It has been a quiet Saturday. I have been busy at my machine. She has only beeped at me once so far!
I am working on these....
Aren't they cute? You will not see this project again until June 1st. Make sure you check back in during the first week of June. A celebration is in store!!!
I stole the above pic from Sue. She has made 120-130...somewhere in there...pincushions. I would say she is the Queen of pincushions!! I know Linda has closed her pincushion swap because she had so many swappers sign up. If you wanted in and did not make the deadline, there is another swap in the making. Teresa at Stitchin Friends is organizing a pincushion swap and if you follow the link, you can sign up. I don't do pincushion swaps. Not because I do not like them...I love pincushions. I just can't make them!!
I do not keep a blogroll on my side bar, but I DO have a list of blogs I visit regularly. I am afraid the list has become SO long that I do not always leave comments. I do keep up though. I have added some new blogs to my list lately. A few I would like to share.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Ruthann at Warm Pie, Happy Home is one of my new "I can't wait til she posts" blogs. Maybe it is because she only posts every week to 10 days, or maybe it is because the content in her posts is SO GOOD!!! Anyway, I love it!!! I found her through Copperswife...can't go wrong there!
Cat at the Vintage Housewife, is another of my new favs. With all the "hoopla" going on in my house, it is such a treat to read a blog that is FUN!! This girl is FUN!!!! It is like stepping back into the 50's reading her posts...she is a "cool Cat" and loves her "kittens and Daddy-O"!!
I also want to welcome Sarah Dee from Sarah Dee's Place. She is, her first post was today, new. Pop over and give her a welcome!
I better get back to my machine. Here is a pic I will leave you with. Last night Zach told me he was going to tuck himself into bed. He was "a bird and was climbing in his nest." I went to check shortly after and found he had indeed made a nest...on the floor. I left him there since he had worked so hard on it!!! My little guy is growing up. That was the first time I did not tuck him in. I did give him a smooch while he slept though!!!.JPG)
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Hi Bren!
Like you, I keep up with the many blogs I visit - but don't always leave a comment.
You do a great job.
My hubby bought me a sewing machine for Mother's Day!! YIPEE!! And I'm wanting to make a quilt (E-Gads!). Well, first things first - I will be going to a sewing class, I have the basics but need to learn a thing or two.
Thank you - you're an inspiration.
How do you like the Biggest Loser cookbook? Looks like it would be good.
I can't wait to see what you have in store for that first week in June!!!!
I kiss my big boys while they're sleeping, too! I can't resist!
Zach is so cute.
The sight of Zachary tucked up asleep tugged right at my heartstrings!
Good & Happy Sewing!
oooh honey you are so darn adorable...thank you so very much for the write what a sweet treat i am so blessed thank you!!ok and that sweet lil' chick of yours...adorable...his nest!! what a proud momma you must be...many blessings for you and your fun rocken'^..^
Thanks for the mention, Bren! Zach is sooo cute in his nest! I love it!
Great pic of Zach. So sweet! I love those precious good night kisses while sleeping. Mmm Mmm
I love Warm pie, happy home.
I love your blog to. I enjoy seeing your latest projects.
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