BEFORE (my desk top, blurred)
Tuesday is my day to work upstairs, but I spent a big part of the weekend deep cleaning up here. Yesterday, the entire downstairs was dusted, vacuumed, and cleaned.
What does that mean for today?
Quilting Deadlines...I have so many of them, but will be able to finish this project today.
Another decorating dilemma. My mother gave me these pictures when my sister moved in. She says now that my sister has moved to her new home, she needs them back!!
I understand that, but I need to do something with that wall. I would LOVE to hang my pre Civil War era antique quilt there, but Sweetheart is not big on quilts hanging on the wall. Sad for me, a lover of quilts.
It is bubble gum pink and lime green. The quilt dates back to the 1850's, but a new binding was added over the original in the 1940's. It received a ribbon in the local quilt show!
Here is something else I wanted to show you. How many of you buy organic meat? I love organic meat, but at 6.99 a pound for ground beef, it is not a good choice for our pocketbook. I sell my homemade soy candles at our local health food grocery store "Choices". When I get my money from these candles (after splitting it with my partner, Rachel) I spend it on organic meat and seasonings, which I normally could not afford to buy. Last night while making tacos, I could not believe the difference in the organic ground beef and the Kroeger ground round! The organic beef was so much leaner and darker than the Kroger beef (which was suppose to be much leaner!)
Little TJ came yesterday while Rachel had her sugar test. He had a rough start!
Lot's of whining and wanting something, then not wanting it. Yelling at Zach (who is his yelling role model), when finally I said firmly, with pointed finger, "TJ! That is enough. No more yelling and you talk nice, or you will get a time out." Zach was sitting there watching the whole thing in awe....TJ's bottom lip came out and the tears started to roll. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed. Zach watched this all happen and looked from the sobbing TJ, up to me. He looked very concerned and said, "Don't buy it, Mom!!" I started laughing and could not stop, which turned TJ's sobs into laughter and Zach standing there shaking his head with a look of disappointment on his face. "Too late", he said! Anyway, TJ was a much nicer boy after that, so it was a success.
I only buy organic meat/poultry, eggs, fruit and veggies. Yes, they are more expensive, but it makes me be conservative and not waste any food. The foods taste so much better, and I can buy most of mine locally.
Awesome tackle! My sewing room is my office too, but alas it's not as spacious as yours and seems to get clutter easily. It houses my husbands desk and all our homeschool stuff as well.That's a tackle in the making lol.
Wow ~ that is quite an eye-opening picture of that beef! Yikes. I just recently began purchasing organic eggs ~ a couple more dollars a dozen, but now it is hard for me to switch back! The organic ones TASTE sooo much better and fry much easier. I'e found the regular ones I used to purchase are much runnier and taste quite dull in comparison. Anyway, I've never purchased organic beef...I might just have to check that out.
Those pics on your wall are very cute and homey. I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something creative to replace them! :-) Maybe a large framed family pic? Maybe a framed cross-stich Bible verse with a fabric background from one of your quilts in a frame? Just a few thoughts that ran through my head.
Blessings today Bren!
Wow! Looks like you have been really busy! For me, desks are always the worst too. I don't know how I manage to get so much stuff on my desk.
Awesome tackle. My office is always a disaster too!
I see you're a fellow apron lover. Come check out my Bucket List giveaway: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com/search/label/bucket%20list
My tackle is the basement play room. It is SCARY! Check it out.
That quilt is lovely. Keep looking around your home. I'm sure you'll find something for that wall that both you and your husband will enjoy.
We're working through that desire for organic/can't afford organic thing here, too. We're taking it a step at a time, but boy, it's hard to forgo the "good" stuff!
Thanks for the smile. I loved the TJ/Zach story :)
My computer/sewing room is always a mess. Clean and tidy at the moment because we have visitors staying but once they've gone it won't take me long to pull everything back out again!
You have been very busy! You've had a productive week.
Your home is beautiful. I love the quilt in your office. I am a quilter too. Hope you will come see my tackle at Making Purses.
One of the things you could do, if you wanted to have the pictures, is to have copies made and reframe them.
I think a compromise could work for the wall. How about a combination shelf and dowel so that you hand your folded quilt underneath and put other things on top. You know the type I mean. Then on each side of that you could hang a picture.
Mama Bear
Great looking office sewing room. My place for gathering clutter is the kitchen counter. Everone passes it as they come in from the garage so they throw their stuff down. I look forward to seeing what decorating idea you come up with.
Your tackle today is very noticeable. It is a mystery why the sewing room is always messy!
Goodness, you've had a buy day! The difference between organic and non-organic ANYTHING is usually pretty obvious! I usually try to make as many foods as I can from scratch to save in the organic food department. :)
Wow! The sewing room looks great! Always feels nice to get organized/cleaned up again.
Zack is so funny! :How cute is that. Your sewing room looks great. I so long to set my room back up . If the house does not sell this week end I get to move back in.
I hope your having a great day.
How do I post on the other blog the weight loss blog.?
I signed up.
You sure got alot done. Everything looks great.
I love the TJ/Zack story! Organic foods (especially fruits) are hard to fine around here. Wish they weren't!
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