Did you all see the eclipse last night?? I snapped a pic of the beginning of it. The kids watched most of it happen.
I spent yesterday afternoon finishing up my 9-patches...1/2 of them (12) are in an envelope waiting to get posted to Oklahoma tomorrow. They are all so pretty, I can not pick a favorite.
Today, so far, I have made my grocery list, had a service provider meeting here regarding Kyle, made my first CWDQ block, gave 2 math tests, along with my regular morning routines. It is only 11 am. How do you make your grocery list? I do mine at the computer. This morning I found 2 new meal recipes for the next week.
Niki's Cabbage Roll Casserole, and Kim's meatloaf recipe. Mmmm. Tonight it is tacos.
I jumped in on the CWDQ (Civil War Diary Quilt) ring, "Sew Many Blocks". Everyone's blocks are just incredible! If you would like to see them, just click on the logo on my sidebar to make the rounds. I was trying to decide if I would hand or machine piece mine. Christine had me flip flopping...I love hand piecing, but I already had a hand piecing project in mind. Finally I decided to machine piece the CWDQ and hand quilt it, of course. Here is block #1...the easiest in the book..."Selling Off The Livestock".
I couldn't get a decent picture, so I gave up...it looks much better in person!
I think I will do block #2 this afternoon. My hand piecing project that I have in mind is English Paper Piecing. I have been watching Libby and Cheryl work their hexagons and I love how their projects are coming out. I think I will do a little table runner for my new livingroom using the papers I bought at a quilt show several years ago. They are 1x2 inch elongated hexagons with 1 inch squares to join them.
Who knows, it may look more fun than it is, but a table runner will be the test for me. Of course I will finish my current hand project before I start this. It is very close to done, so maybe some prep work would be good. The new room has colors that are not in my "box", so I may have a difficult time.
I am almost caught up on my blog reading. I got tagged many times while I was gone. Since I have shared so many random things about myself, there is nothing left to list. Linda, Darlene, and I had a wonderful 3 way phone conversation yesterday in which we all decided I was odd! It was also decided Linda is wicked (I can confirm this), and Darlene is evil (she will unplug your sewing machine while you are not looking, and may steal your needle too!), so I guess odd is not too bad! If I have not left a comment on your blog, please do not think I have not caught up with you. There are several blogs which freeze up on me in the last couple of days. My browser will not respond. I even downloaded a new browser and still had the same problem. I can read your posts in my feeds, but can not comment. Hopefully this will correct itself soon. Thank you Tamara, for the wonderful award you gave me. It is an honor!
I want to pass this on to all the blogs on the new "Sew Many Blocks" ring. You have such talent and seeing your blocks makes my day!!!

I suppose that means I should get busy and make my blocks to send off.....lol... I did have big plans on doing that today, but had a rotten nights sleep, so I think I'll settle for hand work.
I missed the eclipse...I was snoozin'...LOL!
I copied the cabbage casserole recipe...sounds great!
Have a great day!
We are so predictable, I could probably shop from our last grocery receipt. But I have a list compiled of the things we usually purchase every two weeks. I print it out and add to it the extras we may need or things we don't have on the list.
The children love using the sheet to check the fridge and pantry to see what we are running low on. I am tickled that I can outsource some of my little jobs.
I saw the beginning part of the moon, but headed to bed. My kids were excited and stayed up and tried to take pictures with my camera...unsuccessfully :D
I just joined the CWDQ block party, so I'll be working on a few for this week :D
I think you have a spot or smudge on your camera lens! It's not the picture taker, the blocks are lovely.
It was raining hard so there was no way to see the eclipse.
It was such a delight to chat with you (Miz Odd) and Linda (Miz Wicked) on the phone yesterday.
Miz Evil LOL
Nice pics there.
Just a thought- there seems to be a slightly 'foggy' whitish patch in the centre of each pic. Do you think the lens might have a smudge on it?
We dont always make a list, but it is handy if you have a meal planner like my daughter does.
Ohhhhh - I'm thinking about the CWDQ blocks.....
Hope you like the casserole, it's a favourite here.
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