work on those cookies. It was a blast. They all had such fun!

There ya go, Dani!!! You love those red hot cookies. I think it would take a gallon of milk to get those down!!! TJ tells me they are really good, as his eyes are watering down his cheeks!

TJ's tin of cookies are ready to go home with him!
As for the quilts.....I have #8 in the hoop. The most recent finish, is one of my favorites.

I love these spools and they will make a nice wallhanging for a special somebody's sewing area. I free-handed some "thread" in the borders......

Does it look like thread??? I know I already showed you this one, but I never got a good pic of it. I just love the texture and I had not even washed it yet. (it is in the dryer now)

And another recent finish......

No, I am not sick of baskets! I love the folk-art colors here.
All in all, I am happy with what I have accomplished in the short time I had.

Two have already been gifted, and the 5 above will be shipped out this week. The one in the hoop (not shown yet) should be done early this week sometime. There is alot of hand quilting to be done on it, but I am so motivated.
Remember how I said I do not clean up as I go in the kitchen? Well, the same can be said for the sewing room!

Notice the toy snakes?? TJ spent some time with me last night!

I promise this room will be spotlessly cleaned and organized before dark today!!!
I will be back tomorrow with a post written by my mom....her favorite Kyle moments.
TJ is getting to be such a big boy!!! I've never tried red hot cookies....do I want to???? ;)
Things are very Christmas-y at your place!
Lots of cookie fun going on! I need a TJ to clean up after me while I cook.
I love that spool quilt, Bren! All of them are beautiful, but that one is so pretty!
You motivate me to get stuff done!
Your cookie making looks like soo much fun!! And as always your handwork is beautiful!!! My sewing room looks alot like yours,only instead of toy snakes mine has batman all over it!!
Have a great day!
My kitchen is the area that looks like a bomb went off in there. I've been working hard on my Cookie Exchange and my kitchen looks it.
I have decided to quilt again. I owe my other children their special quilts too. I'm waiting for January, so I have the money to purchase the material I need. Thank you for encouraging me.
O.K. Can I just say, your quilting is simply beautiful! Love every one of them (especially the spools)! As you saw on my blog, we lo-ove the one you sent us.
Red hot cookies? Pretty sure I would have many tears if I ate one. HOT!! Too hot for me.
Have fun in your sewing room ~ cleaning up! :)
looks like a great time! :)
Mmmmm, SPICEY COOKIES!!! Just how I like them! Lots of red hots, lots of milk!
Ooo, perty! It looks like thread to me, Bren! Thanks for sharing photos of all your projects. It reminds me I have some of my own I need to get going. If I don't my nieces wont have any gifts from me :)
So much good cooking and quilting fun going on there! The cookies look kid-errific and the quilts are gorgeous.
I't nice to see that you do sometimes have mess. I have been following your blog for a while now and have been amazed at your organisation and housekeeping. Your messy sewing room made my day lol
Bren~ I just love the colors and design of the spools mini quilt. I will be doing work in my craft room today also though mine is way more messier than yours. Good luck to you.
The kids look like they had a lot of fun. I'm a clean as I go kinda gal, but it's mostly just rinsing things good and keeping counters clean. Dishes are always done the next morning :o).
Your mini quilts are beautiful. What fun the kids had making cookies..reminds me of when my girls were little.
Hahahaha - looks a lot like my house!!! ;) I love all of your mini's...the spools are a good idea, I might have to borrow it and make one for someone too!
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