Sweetheart went back to work Monday. It was a great morning. Not that I did not love having him home, but he wears me out with all the BIG jobs he plans out. Normal routine and schedules...I love them. We homeschooled and I worked for quite a bit of the day planning. That will be another post. Rachel picked meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn for her birthday dinner. She loves my meatloaf...so does my son. He is on the road, so there was enough left over to send home with her for lunch. Poor girl has a cold on her birthday and is 7 months pregnant.
TJ is not feeling his best either, but it did not stop him from enjoying his Mommy's birthday ice cream!!!
They all enjoyed it.
There are a couple of "happenings" going on in blogland I want to share with you. First, Sweet P is having a "Need This?" Challenge. Pop over to her Coffee Time at Home blog to see what it's all about. I plan to take part in it.
Also, Peggy started a new blog called HomeMAKING:more than dishes and laundry. It is an actual study in Homemaking. Only a few posts so far, so you can catch up easily!
Tuesday morning will be spent homeschooling, and working in my kitchen. My appliances really need some deep attention.
It is not showing in the picture, but there are some heavy duty splatters of oil there! Under the frig is badly in need of some dust bunny removal, and the microwave needs some "Holy Cow" type cleaning. After that is done, I plan to spend some time sewing. I have all 27 of these put together in a variety of colors....
27 more of the white triangles and 9 of the larger multi colored triangles cut...
And all would be good, except all these pieces ARE NOT PLAYING NICE!!!
There are puckers and points missing...I am not enjoying myself. I plan to have the top pieced and basted by Tuesday night. I need to make 9 of these 6 inch blocks and then put them together. Pray for me!!!!
One more quick thing before ending our little chat....do you all remember the series "Family Affair"? You know with Mr. French and Uncle Bill...Cissy, and the twins, Buffy and Jody? I LOVED that show when I was little. I vividly remember the opening with the red lights or jewels, or...I can't remember exactly what it was suppose to be, but it was like looking into a kaleidoscope. Well, I am planning on ordering the series....
It came up over dinner with Niki and Rob, as we were trying to think of a name for her new vacuum. It has a masculine look to it, so I mentioned "Mr. French". (She came up with a much better name, and I am sure she will introduce him soon) Anyway, she brought up a good point...this show may have been much loved by a 6 and 7 year old Bren, but is it what I have it built up to be in my memory??? Have you seen these recently and are they as you remember them??? Just wondered.

One more quick thing before ending our little chat....do you all remember the series "Family Affair"? You know with Mr. French and Uncle Bill...Cissy, and the twins, Buffy and Jody? I LOVED that show when I was little. I vividly remember the opening with the red lights or jewels, or...I can't remember exactly what it was suppose to be, but it was like looking into a kaleidoscope. Well, I am planning on ordering the series....

Ooo - I loved Family Affair! The show that really poped me tho was Mr. Ed, I was maniacal about not missing it. When the kids bought me the videos I was surprised to see it was the lamest thing I'd ever seen! LOL! 7 years old and 40something really do see things differently..........
I loved the Family Affair. I didn't know it was on DVD. Sounds like a birthday present for me. I'm glad you're joining the challenge. I've added you to the list.
I loved Family Affair when I was little, too, but I'm not sure it would be the same now. When I was about 8, I wanted to be just like Cissy when I became a teenager. Of course, looking back, there were NO teenagers like Cissy! LOL
I have never seen Family Affair. Your sewing corner looks inviting.
Your sewing corner looks nice & cosy.
That photo of your meeting with Nikki- you look so young & vital!!
Love the projects. That whole heart is a great book. I do not remember the Family affair series. We are doing Leave it to beaver.
The Young Indiana Jones series, but with it you have to be with them to fill in the blanks and explain some different values. It is a great historical and social series of geography based episodes.
I too was a fan of Family Affair once upon a time too. I haven't seen an episode lately, but it sounds like fun. How dare those quilt pieces not play well together! It is never fun when fabric just doesn't get along!
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