I thought that was so cute!! Actually I am quite enjoying my children and grandson. We have had some fun, outside days. TJ loves the backyard. Today the kids played frisbee.
Of course a just turned 3 year old is not going to throw it well.
Which made my extremely competitive son, quite upset as he was the one TJ was to throw the frisbee to. Look at that pout!!!
Eventually TJ gave up and moved onto swinging the swing.
Life has been busy here. School days are long, but enjoyable. I can not believe how much I learn right along side the kids. Tomorrow will be sunny and 60's so we will spend the entire day outside. New sand for the sandbox and the kids will be busy all day.
I am doing a study on Titus 2. It is already convicting.
Gossip. It is an ugly word. I have been involved in gossip in the past. As we get older, we tend to grow up in more than years and understand the dangers and ugliness of gossip. I actually got caught in a gossip trap recently. I had a woman speak ill of another woman to me and I said nothing. I was very uncomfortable and ended the conversation, but somehow my silence was taken as agreement. What an awful thing. I was not sure how to handle this and am still not sure, so I am doing nothing at the moment. The "gossiper" also gossiped to the "gossipee" and it all made its way back to my door step. HOW do you handle this??? I want to run from both of these women. Also, where is the line between listening to a friend share a problem, and gossip? How many times do friends share their husband's faults with each other? In reading Titus 2, it is clear this is gossip. Oh the shame.
The thing that is a big one for me is not so much speaking badly of my husband, but of my children. I recently read an article on becoming a Titus 2 woman and the question was asked "Do you see your children as a burden?" Oh the stab of conviction. I will need to work on that one. Any thoughts on Titus 2:3-5?

Great thoughts. I get tired of listening to my friend complain about her husband. I also think that gossip under the guise of prayer is the worst kind
Looks like some fun days at your house!!!!! So sorry about that other matter....tough situation.
How fun outside! New sand day is always a big day at our house! Gossip....I don't always do so well in those situations. I find that if they say bad things about someone who I didn't much care for, I might agree...not the thing to do. But sometimes I will have my head on me, and I will try to respond with something positive about that person. Or, maybe try to tell the gossiper that the person they are gossiping about is misunderstood, like, maybe she was having a bad day, or maybe she is shy, or something like that. Like I said, I don't always do this! Wish I would remember to do this much more!
Well, I'm going to go work on getting the lump out of my throat on the kid issues, but it was a needed examination. Painful but productive.
YIKES! This couldn't have come at a better time. I OFTEN find myself in the same predicament as what you explained. I know I've been guilty, guilty, guilty.
Thank you for the awakening. Just a question ... is talking about others (venting) to my husband considered gossip?
I've heard it said that the tongue is the most sinful thing we do. It's easy and most people don't realize or think it's "that bad".
Good luck to you and if you find out a great way to deal with this ... please let me know.
Blessings to you Bren!
Hi Bren,
What a Great Post!
Hope you're having a great wk.end
Blessins', Lib
I've been told that if you are not part of the problem, or part of the solution, then it is gossip! I know that it is sometimes hard to think "on the quick" when someone is telling you something you really don't need to hear, so I have a few little thought out responses that I have prepared for such a time. And, it is "OK" to tell someone they are gossiping...although most of us do not like confrontation! Glad you brought up this subject. It's great food for thought. And I like your blog!
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