Rachel made a clothes rack for TJ's comforter by using the deck chairs. She came by yesterday to use the washer and dryer...her dryer is not heating up properly.
Who needs clotheslines???
So, pride can be a good thing,
if in the process you do not become proud. I heard a little boy of 7 say of his ability to play extraordinary piano, "We still need to stay humble." Wise parents he has!! You can have pride and still stay humble. What happens when you
become proud??? You begin to judge others who do not meet with your same criteria. You become prejudice. Do you have any prejudice? I think if you look deep you will find some.

I did. I do not see color, race, economic status, or religion. I find myself to be pretty tolerant of others. I have deep convictions about some lifestyles, but do not concentrate on the judgement of the actual individuals who live those lifestyles. I DO however have a prejudice. I am judgemental of dirty people. People who do not bathe, keep a filthy house, have dirty children with greasy hair and dirty clothes. The ones who suck from the agencies to get whatever hand out they can and refuse to work. I am
not talking about working poor. I am
not talking about the single mother who struggles to keep her head above water or those with disabilities which prevent them from working. I am talking about people with absolutely NO pride whatsoever! Anyone can afford soap. Whew! Why did I just confess that??? Because I am wrong! I am admitting I am wrong. It is not my place to judge them. It is not my place to determine what level of clean is ok. It is not my place to pick at the speck in their eye when I can not see through the plank in my own. "Pride" can become "Proud" very easily if we are not careful. This can become a ROCK in your life. Here is an excerpt of a devotion I read Wednesday night. It spoke loud and clear to me of just what happens when we judge others, for ANY reason.
"Your eyes shall not look upon My face while they are still engaged in viewing the faults and imperfections in your neighbor (any human being); and when you look to Me in truth and repentance and sincerity, you shall indeed see Me, and having seen Me, you will look upon your neighbor with love and understanding and patience, knowing full well the needs in your own heart and life." (from "Come Away My Beloved")
Ouch! I heard that for myself! So how can you tell the difference between "taking pride" and "being proud"?
Does it involve your attitudes toward others? If it does not, then you are safely "taking pride". If it does create a judgement on another life, it is "being proud", and is dangerous to your spirit and you MUST step back and reevaluate.
What are your thoughts?? Be careful.
"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." James 4:10
Once again Bren you have given me things to think about and evaluate. Thanks!
VERY well said, Bren. You pick fantastic topics to post on your blog! The many things you post are the many things I need to ponder in my own life. Thank you.
I can see that you have put your Mother´s day flowers out on the deck table, they look lovely.
Good treatment of a difficult subject! Thanks for taking courage to address it.
oooh honey, thank you for this blog post! i loved it...it is so true!! God is so good!!! and doll your floors are the cleanest floors ever "spic and span!" thank you for being such a blessing to this kitten! cat
oooh and yes i bought the necklace...to die for!
Great lesson.
Have you ever seen that show on BBCAmerica "How Clean is Your House?" If that show doesn't put you in the mood to clean, nothing will!
Great post Bren...lots of truths in there! Now if you could just come do my floors? lol :)
Today I was thinking about where I could put my quilt together. Maybe I can come use your floors. I don't think mine are clean enough. I may have to do it there anyway.
About your clothesline: I hang clothes in the laundry closet and they overflow into the kitchen. I long for a larger laundry room.
Mama Bear
:) Well said.
I have a new clothes line in a box in the garage with all the boxed property. I look so forward to getting it up. I MISS my clothes line so bad! we took it down when we had the house painted.
I love your pink t.cup vase on your deck.
Thanks for sharing pictures. I too take pride in housework. Not in a haughty way but in the fact that God soften my heart enough that I could learn to love homemaking.
When I first came to know the Lord personally I had a hard time with pride, being prideful or being proud. It seemed like one should never be prideful. Yet I too take pride in a job well done. Not that it was done better than you or anyone else could do it, just that I had done my best. I really had to evaluate where that "pride" was coming from and make sure I was in right standing with the Lord. I love the way you are not afraid to tackle the more serious subjects of life and give us all things to ponder about, stife for and most importantly to take to the Lord in prayer! Thanks!
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