Yesterday the postman came to our door with a package addressed to "The Haws Family Heritage Library". Oooooh, my kids were excited. My friend
Cheryl (Cooperswife) had sent a package to our library. She has been so valuable in our book selection lately and our home school year for 2008-09 will be unmatched! We are beginning a study on the 50 states, and also studying one country/region. Right now we are working on Denmark and it's region, which includes Iceland.
Gudrun has sent me some incredible links pertaining to her country. Inside the box, Cheryl had a special message....

For most people this would have peaked their curiosity as to what is in the box. Not my Zachary. He RAN to get the globe....then the atlas...then his plastic placemat of the USA....and finally his leap pad to see how long it takes to get to California. Apparently it gives you the exact time when traveling by plane, or car.

Finally we can look in the box....

Two beautifully wrapped books......One on the State of Illinois (our State).....

and one on the State of Kansas (because we love Kansas (and Joni and the Farmer) and Cheryl knew we were doing a Kansas study).

The series includes 51 books. 1 for each of the 50 States and 1 called "A" is for America. We will be collecting the entire series. Our next book????....the one on California!! How I order books (or anything from Amazon) is through Cheryl's blog. If you click on the Shop Amazon widget on her sidebar and shop from there, you will be helping to build her family's library at no additional cost to you. Cheryl has helped so many of us build our libraries and it is a way we can give a little back and not even notice it. If you are interested in the books she sent me, just click on her Amazon widget, and type in the search box "A ________ Alphabet" just filling in the blank with the State you wish to purchase.

Also in the box were two of the most beautiful birdies you have ever seen......

Cheryl's daughter
Dani made these. I had seen some on her blog and loved them. They are just wonderful. The kids loved them too....I told them I will share, but only visually!! Thank you Cheryl and Dani!!
Today, the UPS man came to visit. I was sure it was a box from Amazon I had ordered, but I was amazed to find my tea cup that I ordered less than 48 hours ago!!!! THAT is service. It came in a gorgeous box with a silk lining.

Also enclosed with every order, is a free sample of tea. I was sent "Ginger Peach". Mmmmmm. The china is as beautiful as I imagined it would be.

If you like anything to do with tea or coffee, then
Coffee, Tea and Thee is the place to shop. If you go
here you can get a 10% off code on your order and info on their 10th Anniversary giveaway!
What can I say...you all know how I feel about mine!!! I want to congratulate TWO bloggers, both of which became Grandmothers for the first time, and both received healthy Grandsons. Welcome Henry Robert to his
Grandma Niki, and Hunter James to his
Grandma Pam!!! In celebrations to these new Grandsons, I will share a few pics of my play date with my own Grandson this morning.

TJ and Charlotte played with chalk while Zach played frisbee with a friend.

It is a gorgeous day today. 58 and sunny!! We might even hit 60!

Seeing pictures of Niki and Pam's grandchildren makes me anxious for my new one. Rachel isn't even showing yet!!! I keep waiting. Most ladies at Rachel's stage are popping right out there! Time....it will happen!
Oh my - I love those ABC books. I have been collecting ABC books from places that we travel but I'm not always successful in finding one while we are on a trip. I see some shopping in my future to fill in gaps of spots I've missed *s* Thanks for the tip!
Books are so wonderful!
Love your pics of the children.
That cup & saucer set is lovely! Nice fast service!
I don't drink tea, but I love the delicate cups & saucers.
I am SOOOOOOO jealous Bren! A box from Cheryl AND 60 degree weather!!!!
I hung out my laundry today while it was flurrying-now, don't you feel sorry for me?;)
I love getting packages like those!
I'm starting to think about next year with school. I miss doing fun unit studies and might try something different next year. It's tough with highschool students, though. They have so much other stuff they need to do in order to have an acceptable transcript for universities.
What a beautiful tea cup and saucer! I have been behind in my blog reading lately - I have enjoyed catching up!
It is so nice to see the children out in the good weather.
Surprise packages are the best, I know ;)
Is that an antique tea cup? Just wondering...A friend of mine started a tea cup collection for me and IT'S THE EXACT SAME TEA CUP AS YOURS!
Well, I hope you enjoy your sample tea!
You and your kids and grandson look like you all had a lot of fun outside! God is good!
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