Do you think husbands really spanked their wives? I remember lots of I Love Lucy episodes where Ricky threatened to "spank" Lucy. Thank goodness that is not acceptable anymore. I giggle at the thought of Sweetheart threatening me with a spanking. I think I would crack up laughing in his face. I know...not funny. I am warped in my sense of humor. is a good thing I am not married to Ricky Ricardo or I may have gotten a spanking recently! I really slipped in an area without even realizing it. I found out this morning that Sweetheart had noticed, but he would never say anything, bless his heart. First, I want to show you my morning routine so you understand what I am even talking about. (I read on Copperswife yesterday, some insight to routines and schedules....even God has routines and schedules. The seasons, the day, night thing, the life, death get the idea.)
Isn't that a great morning routine?? Not too difficult...very easy in fact. Yeah, well it has not been followed in.... I can not remember when. Let me think....hmmmm....It all fell apart when Kyle started his job. My entire schedule changed. You see, my day starts early by most standards. No earlier than it use to, but other things are taking place of my routine. Up at gets up at 6:40...Sweetheart gets up at the same everyone needs my attention while they get ready for their day. By the time Kyle leaves at 7:30 and then Sweetheart leaves at 8:15, the kids are up and needing to dress, eat, and then we start school. Now the dishwasher, laundry, and bed are still getting done, but it is the ME stuff that has been neglected. By the time I get a chance to jump in the shower, it is 9:00 and then a quick brushing of the hair is about all I have time for. Make-up??? If I am not going out, I don't put it on. (By the way, I look and feel terrible without make-up...really.) So, when Sweetheart leaves for work, I am in my jammies most days. When he comes home, I am dressed and clean, but I usually have little, if no, make-up on. While reading a post last night, it dawned on me that I had really been neglecting this. I have gained weight and just really have had a "who cares" attitude about it. That attitude has slowly leaked it's way into other areas of my life too. Sooooo, I thought about how I could fix this. Only one way. Get up an hour earlier. Well, almost. I set my alarm for 5:30 and climbed out of bed. Before coffee (I could not believe I did that) I took a shower, lotioned, got dressed, and swish swiped the bathroom. I got my coffee, came back up to my bathroom and did my hair and make-up. By the time Sweetheart and Kyle got up, my morning routines were all but done. I feel lighter, younger, and have a freedom I haven't felt in a while. All from make-up??? No, it is all attitude! Sweetheart not only noticed, but he also commented. Kyle asked me where I was going. That is sad. I want to look as nice for my family as I do for a stranger. Now, I am not saying everyone should do this routine, and that your family won't love you without make-up (mine did), but I did this for me. If you want to read the post I read last night you can find it at Warm Pie, Happy Home. It is the post about "Grooming".

Great post, Bren!!
Zach's "concept" thing cracked me up!!
I have been quite lazy lately. Our evenings are busy with different activities and I am so tired in the morning. I have been sleeping in until after 8 and then I don't shower until around 11! Yikes! I need to start getting up earlier again and getting back on track.
This is a great post Bren. I have been convicted about this myself lately. Some mornings, I am still in bed when Andy goes to work. I don't like that. I am NOT a morning person at all, but I feel so much better when I rise before everyone else, and have the day going before anyone else is up. And makeup...I too look AWFUL without it. It's just a small gift to my hubby to look presentable for him, and makes me ready at a moments notice to leave the house (I don't go out without makeup, I look so bad!). Thank you for posting this, it was very encouraging to me.
I just love those little Sunbonnet Sues. I have always had a soft spot for those, & one of these days I am going to make some.
LOL!!!!! I love that picture! I actually know a woman (older) - her husband (long been deceased) gave her a spanking! I could not believe this. Yes, in today's day and age that would be considered domestic violence! Funny how things change, huh?
Love the website ... really a thought provoking post.
Thanks Bren!!
Thank you for posting your Morning Routine, I really need this!! Oh, and I love your Sunbonnet Sue, precious!! Congratulations on learning you will have a grandaughter! Thanks for commenting on my blog, this encourages me to keep it up.
So does that mean you'll be calling the Mary Kay lady soon?
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