This man is one of a kind. He was so sweet. I do believe he had a favorite though.....
I do believe he had a crush on my mother. I am pondering what I can get out of her with a promise of not showing this picture to my father! LOL My mother soon sang a different tune than the one she had been singing, which was "old letch!"....she saw a photo of George "in the day".....
Look closely...that man was gorgeous. Charlotte told her Daddy at dinner tonight, "Grandma thought Mr. George was a hunk!" I was cracking up. Now George is harmless and has a heart so pure he would not know what to do if propositioned...I am thinking Grandma is the letch!
This man has a age 7 he told his father while walking along the sea in his beloved Patras, "When I grow up I am going to be a sculptor and I am going to sculpt the Life of Christ." This dream only grew with George. Though he never took any formal training, he did become a sculptor. Let me share some of his work with you. This is called "7 Bears". It is carved out of one solid tree trunk. In fact, all of George's pieces are made of one solid piece of wood. No nails or glue!
This fountain in front of George's 10,000 square foot home, was carved from stone, by George's own hands. The detail on the dolphins is incredible in person.
George owns 7 acres with this house and has his workshop right next door.
There is a gift shop between the two, but first I want to show you the Chapel that George built carving the pillars out of stone himself.
There are over 5000 bricks laid all by George throughout the displays, creating the most wonderful walkway. You can see them in the picture of the chapel. When you walk inside it is like walking into a small little church in a little Greek town. George's handiwork is everywhere.
The pews, the cobblestone flooring and each of the 10 Commandments carved and hanging on the wall. The stain glass is gorgeous.
The front of the church has some beautiful details.
Look at this hand carved (by George, of course) pulpit. It really is breathtaking in person...all of it.
This is another of George's carvings. It is hanging above the front of the Chapel.
This framed work of art is the Lord's Prayer cut out of paper. Very detailed.
Just to the far left, outside the chapel, is a 7 foot carving of Moses and the 10 Commandments. It was one of George's first pieces in the huge display he has created.
Other carvings up closer to George's home are this 6 foot face of Christ...
....and the menagerie of animals...the detail does not show up, but it is amazing.
Back to the gift shop....I told the kids, "Maybe we will get something as a souvenir." Not hardly...these benches are $5000.00! Worth every penny, but I can only wish...
Look at this Eagle....I put Zach in the picture so you could see the size of those wings! This was $5000.00 also!
The chairs were only $1500.00.
The kids also made friends with George's dogs. They were identical, so you could not tell them apart, and were both extremely friendly!
Now remember how a 7 year old George promised to recreate "The Life of Christ" in sculptures? Well, he did it, and did it beautifully. Too much for one post, so I will be back tomorrow to share it with you. Be ready to be amazed!!!!
The sign reads,
Oh Bren, How awesome!!!! Thanks for sharing these pics. I will look forward to the sequel. ;)
What a lovely field trip!! The wood carvings are incredible!
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