Friday, September 5, 2008

Deep Thoughts About Nothing and Everything

The past couple of weeks so many things have been going through my head. During my prayer times and in my quiet moments I have had some stirrings. My focus has changed from one of stress related, RAD frenzy to a more peace filled, wisdom seeking, calm. It is true what the Word says...ask for wisdom and you will get it. I found a perfect example here. EVERY parent should read this post. It spoke to my core. Oh, what a wonderful God we have!
Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement as Scott passed from this life into the arms of his Jesus. Because of your prayers, he did not pass on his son's birthday and he became responsive. Able to communicate with the people he loved one last time. Sherry says she has some things to share with me about those last hours. It will wait til later as she is surrounded by family and friends, making arrangements for her husband's burial. I am certain because of the prayer covering, what she has to share will be incredible to hear. Continue to pray for Sherry and the boys. Also, their grown children who loved Scott very much.
As I was tucking children in to bed last night, Zachary asked if he could use the "old quilt". I made this quilt 16 years ago for Kyle.
Zach said he is at just the right age for it...
As I spread it over him I was struck by the wear of this quilt. The quality of the fabric is high. All quilt store fabrics, all from the same line and maker. All the colors are still bright and vibrant over the years of wear and washing.
The hand quilted stitches are still as stable and secure as when they were placed there 16 years ago.
All except the yellow.All of these blocks have faded in their brightness. The fabric has not held together, and the stitches holding the yellow 9 patches together are not secure as the fabric around them has thinned. All the fabrics from the same family, yet not all could adapt to the environment. Most thrived yet one fell apart. I told you my thoughts are deep today.
Today, Rachel is at the doctor...even as I type these words. She is having a procedure done that is intended to begin labor (too much information!). Pray for her and Emerson. It seems right to announce a birth after announcing a death. It is the cycle of life.
TJ came for "preschool".3 different levels of learners. One learning his numbers, one learning to add, and one learning fractions.
A lunch of "pee-pee putter" and honey and then the sun comes out!!!!
Time to play outside for the first time in days. For me, it is time to grab my quilting needle, and pray for my new granddaughter.


Winona said...

Oh Bren,
I am so sorry to hear of Scott's passing. Forty five just seems so young to leave this earth. I am glad that he was able to hold out till the day after his son's birthday and was lucid with the family. I will keep Sherry and her sons and you and yours all in my prayers.
I am also praying for Rachel and Emerson. Not long now, till you will have that precious granddaughter in your arms. Winona

Brenda said...

I'm sorry you lost someone you love. I'm also glad you are getting some answers to some heart felt questions. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I loved the story from Holy Experience. Thanks for sharing it.

Unknown said...

Bren I was so sorry to hear of Scott's passing, but so sure he is enjoying his new life. Prayers for Rachel and Emerson.

meggie said...

Thinking of you, & how one life has gone, but a new one is arriving.
Hugs & thoughts are with you.xx

Angie said...

Our prayers continue for the many areas needed. Looking fwd to the post on your baby Granddaughter! :)

Angie said...
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