Yesterday was a mixed bag! Lots of great wonderful stuff, and some not so wonderful stuff. That is life though. Sweetheart was home all day. That was a blessing. He worked SO hard all day long. He mowed the yard and tended to many things that needed tending outside. He turned my small garden and painted the little fence that goes around it. He killed dandelions and clover, and tended to his little rose bushes. Let's talk about those rose bushes. Sweetheart loves roses and had several beauties in our last home. When we moved here he planted 3 bushes. They bloomed beautifully that first year, but since....nothing. Not even a bud. They grow like crazy, but they are not getting pollinated for some reason. What can he do? Any rose pros out there?While Sweetheart was working outside, I was in our home, doing laundry and schooling. Zach had a day of melt of the not so wonderful things, and Charlotte decided to scam me on her schoolwork, turning in papers that were done last week. Do they think we are that dumb? Well maybe since it worked for her the day before! The mail came and a large box was brought to the door. Inside was an unbelievable blessing!!!
The entire Saxon Math grade 2 curriculum! I was expecting the binder, but both workbooks and all the hard cards were there, completely unused! I was touched to tears. This is such a wonderful blessing because and money meant to go on this expensive curriculum can now go to other books. Pluuuus, my wonderful neighbor Cindy was here and said "Do you have Saxon 3?" No, I don't, because Charlotte started at 4th grade. "Well, I have 3rd grade and my daughter can't use it. You can have it." Wow!!! Math for Zach is covered forever. He has 2nd and 3rd and when he gets to 4th I can use the books Charlotte has. Only the tests will need to be ordered ($12). God is faithful and knows our needs!!! Anyway, thank you so much Donetta for blessing us with this "glorious" gift. That is what Zach said as he looked through the workbooks. "It is glorious, Mom!"
Hadias asked me to post some pics of my garden. Before yesterday, it was just a hard patch of dirt. After Sweetheart turned the soil and painted the fence, Kyle and I put in some plants.
3 big boy tomato plants, and 1 ...ooooh, I can't remember. It is a large tomato with low acidity and starts with an "s". How is that for gardening know how??!!
4 pepper plants and 4 broccoli. We are experimenting with the broccoli at Charlotte's request.
That little pepper plant will be so happy that no cucumbers are nearby to choke him out like last year! They all got a really good drink after their photo op! Today we will plant the seeds. TJ will help! Hadias is posting on her garden today too. I am excited to read it. She is about the sweetest lady ever!!! I really enjoy reading her posts.
Another blessing yesterday, was a visit from my mom. She stopped in to bring Sweetheart his birthday gift. She brought me one too! This little book with the instructions to sit down later, by myself and read it. I did just that. It is a very touching book of promises from a mother to a daughter. She promises to "listen" to me anytime I need it. She told me she will keep her opinions to herself.....doesn't sound like any mom I have ever known!!! It was a very sweet book and brought tears to my eyes. It said "If you could see yourself through my eyes, the view is amazing."

Oh Bren!
Thank you so much for your prayers. Your words were a comfort and brought tears to my eyes. I feel so embraced. God truly is so good! He is ever so present.
Does hubby feed the roses. A good specialised rose feed should do it. They don't need pollinating to re flower but they do need alot of strength.
Also when does he prune them. Too early and they don't get enough strength to flower, too late and you'll cut off the shoots that are due to flower that year. Some time between Jan and Mid march should be ideal.
Any questions just ask. I'm not a rose expert but I do have a load of books with most of the answers in.
love and hugs xxx
Hi Bren,
Looks like this is a busy season for ya'll too.
My garden is doing really well so far.
I don't know about growing roses ,I do have bushes I just plant them and watch them grow and bloom,sorry I can't help.
Have a great week.
I had to laugh at your daughter turning in old work. Mine just hides it in other books or folders. You know because I did not write the lesson plan and have no clue what she is supposed to turn in. HA!
Big hug. Vinegar for his legs. Love you.
"If you could see yourself through my eyes, the view is amazing."
I love that.
"If you could see yourself through my eyes, the view is amazing."
I love that.
Thank you for posting the pictures of your garden. The quotes from your new book are beautiful. What a wonderful mom you have.
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