I feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one who has a serious issue with doors and drawers being left open! Lots of wonderful advice in those comments. I have done most of them and continue to call the perpetrator back to close the open door/drawer, but after years of being consistent, it is not working. I do not believe there is any conscienceness in leaving these doors open, however, a re-training is in order. Here is what I have begun to do. I catch the child closing a door/drawer (not easy) and praise their accomplishment openly. If a door or drawer is left open, the child must come back and close it....10 times. Hmmmm, we will see what happens. Thanks for the wonderful tips!While reading this post the other day, I followed the link and took the test (you can too). I was shocked to say the least. I am 47 years old. My biological age is 54!! My health will decline at 63, and my life expectancy is 71. That means for the last 8 years of my life I will be sick! Yeesh!!! It was an Ah Ha! moment for me. I have struggled (my own self destructive struggle) for years (since my first child was born) to maintain a healthy weight and eating habits. I succeed for a time...sometimes for up to a year...most of the time for a week or two. My weight is like looking at a roller coaster ride. I am feeling the aches and pains of the burden my body is tied to. At 47 I should not have those issues. Good news about this test...I can change those numbers, but I need to do it now. I want to feel better and look better. Not bikini better...just "tuck a shirt in" better. I started walking everyday. My legs were screaming the first night!!!
I worried that the kids would have trouble keeping up. HA! Charlotte left me in the dust. Or would they poop out too soon?
Nope. That is Zach waiting for me to catch up!
I pulled a couple of books off my shelf for inspiration.

I just love your candor and honesty - you would've answered him if you had had the breath for it!!!!! LOL!!!!
Been there, done that - so many times! I want to start walking again, but it is very difficult with our schedule. If you think of it, pray that the Lord will show me how to start exercising again. I don't even know where to begin!
YOU are doing GREAT!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!
I love how the whole family went walking with you. Just wait, every day you will feel a little fitter and will be able to go a little faster. The kids might even let you be leader one day :)
Good for You!!! A step in the right direction. I just keep telling myself....
"Our bodies are meant to move"
The children are cute!Best Wishes to you.
:0 I can so relate! I think I'll go peek at that post. Then I should get up and go for a walk. Ha!
The curriculum is on the way Sweetie.
I hear you, Bren! I am so out of shape and just feel blah. I know I will feel better if I exercise, but there is just one thing... I hate to exercise! I would much rather be reading or working on scrapbooks! But, I just have to remember what Lori said... our bodies are meant to move!
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