Happy Monday. It is a new week...lots to do. It will be a short one too, because of the 4th of July weekend.
We are back on a structured school schedule, as the kids have been having a hard time with a more relaxed routine. It really proves the need for structure and schedules in my home. They certainly do thrive on it.

Summer school is still more relaxed than the September through May schedule, but it is enough to keep them focused.
I plan to walk my treadmill and do some
Christoga. The kids will join me.

I was suppose to go to my mom's house today to help her get things back in order. Problem....her walls are not in a condition to paint, so they need to be papered. That will be done Tuesday and I will go to her house on Thursday.
I ordered the valance for my kitchen. I am waiting on the eating area. Still not sure. I was so pleased with the price of the valance. $9.99. The bad news, the S&H was almost as much!!!

Along with school and exercise, I have TJ for a while as Mom has a doctors appointment. We will play outside and then it is back to work!!!!

Laundry, basic cleaning, dinner prep, and I have several quilting deadlines I need to get working on. It will be a busy week. Hope yours is as productive!!!

I'm glad you chose that one. It was my favorite.
Enjoy that grandson!
Mama Bear
Don't you just hate when you get a good deal online and the S&H is ridiculous?? LOL
Im glad you are having a good start to the week. We are finishing up school for the month and taking July off for vacation and Bible study.
Bren, I love the valance. I have chickens in my dining room corner shelf and some in my kitchen. It is also my colors. :) Hugs, Karen
I didn't have time to comment yesterday, but that's the one I was going to choose too! Curtains just get in the way when they are too close to the sink!
For your other room, I like the first valance in the second color.
Hey - I walked this morning! YAY!
I like more structured schedules too. Maybe it's a personality thing! LOL!
Have a great evening!
Bren, I love the new valance you picked out! I think I need a more structred schedule too!
Good luck with your day! I am off to skin specialist today, so am hoping for some clues, but not holding my breath for miracles! LOL.
oooh sweet bren...are we sisters....you know me so so well....grandma grace's brooch is just PURRRRRRRfect^..^ for a 4th of july lil' project i have been workin' on...shhhhhhh....i was tryin' to save it...heheheeeee! blessings cat^..^
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