My phone rang this morning at 6 AM. Not a biggie, as I get phone calls that early sometimes. I looked at the caller ID and it was Rachel. My heart skipped a beat. She NEVER calls that early. In the couple of seconds before I connected with her, my mind had played out early contractions, or illness/injury on her or TJ's part. It was none of those. It seems Rachel had a bird in her house! She was "creeped out" as she noted many times in our conversation. She ended up with TJ's bug net and the bird who started out in the window, ended up on her bed! She, in her hysterics, mentioned "It's BIG, It's BIG!" I controlled my laughter into a small giggle as I woke Sweetheart to go help our daughter in law rid herself of the BIG bird. "Tell her to open the door", he said, with eyes still closed. I told her. She did. Nothing happened. I told her maybe you need to shoo it with the net toward the door. Another episode of non-words and lots of shrieking and the BIG bird was outside once again. She is still
"creeped out"!! I am still giggling!

The kids have Backyard Bible Club today. It is a small world. The lady hosting the event, is a sweet woman, who has her brother in law living with them. He has Downs Syndrome and works at the same place Kyle works. Come to find out they even ride the same bus! I thought that was a bit of a coincidence. Then she invited me to her ladies Bible Study. Well I knew it probably would not work out, because there is only one night a week that would work for me. Guess what??? It was on
that night! She even gave me a copy of the Beth Moore book they are doing. I have been praying about a women's study and am looking forward to it! A night out....with other women....studying God's Word...what could be better???
Sweetheart is home today. I think it is lawn day, so that will keep him busy.

He tends to want to help me with the housework. Nothing deep, but he empties the dishwasher, dusts and even runs Hazel. If I can get to it first, then he leaves it. He says he is bored when he does it, but I feel like he is invading my space. My routines are then messed up. I better get going if I want to get to those things before he does!
I love this graphic...look at that waist!

Also, I promise a quilty post soon. Well it has to be. The 4 Season Swap needs to be in the mail by the 30th...that is ONE week from today! Hey, I wonder if Rachel would like this block? It is called "Birds In The Air"!!! Still giggling!

Poor Rachel - lol ! When my kids were little they went downstairs early one morning to find a little bird hopping about on the windowsill. He had come down the chimney and squeezed through a tiny hole at the back of the fire. I must admit I was flapping about as much as the bird :-)
LOL...poor Rachel! I'm glad the bird vamoosed!
I'm so pleased about the woman's bible study group. I'll be praying it blesses you!
Have a great day!
Hello....I'm a relatively new reader and I LOVE THE "PAUSE" post!! I decided, since getting healthy and loving myself how God intended (i.e., no McD's in the garden with Adam & Eve, y'know?)...I would at least give an intro post. Thanks for this blog and the humor God gives you....
Poor Rachael!!! That must have been awful, why is it that mom's (and I guess mom-in-laws too) love to laugh at our calamity? Okay...so I am laughing too :-)
Oh no don´t ask her if she likes that block 'LOL'
I think the bird would have scared me, too. And I agree on the housework thing - I prefer to do my own even when the hubby offers for several reasons, one of which is that it's my job, and another is that it does "mess things up" sometimes. Anyway, I love the block, I wish I was talented with a sewing machine. I have one, and don't even know how to thread it. Oh, well. Someday. :-)
Yes! I would really like to be encouraged by your Eating to Live page. My email is simplejourney at yahoo dot com. Thank you for letting me know! ;o)
I know just how Rachel felt...but imagine finding a snake in the doorway of your bathroom in the middle of the night looking right at you while on the potty and realizing that you stepped over it while going in there! Yikes!!!
Hooray on finding a Women's Study to be a part of! I hope it will be a blessing and encouragement for you!
The Bible study sounds perfect! What a little love note from your Heavenly Father!
"for such a time as this..." He always knows just what we need just when we need it!
Oh mean mean sweetheart.
I am sure there is a verse in Hezekiah that says, go quickly to the house of your feared female relative and free her from her fears.........Hez 3.16.
I will not accept Hez 4.10
Those who go through challenges alone are better able to help themselves in future.
Hate birds inside.
Hate dead birds in garden.
Makes me wonder what kind of bird it was. I like the quilt block.
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