Getting my morning routine back in place has been a blessing! My days are so much more productive and I am sleeping so good! My children are not even up and I am already done with the routine. I am not losing any sleep, as I am not waking up several times in the night. Hard work will do that to you!
Laundry is staying caught up. You know that is my downfall...the never ending job of laundry.I found that using the Mrs. Meyer geranium scent laundry soap makes this job more pleasant. It is a little more costly, but in the end I don't need to use as much either. I love the scent. Surprising, since you will never find me outside smelling the geraniums...I think they stink.
I have done lots of entertaining over the past couple of days. Sue came on Monday with 4 of her 6 kids. We had a wonderful time and I got my haircut. My mom came also and Rebekah cut her hair too. Sue brought me a beautiful pincushion. She has made over 100 of these recently. I did not get a pic, but you can see them on her blog. Rachel and TJ came. TJ was a bit out of sorts, but he gave "Rufie" a big hug. I think he was just tired. His new phrase is "NO, I NOT!" Not very endearing, and we are making sure he says "sorry" immediately. I think he is picking up some of Zach's bad habits. I decided to crack down on my little guy. Yell, or lose your temper and you stand in the corner for 6 minutes (his age). He is not liking that! People who think using drugs while pregnant has no long term effects on children, need to come spend a couple of days at my house!!! The levels of normal stimuli are very small in comparison to a healthy child whose mother did not use drugs. These kids get over stimulated, or under stimulated VERY easily. Keeping that happy medium is a job you never even think of in normal parenting. It just happens. Not so with drug babies. It can be corrected and dealt with, but, my oh my, the work involved!! Ok, sorry about the little rant! Sarah (my cousin/niece) stopped over Monday night to pick up a couple of boxes she had stored in my basement. She is moving into her new home which she will share with her soon-to-be husband Matt. That is, after he becomes her husband on June 14th. She stayed for a while and we had a nice visit. The "kids" in our family are growing up so quickly!!
My (other) friend Sue (I have 2 close friends named Sue) comes pretty much every Tuesday night to watch American Idol. Last night we taped it and watched "27 Dresses" with Rachel. Cute movie, but you end up getting a little frustrated with the main character...what a push over!
My friend Linda was not able to actually come over for a visit, but she did send me a package of wonderful 9 patches to add to my stack. We have been swapping these...I have 12 more to send her and I think she is 6 a head of me. I need to start thinking about what I will do with these beauties...I have some ideas.
I finished another Sunbonnet Sue for my new granddaughter.
I was finishing up the hand quilting on TJ's quilt in the labor room. I plan to have this one done on time! Here is a pick of TJ's quilt. I have shown it before, but there are alot of new readers since then.
That was a fun quilt to work on. Along with laundry, I need to clean up my sewing table today. I did not finish Bud's top in time to baste it, but there is no real deadline.
What a mess! My son's quilt will be there when I am in the machine "mood" again! Speaking of my son, he bought the little kids a huge map of the United States.
We put pins in the spots where he has been for his job and there is a large pin in the spot where he is heading to. Right now he is on his way to....
Dallas, Texas. Zachary made him promise to get a picture of Texas. He is certain everything is bigger there! Pray for Bud as he drives today. There are some terrible storms he may pass through.
I also join with the rest of the world in their prayers for the people of China as they face the devastation left in the wake of the earthquake. Many people are saying these are the end times and that the natural disasters will begin to be frequent. I pray for Peace. Not just in our climate but in the hearts of man. Worry and fret are not part of the plan! Today, being Wednesday, means Sweetheart is home for the day. It is suppose to get sunny here in the afternoon, so I am sure he will mow our yard. He is very picky about the yard. He mows it in diagonal lines one week and the next week he mows it in straight lines. The effects are a beautiful lawn.
Math, Reading, Bible, Geography, History, and Vocabulary are on the schedule for the kids. I will be working with them, doing 2 loads of laundry (both of which are underway), working on the 4th Sunbonnet Sue, and doing my Wednesday dailies. My days are busy, but my nights are quiet, so it is a good balance! Blessings to you as you go about your day! Don't forget to thank Him for all you have!
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's own. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble." Matthew 6:34
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Busy Days, Quiet Nights
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I saw those beautiful quilts and then looked ahead and thought "cool, she quilted a map". Ha!
I'm glad your routine is in order. I have been busy and sleeping well at night also.
Stopping by to say hello. Enjoyed reading about what's happening up your way. Have a good day. :)
Lots of nice visiting going on at your house! I love TJ's quilt, the colors are beautiful. Heartbreaking what's happened in China, I'm continuing to pray for comfort for them...hard, hard times. Being "into" a home routine really does make the days smoother...I wonder why we let ourselves fall out of our routine so easily. Have a great rest of the week.
Get listed! It's my newest blog venture :)
Sounds like you are very busy all day -- that certainly would make you sleep well at night! The Sunbonnet Sue quilt will be just darling for a new little grand daughter!!
Early nights for sleep are so great.
You have plenty to keep your going at full tilt!
Have a nice evening/day.
You are doing a great job with Zach. Keep "running the race" with him. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Quilts look amazing.
TJ is so cute with his beautiful quilt.
Love TJ's quilt and he looks so cute under it! I haven't seen Sunbonnet Sue in years and thought no one made them any more ... love the blocks you have made so far.
What a sweet Sunbonnet Sue Block! TJ looks soooo happy with his quilt. Love it!
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