Mama. Have you ever heard a sweeter word? Me neither. Yesterday, I told you how Charlotte came to join our family. Today I will tell you about Zach. The biological womb just happened to be pregnant again when we took Charlotte into our home. That would make 4 in total. The first two were already adopted out. One out of state and one in the family. Both had been taken before 6 months. I hoped they could find a good home for this 4th baby! The baby was born the end of July and from what we heard, he was ok. Even though he had cocaine in the umbilical cord, it was not in his body (meaning no drug use for 48 hours before birth). New baby, new day. That is the law here. The biological womb and her vampire took the baby home. (do I sound a little bitter?) After one day, the womb disappeared with the baby. A health department nurse had been to visit on the first day and the womb asked her "If the belly button comes off, will milk come out?" On day 3 they found the womb and baby outside a shelter in 100 degree heat, the womb screaming obscenities at the infant. When taken, his umbilical cord was gone and an infection was in it's place. Zach was placed in a bridge home. DCFS (Dept. of Children and Family Services) had talked to us previously about taking him. There was really NO way I could, right? I mean I am old and this little girl needs SO much of me. It would not be fair to her. Well, Charlotte had to go every other week for visits with the womb, the vampire and the new baby at the DCFS building. They were supervised visits and most of the time ended up cancelled. By the end of January the vampire was in jail and the womb never showed up for scheduled visits. DCFS wanted to have a visit between the siblings. The regular driver was sick and I was asked if I could drive Charlotte to the visit and pick her up. I did not have to do this but said I would. When I got there they said the lady who was to supervise was out on an emergency, could I please sit in on the visit. Oh, Come ON!!! I did NOT want to see that baby. Ok...I can do this. I just will NOT hold him. I had been pressured over the last 5 months to take him and even told I could lose Charlotte if I didn't. My lawyer assured me that would not happen. I walked into the room and Zach and his foster mom were there. I tried not to look at him, but the "catapillars" he had for eyebrows captivated me. I chatted with her for a minute, she seemed very nice, loving and sweet. Ok so he is in a GOOD place. Guilt-free, I could be!! All of a sudden this baby puked all over the foster mom. I mean projectile puke!!! "Oh could you please take him for just a minute?" What?! Me? There was no one else there. The baby was screaming and the lady was full of puke. "He does this all the time." Great. Charlotte was off playing with the woman's 3 year old. Wasn't she suppose to be visiting him? I took the baby and he instantly stopped crying. He looked me in the face and said "Mama". The foster mom stopped wiping white puke off her navy blue blouse, mouth hanging open. "He has NEVER said that. And he stopped crying. Oh my he does belong with you." I calmly handed him back to her and said I think it was a fluke. He instantly started crying again. I was too busy trying to figure out how I was ever going to get this feeling to go away. What is this feeling? She handed him back to me. He stopped crying and looked me in the eye. "Mama". No way! I handed him back. The scenario played that way several more times. Every time Zachary would look me in the eye and said Mama. I had no idea what was happening, only that this overwhelming love for this little baby boy was growing with each "Mama". I left that meeting watching the lady walk away with my little boy screaming in his car seat. That was a Friday. All the way home I argued with God. "Why did you do that? You know Sweet Hubby will never go for this. He won't even let us get a dog!! Ok, God, if this is what you want, then you need to change his heart. I will not argue with him. If you want this then YOU make it happen." That night I told Sweet Hubby what happened. I cannot remember the exact conversation, but I know by the end of it, there was no arguing and I was calling DCFS on Monday to tell them we would take the baby.

Pretty child, congratulations
You left a comment on the Quilts 4 Leukaemia blog. Sorry I haven't been back to you, but I'm pretty rushed at the moment. Wait until next month and I'll get back you if that is ok.
Oh that is a fantastic story as well! Bren you have had such an interesting life. You are crazy if you don't believe it all happens for a reason!
Another lovely story. Zach and Charlotte are a wonderful addition to your family.
I can't believe that women like "the womb" are allowed to keep having children. Those poor, poor babies. God bless you for taking two of them into your home.
Yesterday's story about Charlotte Grace stayed with me for a long time.
I had a feeling that a sequel would be following shortly and the story of how Zachary came to live with you was every bit as moving.
You are truly remarkable to have taken both children, not forgetting your DH who must also be a very kind and caring man to open his heart and his home to them.
You know Sweet Hubby will never go for this. He won't even let us get a dog!!
OK THIS made me LOL :) sighhh I love this story too :) Very very cool. I am so glad you have a blog and share with us ;) xoxo melzie
I was so touched with the stories of Charlotte & Zachary. How lucky they are to have you, & your husband. And now you have a dog too!! All dreams can come true.
How sweet, this was no coincidence.
I said it yesterday and I'll say it again - you are blessed.
I can't say more than everyone else has already said, Bren, in commenting to this post and the other about your daughter. What you and your husband have done, and what your family has become, is heartwarming!
Very touching and heartwarming!
Bren, I'm all teary sitting here having read that. The universe has blessed you indeed!
It's good to know that Zachary and Charlotte now have a loving family to take care of them - and a puppy too!
The Zachary and Charlotte stories are so lovely.
I think that you have a heart full of love.
ciao ciao
I too am an adoptive mom. I loved your story. Some people would call it 'coincindence" , but I am happy to know Who is in control. Your children are beautiful!
Beautiful children!!! I know what you mean about waiting on the Lord when hubby's feel a particular way :op it was so hard to let it rest in God's hands when hubby told me he didn't want to have any more! I do still hope that someday, maybe when our own children are a bit older, we will be able to adopt. I guess we wait and see what the Lord has in mind :oD
How amazing to see the hand of God at work in these children's lives! The "womb's" 5th child story is just as fasinating. Your resistance is so understandable! But your submission to God's plan is commendable! At 44, with 4 grown & married sons, a grandmother of 2 (#3 just beginning to grow in the womb)I am enjoying this new season of life. To begin all over again would be such a jolt to the very core of my being! You are remarkable because of your walk with the Lord.
Awwwwwwwww - they were both meant for you.
I know it's been awhile since you posted the story about your son, but I just read it. I get who the 'womb' is, but is the 'vampire' the dad??
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