My Mom left this morning for her trip with my Grandma. I hope my mom has a good trip. This blog post might be a little tricky, but fun. I am going to be sharing some stuff about me.
I collect angels. I think angels are pretty. Here are some of my angels.
My mom's friend, Linda, made me an angel quilt to hang on my wall. Here is my favorite block.
I like the dress.
On Sunday, my mom was sewing and she let me cut up some shirts that do not fit me anymore. I made a Barbie dress.
It was fun, for sure! I finished it on Monday morning.
I am making a quilt. I was thinking maybe I could use it for my own little girl, if I have one. I already have 2 rows together. It took me a while to get it done. I only have one more row to sew on. My mom says my stitches are nice and even. Little, too.
I have a sewing basket that I keep all my sewing stuff in. I am cutting up 2 shirts. I haven't cut one of them yet.
School is going good. I am on break because of my mom's trip. I am reading By The Shores of Silver Lake. That is a Little House on the Prairie book.
I am almost finished with this book. It has some cool stuff in it. There is a recipe, a song, and a history of railroads. And you can meet Laura in the book. It shows the 3 different publications of the book too.
That is really about it. I miss my mom alot. I was thinking about throwing her a welcome home party. That about does it. My mom will back on Thursday. .JPG)
Blessings From Charlotte
Dear Charlotte, You are an angel! I know your mom is so proud of you.
You did a great job on the Barbie dress. I am glad you think sewing is so much fun.
Your quilt you are sewing is awesome. Good job!
The Little House on the Prarie book is a good one. I love those books. My daughter is grown now and she still has some of her Little House on the Prarie books.
Hang in there! I know you miss your mom but she will be not be gone long.
Charlotte, keep reading, quilting, and sewing. They are such fulfilling hobbies.
Thank you for a wonderful post. Mrs. Sew and Sew
Sweet Charlotte ~
What a GREAT post. Your mom will be so proud of you. You are a great writer. The Barbie dress is great. I have an 8 year old daughter that would LOVE to make some dresses for her Barbies. I'll have to show her the picture of yours. Your quilt is also beautiful. GREAT job!
I used to miss my mom too when she went away. Keep your chin up...Thursday will be here before you know it!
Thanks for the great post sweetheart! Have a great week.
Love, Kathy
It's nice to meet you Charlotte! Your Barbie dress turned out great!
And your quilt is just beautiful!
My daughter loved all the Little House books...she is homeschooled also.
Great job on you first blog post :)
A wonderful post, Charlotte! I just finished reading By the Shores of Silver Lake, because I'd never read it when I was young. I really enjoyed it.
I think your mom would love a welcome home party, you should talk to your dad and plan one!
The quilt is beautiful. You've learned how to make such pretty quilts from your mom. Isn't it great what moms can teach?
Well, take good care of everybody and your mom will be home before you know it!
Charlotte, what a lovely post! I liked to do many of the things you like to do when I was about your age. I liked to make Barbie outfits - yours is adorable!. I tried to make a quilt but never finished it. Yours looks fantastic! Please make sure Mom posts a photo of it when you are finished with it. I also loved the Little House On The Prarie books and read them many times. I know you miss your Mom, but she will be back soon with lots of stories to share about her trip! Thanks for posting, I enjoyed reading it!
Lovely post, Charlotte.
You have great writing skills. Your mom is an excellent teacher.
Your Barbie dress is wonderful and I just love the quilt you are working on. You are such an accomplished young lady. I'm sure your mom is very proud of you.
You did a lovely job on your first post. You have a knack for writing. I hope you continue. Your Barbie dress is cute and I love your quilt. It will be so beautiful when you get it done. I think a welcome home party for your mom would be wonderful. Talk it over with your dad. I know you miss her, but she will be home before you know it. I know she will be very proud of you when she reads this. Take care and once again, good job!
To hear the list of things that excite you, many of them being similar to your mom, makes my heart overflow with gladness.
Have a blessed evening, precious girl!
Hi Charlotte,
What a lovely post you written.
It is nice to see you enjoying sewing too. I really like the quilt you are making.
Your Mom will be home before you know it.
Thanks Charlotte for filling in for your mom today. You're quilting is wonderful!
Oh, I LOVE the Little House on the Prairie books, they are so much fun to read!
A welcome home party sounds like a great idea!
Charlotte: You did a very nice job posting in your mom's absence. Good for you!!
Great to hear from you. Fun to see what you are doing. You have great sewing skills. Keep up the good work.
Mrs Z
I've tried twice already to leave a comment for you Charlotte, but I keep getting kicked off. If these are duplicates I apologize.
You are learning wonderful skills that you will take with you and using later in your life. What a joy for you to be there for your mother while she is traveling. Your quilt looks wonderful. I've never owned a Barbie, but I can only imagine that the pieces must be very small to work with. I am sure that you can accomplish anything you set your mind and heart on.
I'd love to send angel to you. My mother and I used to make them to sell at gift shops. I'll send an email to your mom and make sure that it is ok with her.
Have a wonderful week and I hope that you will post a photo of your quilt when you finish.
She'll be home before you know it!
From a hs mom,
I have so much enjoyed your writing Charlotte - you have done a lovely job of keeping your mum's blog going. I LOVE the little house books. Your quilt is looking good - at least you have plenty of time to finish it for your own daughter. Nothing like planning ahead. Well done you xx
Hi Charlotte, My favorite angel in the quilt is the one in the bath Your quilt blocks are lovely. It must be so nice to be able to quilt with your mum. My mum taught me how to sew and my Nana taught me how to knit and crochet. I remember making dolls clothes when I was your age as well. Hope you had a fun time with your dad while mum was away.
Charlotte, you are a very talented young lady! I loved your post and seeing all the things you are doing! I hope you write again! Karen Twombly
Charlotte, I enjoyed reading your post and seeing your photos. Your angel collection is wonderful and you are making good progress with your quilt. I think your Barbie is happy with her new dress, too. Thank you for sharing your day with us. Sorry to be so late with my comment. I had marked this post to comment and somehow time got away from me. God's blessings to you, Charlotte.
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