Lots going on here. I have 3 major quilting projects, all on the front burner, all with a problem. The Hidden Stars are coming along....
The big problem here is, my desire to sew on the machine has diminished! Oh well...I have a deadline on this one, so I should be able to maintain some focus for the next week.
The third section of vine is on the Underground Railroad Sampler. I am really enjoying this.
That is the problem. This is a quilt that has no real bed waiting for it, no gift for someone, no place to really even put it, and it certainly will be 3rd in line for the hoop behind 2 quilts not even done yet. Why am I wasting my hand sewing time on this right now? I have no idea, except that I am enjoying it! The final section of vine is almost ready to pin on. Then the flowers will bloom!!!
The Pink and Brown (I have no other name for it, though I could call it the "Monster" like Marilyn calls hers) is losing its enthusiasm. I have no desire to continue quilting these tedious motifs. That is a HUGE problem since it will become a UFO VERY quickly if I am not careful! I did something that was just the ticket! I flipped it over and looked at the back!
I have showed you this before, but I can never get enough of it. It renewed my desire to continue with that dastardly motif. I started another one immediately!
Not alot going on here. Same routines and schedules...if it ain't broke, don't fix it! I have been wearing my summer skirts again. Here is something I do that concerns laundry. Do you have any skirts that are meant to have that crepe look? Once you wash them, they lose that appearance. If you twist them after washing, and let them air dry they will look just like they did when you bought them!
Note, I still have no clotheslines. So sad.

I am still reading the Titus 2 book by Martha Peace. Let me just say this...when ever you begin to study something that you want to change, or improve in your life, you can bet that particular thing will come up!! Begin to study offenses and you will get offended. Begin to study gossip and you will find yourself in a gossip circle. Begin to study patience and you will find yourself in a line at the grocery store that is NOT moving. Nuff said!
The boy came home!!!!
He rolled into town about 7 PM on Friday. It was kinda funny cause Sweetheart followed him off the tollway on his way home from work. They talked on the CB and Sweetheart told me it looked like our boy had been driving for years and that he was a GOOD driver! (Sweetheart has a CB in his car) We saw him Saturday for dinner. I could have gone to see him Friday, but felt that he should have that time with his own little family. I made his favorite dinner and we had such a wonderful time. He showed the kids all the places he had been over the last 5 weeks and they were very interested. 
The quilt is lovely. Sometimes we just go through slumps. Now that is a big truck, the kids look so little next to it. Enjoy your day.
I love the picture of TJ and his daddy looking at each can feel the connection! Thanks for the is good, enjoy it and be thankful!
That hand quilting is just beautiful . . . don't stop now *s*
So happy your son made it home safely. I know it was a treat to see him again. I really like the sampler.
Oh, Bren!!! The quilts are beautiful!! I love the detail of the hand quilting on that pink & brown that you showed. Wow!!!
Bud looks so "right" in that truck!! I'm so happy for his new career, and that he will be able to be home more now.
Your quilting is beautiful! I don't have the patience to hand quilt but I do love looking at it! I also love your underground railroad, I have been wanting to make one and have a book in my que at Amazon.
That quilt is gorgeous!!!
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