This was a scripture passage I read today in Proverbs 30. It is verse 33. I was "struck" by it and felt the impact of it's words hit me hard. I parent a difficult child. A child who was unloved the first 3 1/2 years of her life. She is untrusting, distant, rebellious, untrustworthy, superficial, dishonest, and a plethora of other negatives that keep me at arms length. It is the resume of unattached children. Included in that resume is a parent who is hostel and full of wrath. That would be me (incase you never noticed). In reading this scripture, God did not point out her resume, but mine. Though she is all those negatives, she is also innocent. Innocent because this was "done" to her. Is that an excuse? Of course not, but my wrath is not producing in her a trusting spirit, a closeness, an obedience, a trustworthiness, a realness, and honesty and all the other polars to her resume. It is however, producing strife!!
I commit today to rid myself of the wrath built up toward my circumstances, toward the Womb and Vampire, toward others who have turned their backs on this child, and toward her personally, who is innocent, and an empty vessel to be filled with peace. Forgive me, Lord.

Wow Bren,
This was meaningful for me as well. I have been thinking about this a lot as the end of summer is here. I often wonder if I am so angry with my child I sometimes intentionally upset him or am not careful of his feelings. That isn't right.
God Bless You! I, myself am going through something similar (with the strife and hostility, not the adoption) and have been praying daily. It works :-) I will pray for you, too, if you wish.
Thank God for His Word. It always leads us to the truth God would have us know.
(sometimes I would really rather not know the truth It has for me...but I've known It to work out God's will in my life too many times to doubt it!)
I appreciate your courage in sharing this with us today. Thanks for "keeping it real"! :-)
Your committ will bring more peace. of course, it will probably bring out satan's challenge a little more. Today my problem child has been at one her worse times. She has decided she doesn't need sleep and that I cannot make her do anything. Right now she is bugging me, but after reading your post, I am trying to remain calm and just love her. I pray that things will get better and God will fill you with overflowing love that can rush out to your daugher. Thank you for all your encouragement to me on my blog. It is good to know that God is faithful to us, all.
I found this comment on Amanda's blog:
I just read this one in Proverbs 30 today...
33 For as the churning of milk produces butter,
And wringing the nose produces blood,
So the forcing of wrath produces strife.
God honors a peaceful blog.
It spoke to me. I try to keep my blog peaceful also.
Then I came here and read your article. It is wonderful. God will honor what you are doing.
Bren, your insights are blessings from God. He has blessed you with depth in your heart and soul.
Thinking about your relationships (especially with Charlotte) are so special. You're thinking of her - you love her (clear to see), and are doing the best you can. If you didn't have her in your life - there's so much you wouldn't have.
Children in general are demanding - but you're allowing MORE of God and LESS of you ... you're walking in His footprints.
You're amazing - God has enriched your life and I'll continue to pray that the rewards keep coming. :)
Bren, I am late on this one, but you know I am praying with you, sister!
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