The weekend was a whirlwind of activity that continued into my Monday. My son and Daughter in Law led me to believe that Bud would be going back out on the road Monday morning. Actually the company he works for has their drivers spend 4 days at home after being gone for so long. They had a scheduled ultrasound and surprised us, walking in with a big pink balloon and a bag of chocolates, all pronouncing "It's a Girl"! So this morning he really is back on the road! We had a wonderful dinner last night, brought in from our local Gators restaurant. It was quite good. In case you didn't notice, my weight loss ticker is back to zero pounds lost. That is because I gained it all back. I am back on track and doing well with my healthy living. I have not had one of those 6 dozen Tollhouse cookies I made, nor any of the wonderful chocolate I got from my new Granddaughter! However, I DID eat some of this wonderful chocolate that came on Saturday, just one day before I went back on my program.
Amy sent me this wonderful box of chocolate (3 different kinds), a candle, some gorgeous yellow fabric, a great magazine on living in the country and a beautiful adoption announcement. Also, there were envelopes for Charlotte and Zach with "capsules" you immerse in water and a surprise pops out!
Forgive the blur! Thank you Amy for such a thoughtful package. I am now officially off of sugar for the time being and my stomach is feeling the wonderful effects already!
The weather here has been glorious. I am going to get my garden ready to plant...the soil is hard, and tomorrow I may run up to the nursery and get some plants...tomato and pepper, and some seeds. I am in Northern Illinois...any idea if it is ok to plant yet? I thought I heard Mother's Day and that is on Sunday.

Wow ~ congratulations on the baby girl news!! :-)
Lovely basket ~ I love love love giving goodie baskets!! They're so fun to make up.
I hope you enjoy your day!
Watch the lows for the night if you're wanting to plant. We had a freeze last weekend, which would be really bad for new plants.
We usually plant our garden closer to the end of May, when it is rare to get a night cold enough to hurt tender new plants.
Congratulations on the new grandbaby!
I love the sunbonnet sue. I made my daughter one years ago when she was in college. I'd like to do another one sometimes.
Have fun with the little one.
Mama Bear
Hi Bren,
congratulations on the girl. Hey send me your email as I have a silly question to ask you. My grandmother made a sunbonnet sue for her just before she died. I hope to inherit it if my sister doesn't get it. she is older than me so she probably will!
This summer you are going to have to teach me to quilt, please!
Congratulations on the baby girl. How lucky they are to get one of each.
I have missed reading your posts Bren. Nice to be back.
How Wonderful! A GIRL! Oh you are in the seasons of life that are so rich!
Thank you for the sweet well wishes. Dove is a bit better tonight.
Congratulations Granny. When is she due? that Sun Bonney Sue is the perfect quilt for a grandaughter, I'm sure you will get it done in time. Now that you know it's a girl.
Congrats on the girl. There will be so much you canmake for a girl. Boys can be a bit harder.
A baby girl!!! Thats wonderful news!! Love the Sunbonnet Sues, have fun with the hand applique!!
Thanks for visiting today. You are doing great with your weight loss.
Mama Bear
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