I would not say I have a close relationship with my sewing machine. It is more like we are acquainted. Well, I have spent a couple of days getting to know her better, and I must admit she has not beeped at me one time! Maybe she realizes I am all she has! I have been building a couple of houses...

(it is not crooked in real life!) I also made a dozen 3 inch nine patches. These things are just darling! You know how babies (animal or human) are so cute and NO one can resist a baby of any kind....well it is the same with baby quilt blocks. These tiny 9 patches are too cute for words!

Each square is 1 inch finished and they were easy to make. Strip piecing had them whipped up in no time!

Much easier than the little 3 inch stars, though those are completely adorable too!

Next is some template work. I have not done templates in a while. It is how I started and there will always be a need for it in quilt making no matter who you are!

Once the pieces are all put together, I can tackle this mess of a sewing room!

It always feels good to see the full space of my cutting table after the mess is cleaned up. A clean slate to make another mess and another creation....my sewing machine may start to like me yet!

Ah I totally know what you mean about cleaning up...just to make another mess! I love crafting!
Have you heard from Charlotte at camp!?
Bren, you are so right. Even though sewing tiny blocks can sometimes be a pain, they are so cute. LOL Goodness girl, my sewing area is much, much messier than yours. I need to take a day and put extra fabric away. For some reason when I pull a fabric, whether I actually use it or not, it just doesn't get put away. I am looking at 4 piles of fabric as I type. Your nine patches, stars, and houses are looking good. Can you believe we have a storm coming in, but at least it has cooled down some. The temp has dropped 5 degrees in the past 30 minutes. (happy grin) LOL Take care, my friend. Winona
Your little patchwork blocks are sooooo cute! I agree, little patchwork blocks always end up cute.
Well, at least your mess is from creating. Mine is from moving. I posted the room on Tuesday this week. I am making progress though and will post a "after" photo soon.
I know what you mean about the machine beeping. I say,sorry every time I hear that sound.
Things are looking good with the table runner.
Mama Bear
Bren~ You call that a messy room then please don't ever see what mine looks like right now...we will just say it looks like your messy room :)
I also don't know my machine too well, it has all kinds of stitches on it but really I only use the straight stitch, aren't I exciting!!
Hope you are having a good week.
Those stars ARE cute - you have more patience thsn I though! I like to throw things together and see them finished. Probably why I won't ever be a really great quilter!
Cute house and I love the little stars.
It is true, the smaller things are they are cuter.
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