TJ and Emerson have not been here in a few days. Daddy said he is having "TJ and Emerson withdraws". We have not seen them since Sunday! Saturday Emerson had her friend over to play. Her name is Zoey and she is my friend Anya's niece.
Emerson loves Zoey, but Zoey was scared of Emerson. Emerson LOVES pop bottles!
TJ spent the night that night. He took a bath with Zachary and was shivering cold when he got out. Isn't he cute? I love to be an Aunt.
We made some chocolate chip cookies this week and then some oatmeal raisin, which are my favorites. Grandma gave my mom some red rubber cookie sheets. They feel weird.
The cookies were good!
Today is my laundry day. I always sort and bring down my own laundry and I always put it in the dryer and then put it away, but today I got to use the washer too. I need to get use to the soap. It poured out too fast. I don't know when my mom will be back to her blog. She planted our garden the other day and she has been sewing a lot. Her sewing room is a mess.
I like these quilt blocks she is making.
She is making another green one right now. She said to tell you hi. She wants me to finish this, so I am going to go play outside with Zachary.
What a lovely post Charlotte. I enjoyed hearing what you are doing. I agree with your mom, the wash cloth is perfect. I know she appreciated it. You did a beautiful job making it. The pictures of Emerson are so cute. My grandson Jak loves Gatorade bottles. Isn't that a coincidence? TJ does look a little chilly. I bet you are a great aunt. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing your day. :) Karen
Great post, Charlotte! You are a natural blogger!:) I like the dish cloth that you made for your mom. I have wanted to learn to crochet for a while now, but I don't have anyone to teach me. I am looking for a good book or video to learn from. The cookies that you guys made look yummy! Tell your mom that her blog friends miss her and that we hope to see her soon!
Great post, Charlotte! You are following in your mom's footsteps. You made her a great dishcloth - much better than I could do, since I don't know how to knit! Thank you for telling us about your week, and tell your mom hi and I miss her!
Hi Charlotte, You are a natural born writer. Good Job!! I have the same crocked washcloth problems. I think I lose count so the rows are different sizes. LOL
The cookies look really good.
Nice post Charlotte.
I am so glad you helping your mom with the blog updates. Planting a garden is hard work.
You tell your mom hello for me precious.
Charlotte~ You did a wonderful job posting, really liked all the pictures. Washcloths are always a hard thing for me they always seem to be a bit wonky. I just tell people that they may not be perfect but that they were made with love! You tell your Mom that Joann in California said "hi" right back at ya!!!
Hello Miss Charlotte, You did a wonderful job on your mom's washcloth. No wonder she is so proud of it. I would be too. Isn't crocheting fun? You'll soon be whipping stuff out right and left. (grin) I do believe you are a natural blogger. Great job. I am sure your mom appreciated you pointing out her messy sewing room. LOL Please tell her hi for me. Have a good day. Thank you for filling in for your mom. Winona
What a sweet sweet girl! and your washcloth is GREAT!! Keep up the good work! I'll bet you are a super Aunt! and your little nephew and niece will remember the fun that they have with you! I always remember you and your family in my prayers! Libby from Georgia
Beautiful washcloth Charlotte!! Sounds like you are a big helper with TJ and Emerson, and chores. Your moms blocks are very pretty!!
Dearest Charlotte,
Thank you so much for blogging and letting us know what is going on in your home. I think your dishcloth is beautiful! Your crochet work is getting better and better. Keep up the good work!
Much love and give your mom a hug for me - Copperswife
Charlotte, your stitches look so nice and even, great job! Getting a perfect square can be quite frustrating. Keep working at it, you're doing great!
Oh yummy, the chocolate chip cookies look so good. That is one of my most favorite cookies!
Keep up the good work on your crocheting!
I think you will soon be wanting a blog of your own :-) It's lovely that you enjoy being an aunt although I bet they annoy you sometimes - lol ! Your crochet is lovely. I was about your age when I started doing sewing and crafty stuff although I could knit when I was 6. I look forward to your next post xx
Awesome washcloth, Charlotte! And those cookies look so yummy!
Hello Charlotte!
Thanks letting us know what you and your Mom have been up to. You post was wonderful and I loved the pictures.
Say HI to your Mom for me.
Many Blessings :)
Well, I don't blog as often as i'd like but what a treat it was to sign on today and read your post, Charlotte! You are a sweetie! I love the washcloth you made and those cookies...yum~o! I hope to read more from you someday. Say "hi" to Mom for me! Hope you all have a fun holiday weekend!
Well, hello Charlotte,
Your post was very good. I am a crocheter too. I guess that is the way one spells it. My grandmother tried to teach me when I was about your age but I really didn't learn until I was married with children of my own. I've made a couple of washcloths. It doesn't matter if they're square or not, they are great to use anyway. Yours sure is pretty.
You are a very good helper to do your own laundry. That is a big help to your MOM.
Tell her we miss her but understand. I've been moving so I'm not posting as much myself.
Mama Bear
Charlotte, you did a wonderful job on your washcloth. I was your age when my grandmother taught me how to crochet. Those cookies sure do look yummy.
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