Friday, August 14, 2009

Our Day At The Park


Crispy said...

Well darn, I can't watch video's on my pokey dial-up. I'm sure you had a wonderful time :0)


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun day. I know it is hot there. We haven't had a picnic in a while. One of the things I look forward to in the Fall. Too hot, now.
Hope your weekend is a good one.
Mama Bear

Sewing Junkie said...

Looks like Fun. My grandkids are going to Great America tomorrow. So they will be having fun too. Summer almost over and the last hurrah before School. Chris

Coleen said...

Looks like everyone was having fun.
Was that Kim I saw going up the slide?

Andrea Cherie said...

Awesome job on the video, Bren!

That park is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your family adventure!

Carolina Girl said...

Awwww, what a nice day! Now you have me wanting to go on a picnic at the park, too. :)

Donetta said...

That was cool. Loved the music too.

julieQ said...

I am so glad you all had a great time. Love the video!

Niki said...

Wonderful Day! Loved the pics