Routines are wonderful things! They are always there when you need them, calling you back to where you should be. I have been spending a nice piece of my morning on the front porch with my coffee and Bible. This has been a wonderful addition to my morning routines. Now that school is more relaxed...mostly read aloud and some math review...my mornings are more relaxed too. Kyle leaves for work about 8:30, so that is the perfect time to head out the door too. I am showered and dressed by then so the little kids are eating their breakfast and getting their morning chores done while Sweetheart is getting ready for the day.
NO ONE bothers me. Really.
Uninterrupted time with the Lord. What could be better? Nothing I can think of. It is not that I am not accessable...I think I am out of their sight so....you know, out of sight, out of mind. I have really needed that the last couple of days too. You know I love my kids, but when the strict school schedule drops, they get more difficult. I am planning to get their routines tweaked a little so they can feel more structured over the summer.

Don't they look just darling?? So innocent...so loving....so full of trouble those two!
They wanted a picture taken with me, but Zach was full of it! No idea what the number 3 is about....
I do not understand how the camera adds 20 pounds to me, but not the kids! How is that possible?
Today was spent with my mom. It was a wonderful morning and early afternoon with her. We emptied out her bathroom for the workman to start the remodel tomorrow. She bought us lunch and ice cream and then we came on home. Sweetheart is working at his Mom's too. I pray my own children show up for me in my old age! It is what we are suppose to do.
We are getting ready for the Anniversary Open House in a few weeks. Sweetheart tore the carpet off the deck. It had served it's purpose and was falling apart. He planned to power wash it and then stain it.
Look at the difference....the bottom section was washed.
We both felt it looked good enough to skip the stain. He power washed the furniture and it looks wonderful!
I better scoot and do my own household routines before Sweetheart returns. I have asked for my son to drop TJ for a few hours of play also, so I must get off of here so I can greet him at the door. I just love seeing TJ run to me yelling,
"Surprise, Grandma, I'm here!!!!Be Blessed!!!
Bren, sounds like you have found a good routine. The kids look like they are enjoying their summer. You all look so happy. You deck looks great. Isn't it amazing what power washing can do? LOL Have a good day, my dear. Winona
Lots of good stuff happening in your part of the country. The deck and yard look great (and so do you!). Those kids? They just look like they're full of fun!
Power-washing my porch is still on my "to-do" list, thanks for reminding me!;D
I use to be disciplined with devotions and prayer....I need to get back at it. Again, thanks for reminding me.....;D
Your open house is right around the corner! Exciting!!
And it makes me smile that TJ says "Surprise" to you so often!
Perfectly awesome morning for me, Bren! The power washer does wonders .. who would think it would make such a difference. TTFN ~Marydon
Your deck looks wonderful . . . and so do you! I love your skirt!
The children are beautiful and so are you!
Which Bible is that that you are using for your morning reading?
I looked at your Sunbonnet quilt- very cute and lots of work! I would love to make a little crib size one with different 'scenes' but would like to try the hand work version. Of course, when am I going to have time for that???
We have to restain our deck soon, also to help protect it from the elements.
I spent the day with my daughter and her two yesterday. She is still recuperating from the week of mission in Guatemala. We had barbeque for dinner. I don't know how those two children can eat so much and still stay so skinny. I don't think I ever had their metabolism.
I've been neglecting my quiet time since I've been moving. Need to commit to that again.
Mama Bear
Your porch looks awesome! I love the routine too. We are so relaxed around here. A little more structure would do us well though. Love you!
I can´t see those 20 pounds you talk about, you look great!
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