The set up for my pressing space is perfect, though portable.
I can not find any fault in this new set up. Though the sewing table, pressing table, and cutting table do not form a triangle (the perfect set up) it is very convenient. It was nice when Sweetheart was at the computer and I was at my machine. We could just look over and chat to each other. My time at the machine did not come without problems. I was to make 8 of these sections (or so I thought)
Just before piecing section number 6, I noticed something was off. Upon reading the directions, (no, I had not read the directions) I found these were to be 4 of the above pictured and 4 of a mirror image. Ok, not to late, I saved it before it was a complete loss. So I re cut 2, and piece a mirror image. HOW it ended up wrong I will never know (it is really not suppose to be a mirror image is the "HOW"), but when I flipped it over it was the same as the first 4...this time I did all 4 before seeing I had made a mistake. OK, soooo, I pull the book over and do it from the picture. Finally I have 4 of each of these....
Did I mention this is not the first time I have made this block? And that the first time I made the exact same mistake? Some people never learn!!! So finally I end up with 4 of each of these sets...
To make 4 of these....
I ended up happy with this as an outcome of all the frustration and wasted fabric (unless of course I make another one in exactly the same fabrics).
The design wall has been a God send! I would have never been able to lay all these blocks out on the floor and maintain some semblance of a plan. So, today I will finish the last 2 blocks and put the top together, sans borders. I still need to go out and buy the fabric and that is not happening in this weather!!
Before the cold came in, we had the pleasure of an evening with our oldest son and his beautiful family. Little Emerson is a dolly!! Full of smiles and flirt!She is beginning to understand the "black box" and after the flash gives a huge smile....I said after the flash.
TJ wanted to help me with dinner so he put on an apron and became "a cooker"!!
We made a meat loaf together. He added all the ingredients into the bowl....
Once all the "stuff" was in the bowl, Grandma showed him how we mix it all up with our, just washed, hands.
Yeah, he wasn't too thrilled with the feel of raw meat. Look at that face....
It got done though and was delicious. He is a great "cooker".
We played a round of Phase 10 after dinner. Rachel is pretty competitive...look at this face she is giving her father-in-law just before she skunks him!!!!
TJ tried his hand at photography and did quite well. His muse...the Yahtzee can.
He played a round of Yahtzee with us too, He sat on Paw Paw's lap and blew on the dice before he rolled them out. I think they won!
It is time to start my day. Housekeeping, homeschool, and quilting, in that order. For those of you who are in this deep freeze with me, stay warm and safe...for those of you running barefoot in green grass (Cheryl...) go barefoot for me too!!!
It's COLD here this morning too... cold for us okie's anyways. (like 20 degrees F) I wish I could stay home, but I have one errand I HAVE to runt today for our business, and a couple more I might as well do since I'll be out. I only want to g out once today!
Oh Bren, and I thought it was cold here at -11*. Brrr! Can't even imagine -25*. Your stars are very pretty. I have done the same thing. That reversing pieces gets me every time. I usually have to sit with the pattern open right beside me for every single block. LOL TJ looks like a natural cook. Our Izzie does the same thing, smiles after the flash. Emerson is as cute as a button. Stay warm, my friend. They say warmer air is coming in for us, so hopefully it will get to you too.Winona
I love your sewing tables, they look so cozy. And TJ, he's a cutie. My husband name is TJ. Maybe I'm just partial to them TJ's.
Don't freeze up there!!! Good time for some family fun.
Beautiful quilt, say I read an article about making quilts for the windows. In Russia we had sub zeros they always had wool rugs and tapestries on the windows. Just a thought. Keep cuddled. Love you
Sounds like you had a wonderful time staying warm. TJ looks like a great cooker. Hopefully he'll want to keep helping you cook.
Great job on the sewing room redo! It's a great place for sewing.
The quilt blocks are beautiful....and it's encouraging for me to hear the mistakes you made. It makes me not quite so nervous to give quilting a try.
Ummmmm......dare I say this....not only did Will play outside today in bare feet, he also was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. And Dani and I went for a bike ride at 4:30 this evening and it was perfect!!!! Snuggle up with your loved ones and enjoy the cozy time together!
Nice to think of you all tucked up & safely at home when it is so bitterly cold! Lovely pics.
The star blocks are beautiful.
Sounds like wonderful family time :-) Your quilt is turning out wonderfully! We are cold here at -12, but you are still colder... I pray it warms up soon, the doors to my van are frozen shut.
Brrrrr!!! Stay warm!
What a beautiful quilt you have started, and what a cute little cooker, too! ;-)
Hi Bren, sorry it's been so long but I am battling a horrible cold and been really busy with Josh and Haylie and all that entails!
Wow! It's cold where you are...brr!
My mother-in-law is in IL and she said it has been VERY cold!!
We have been in the mid 80's all this last week with high winds-yuck!
Such strange weather!
The quilt looks so pretty and I can't believe how grown up everyone is getting there!
Have a blessed week friend!
Brrr, continue to stay indoors enjoying your family. We don't want you to freeze. BTW I have something for you on my blog. Pop on over when you have a minute. Have a great day! Em
The children are adorable. What a great little helper.
Your new sewing room looks great! Have fun. I wish I had room for a design wall, but since I quilt in the basement it isn't so easy. Maybe some day I will figure out a way to have one. Enjoy yours!
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