The window front had this beautiful display...
Stunning. Of course, after 3 cups of coffee, the 70 minutes in the car, white knuckling it and stepping on that imaginary brake, I had to find the bathroom! Really Coleen is a good driver and I was more than safe. Even the restroom was decorated with an antique hand quilted butterfly quilt...circa 1930.
Now you know I love pink and brown together, but would you look at the RED, pink and brown combo....I LOVE IT!!! It is a Moda Jelly Roll....I may have to go back and get it.
Cindy, the owner was a delightful lady...a grandma like me, but she looks younger...who has been away from her beautiful shop for the last year fighting cancer. She found out in just the beginning of this month that she is officially in remission!! Praise God! She was so sweet and helpful. She just oozed hospitality. Cindy had a section of her store dedicated to 1930's repo fabrics and quilts. It was a wonderful room. Here is one end....
....and here is the other...
The quilts in this room were incredible....JPG)

Antique toys lined the tops of the shelves and the atmosphere in this room was so "1930 farmhouse". What a wonderful experience.
I will certainly be going back soon. Alas, my time here had ended...we were starving and it was after 2pm.
If you are ever near Belvidere, IL, stop in and see Cindy!
I noticed a pink flyer in the window as I was leaving and it had Bonnie Hunter's name on it....I was too far away to read it, but maybe she will be visiting Cindy's store in the near future.
What did you say???? Oh, you wanted to see what I bought? Well we made a trip to The Quilter's General Store after lunch.
(This is an OLD picture...the grass is covered in snow now!)

My purchases from both quilt stores ended up to be....
6 fat 1/8ths,
gorgeous homespuns,
and 3 fat quarters in a gorgeous gold (for my Harvest Sky) from All My Stitches, and from The General Store I bought a new pattern (measures 42x42 and I think it will look great over my fireplace)...
...and some stencils. I also grabbed a couple of emery boards with quilt patterns on them just for fun.

Most of the time we were in the General Store, I had this book in my hands...
I have wanted this book FOREVER! It is 27.00 and I had Christmas money...why not. I carried it and carried it (It was the only copy they had). Finally Coleen said, "You know I have that book and you can borrow it." Well, good grief....I should have know she would have it...she has close to 300 quilting books!! That is her thing. So I put it back, and grabbed the pattern, which she had too, so maybe we will do it together. Today, she brought the book to church for me and the dream begins....maybe you will see a newly designed sewing space very soon. Or I can just dream....

Oh Bren, you just had me drooling. What a wonderful quilt store. I love, love the pattern you bought. So very cute. You got some great fabrics. Loved them all. By the way, thank you so much for introducing me to the blogging world. I have already gotten such nice welcomes. I plan to email everyone if I can figure it out. I am sure I will be coming to you for help numerous times.LOL Glad you had so much fun yesterday. Talk to you later. Winona
Bren~ You lucky lady, what a great shop. I live in a town of over 200,000 people and only one shop like that...maybe I will have to make a trip to Illinois!! Loved all the fabrics and the patern...can't wait to see it finished.
Lovely day out, even if you had white knuckles! It is funny, when I read that, as I have just posted about my white knuckled trips.
That shop of Cindy's looks fabulous!
What a beautiful quilt shop, and I love the name! I don't you love those little emory boards? I get one every time I visit my local quilt shop. I love everything you purchased, especially the new pattern and stencils. So, I see a sewing room makeover in your future?
What a fun Saturday adventure!! That pattern is beautiful!
It is nice to have dreams :) I would have loved to be with you in that store.
What lovely things! Just the cover picture on that book is enough to make my mouth fun. I can't wait to see if you're inspired to redo your sewing room.
I love shop hops! Especially on cold winter days! Glad you had a good time!
Oh gosh!!!! If I am ever blessed enough to visit you again Bren, we have to go....please take me!!!
What a fabulous store and I love all that you bought...can't wait to see what you do with it!
Beautiful pictures! I'll have to send you an email with some pics of a couple of quilt tops that I have. They were made by my grandmother, and I took them to a local quilt shop (before it closed!) to see if they could tell me how old they were and help me learn how to quilt them according to the era they are from. Turns out they are vintage fabrics from the 30s through the 50s. The ladies were drooling over them! So I think you might like to see them. One of them is similar to the butterfly quilt you saw in the quilt shop.
Spent some time catching up on last weeks posts! I really enjoyed your trip through the quilt stores and that book on creating your own spaces looks wonderful! I'll be creating my own craft room soon - I don't quilt but I do other crafts and a well organized room (anything actually) always makes me smile! that I have wiped my chin...:)
Wow what a wonderful little slice of fabric heaven.
I love that pattern!
Did you see the topper on my cutting table. Just right there to inspire me. It ties the kitchen and studio together nicely.
I think I may faint from that 1930's room!! So gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your new sewing room. Isn't it such a blessing to be married to a good man??
- Vanessa
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