My weekend was full of fun and laughing and squealing grand kids!! I was in a slight panic cause Emerson is on real foods. She has 6 teeth and does very well, but feeding time was going to be a hold your breath experience for me. I decided to throw Emerson's foods in this little chopper my Mother in love bought me. It is AWESOME!!!!
Start with big chunks of peaches (perfect size for lodging in a almost 1 year old throat!) and some chunky dinner....lots of peas and chicken....
Give it a quick whirl and there ya go....choke resistant foods for at Grandma's house!!!
I did leave some texture for her. Rachel is going to think I am nuts!!!! Oh well...Emerson ate good all weekend....chicken pasta dinner, fruits, Grandma's spaghetti and mac and cheese!

She was looking for me over the top of the camera but could not quite see me.

There I am!!! She is talking like crazy! Bye-Bye, Da-Da, Whats that?, Yeah, Sssssssew (when she needs a diaper change), and I swear she says Paw-Paw!! Her new thing is she wrinkles up her nose and breaths in and out VERY loudly! She also has taken to "growling"! She is no longer in her walker or saucer seat. She climbs out :( She is climbing up to everything. Her daddy did not walk til 14 months and I think she will be the same. That is just FINE!!!
I was able to get some pics of TJ this time around. He played on the slip and slide with Zach on Saturday.
And he played with Legos for hours!!
Emerson loved the plastic Easter eggs!!!
And we blew bubbles and played outside.
They go home this morning, sometime. I have had a wonderful weekend with them!
I received an envelope in the mail containing a recent win. Valencia had a blog anniversary giveaway and I won some wall art.
This one says, "Friends are the flowers that bloom in life's garden" I put it in my guest bathroom. The other set is going in my master bath, I think. Thank you, Valencia!!
Even with kiddos here, I did manage a little bit of quilting time on Sunday afternoon. I needed to figure out a motif or pattern to hand quilt in the solid 3 inch squares of the larger basket blocks.

Nothing I had would work, so I free-handed a flower in each one. I had 4 to do, as those blocks were already quilted. I did all 4 plus another small basket block.
Thank goodness all flowers are not the same!! Well that is enough for today. After the babies go home, I am going to relax. Yes, relax......well maybe my hands won't relax!!
Bren~ Your stitching is just gorgeous. Loved all the pictures. Emerson sure is growing. Don't they seem to grow up so fast.Have a wonderful week...
Wow, such tiny stitches.
Emerson is growing up and looking more like a little girl than a baby. I had a similar item when our foster children were babies. I made them food from what we were eating. I'm sure she loved it.
Sounds like a fun but tiring weekend.
Rest now and stitch.
Mama Bear
Isn't it grand having the grandbabies for the weekend? Looks like you all had a wonderful time, esp. the kids :)
Still drooling over your quilting.
Have a wonderful week
Little Emerson is just darling!
Man, you amaze me how quickly you quilt! Lots and lots of practice, I guess :)
Bren, looks like we both got some grandma time in this weekend. (grin) I'll bet you will sleep good tonight. I love playing with the grandbabies, but they sure wear me out. LOL Your basket quilt is looking beautiful! That little flower is perfect in the squares. Have a good night. Winona
I am smiling from ear to ear reading your post and looking at your pictures. It seems like you and the kids had a really good time. Emmerson is growing SO fast! TJ and Zach look like they are having a good time, too. I love the one of Zach holding emmerson, so cute!
Bren Don't you just love the mini blender. My husband has trouble swallowing and I use mine a lot. Grandkids are so much fun. But they are the kids we can send home. But it is a good tired. Chris
Oh Bren, I'm so jealous of the time you get to spend with the grands. The kids are growing so quickly and that little Emerson just makes me smile.
Did gramma try the slip 'n slide?
Oh - Love your free form flower motif!!
Emerson is so cute. Your quilting is great.
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