Once again, things are happening in the sewing area! Very soon I should have a completed 4 Season Swap to show you. I have decided to machine quilt it in the ditch. Something I rarely do, but the quilting would not really show up on this piece anyway. Sometimes the quilting adds to a piece and sometimes the pattern and fabrics make the piece stand alone.
What to do when you need many 1/2 square triangles....and they measure 1 and 1/2 inches finished....and you have no triangle paper....easy!!!!
You cut 5" squares of your 2 fabrics...put them right sides together, Draw and x on the light side. Sew 1/4 inch on either side of the marked lines,
then cut into 1/8ths. square up the 1/2 squares,
cut off the points
and there you have it...Eight 1/2 square triangles all made without your machine eating one of them!
I am not big into gadgets. I tend to do things simply in the sewing room, but if you do not have the Quilt in a Day triangle square up, you should add it to your wish list. It is wonderful. Of course if you use triangle paper, there is no need, but I have a hard time spending money on triangle paper when this method is free.
I am also working on 9-patches for Linda. I am using some of my Galena fabric and they are gorgeous! I will be sending Linda 9-patches for March and April. Those will be in the mail by the end of the week. I have so enjoyed my sewing time. Now that I have my priorities in order, adding some sewing time into the mix has been easy. Some days I get to it and others I don't, but I am sure enjoying the time I am spending at my machine. There is always time for hand work, but time at the machine is more difficult. It is time away from my family. Now that the weather has turned nice, the kids are outside more and my sewing room overlooks the back yard. Perfect place to park myself!!!
Yesterday I went to get a bridal shower gift and went to Borders Book store. Oooooh, I should never go into a book store! I bought 2 books for myself. One I love....
There are some great quotes and tips in this book and the illustrations are wonderful. It is all about going back to a way of life that is actually easier and less toxic. Here is a quote...

"I can't figure her out. She's got a home to clean, meals to cook, dishes to wash, you two kids to look after, floors to scrub---what more does she want?" William Bendix in The Life of Riley
And here are a couple of tips...
"If your aluminum pans grow dull, you can restore them by boiling apple peelings in them."
Hmmmm, I never knew that! and one on saving money....
Most people know that storing batteries in the freezer will lengthen their life. But did you know that laying them in a sunny windowsill for a day will boost their energy?"
The other book looked really good, and it would be good if I needed it. I found that I don't.
I took the test at the beginning of the book and browsed through it's content and found I have no real clutter in my home. There are great ideas in here for getting rid of stuff and getting completely organized. I realized something about myself....I am organized. At least to the point where I do not need a book to help me in that area. This was not always the case and it happened while I wasn't looking! So here is the deal....Are you struggling in the area of having too much stuff? Do you need to organize your home, your life? Do you need this book desperately???? Leave a comment on this post and tell me you need this book, and I will draw from those who are in need of some paring down on Wednesday. I will send the winner this book. Yeah, I could take it back to Borders, but then you wouldn't have a chance to read it yourself.

Today will be sunny and 66 and Paw Paw will have TJ for the afternoon. Charlotte and Zach will spend the day outside before getting back to school tomorrow after taking a week of Spring break. Rachel and I will be going to the bridal shower, an enjoyable girls time I am sure!
Have a great Monday...it is the start of your week. What will you make of it?
I like this techique. I will have to try it. The bridal gifts are great. I think she will like them.
Love your technique...always love to see new ideas! I would LOVE the book...I need it for our basement...hope I get it! Thanks!
Mary Jo in Iowa
I hate to admit it, but I'm always cleaning and get nowhere. Too much clutter, very little storage, and 3 boys-definetly could use it.
I hope you had a good time at the bridal shower.
Bren, I loved Charlotte's blog. It was really precious. Doesn't it feel nice to be missed? I just had to mention her blog.
I really could use the book. I have so much clutter. I have donated and donated and still have clutter. I must be doing something wrong here. LOL! Please put me in the drawing. Thank you, Karen
Wow Bren ... you do it again! You have a WEALTH of information! I'll have to request the library get those two books and maybe I'll buy them for myself! :)
We learned that method in the beginner class I took. It works great. I'll have to check into the triangle tool.
I'm glad you're having nice weather. I didn't feel the earthquake but heard about it.
I love showers, haven't been to one in a long time.
Don't need the book. Like you, I'm fairly organized because I hate clutter.
Have a good week,
Mama Bear
I never thought about making little half square triangles that way...neat! I will have to keep my eye out for that ruler! As far a needing to declutter - that should be my middle name! Ugh! I keep thinking I need to get my act in gear but sadly that is as far as I have gotten.
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