My computer is back with a new motherboard installed! I guess I was loaded with spyware also, even though I had McAfee installed. Hmmmm. I still need to play with the settings, though I am not sure I can fix them. Everything is smaller than before. Maybe my eyesight changed...I have done ALOT of reading in the past couple of weeks. I am anxious to get caught up on my blog reading. I sure missed everyone. I hear I won a giveaway from Kim. I unashamedly asked Linda to enter me in the giveaways concerning support of Sharon. WooHoo!! It pays to be shameful sometimes!
So, I mentioned in my last post (not Linda's last post) how my children were evicted once again. Yes, I took back more of my house. We had given them a small TV room where they could watch movies, play games, and give us some down time in the evenings. This worked well and served it's purpose for quite a while. Most recently, however, things had changed. Bickering and arguing were more common than not. Sweet Hubby and I decided we would get control. The kids are different ages and different genders and their interests in movies and games are not the same anymore, plus they were just not appreciating each other. Some of this is understandable and some is not. We put their things in their rooms and re-organized the "formal" dining and living rooms. We put the formal dining room back where it was suppose to be (in the room the kid's occupied) and the formal livingroom, was once again in it's place (where the formal dining room had been). The kids actually began to miss each other's company and get along much better now. Plus, Sweet Hubby and I have back our morning coffee time in a room with no television. I have spent much of the last 2 weeks in this room. I already showed you my corner of the formal living room, but here are the other views.
It really is not "formal" at all, but very cozy. I have my favorite fountain next to my chair and I so enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. The formal dining room is beautiful. We painted and put up wainscoat and chair rail a while ago, but chose the color and idea based on the dining room. We knew it would again be the room it was intended to be.
I put my parents console stereo on a dining room wall and placed photographs of family on it. 
Well I think I will spend some time reading your blogs. I have alot of catching up to do and it may take a while. One thing I learned on my forced blogging break, was that I accomplished much more during the day than I thought possible. Today, I have a clean house, but there are a stack of 9 patch blocks that need my attention, and I have a movie I promised the kids we would finish. Plus there is school...Zachary, at this very moment, is shouting from the other room, "Mommy, how many tummies does a dog have?" I guess I need to incorporate biology into our studies. God Bless, and thank you all for hanging in there with me!!! A BIG (((hug))) and a thank you to Linda for doing a couple of posts for me! I will be back tomorrow with a Tackle It Tuesday!!
Well I think I will spend some time reading your blogs. I have alot of catching up to do and it may take a while. One thing I learned on my forced blogging break, was that I accomplished much more during the day than I thought possible. Today, I have a clean house, but there are a stack of 9 patch blocks that need my attention, and I have a movie I promised the kids we would finish. Plus there is school...Zachary, at this very moment, is shouting from the other room, "Mommy, how many tummies does a dog have?" I guess I need to incorporate biology into our studies. God Bless, and thank you all for hanging in there with me!!! A BIG (((hug))) and a thank you to Linda for doing a couple of posts for me! I will be back tomorrow with a Tackle It Tuesday!!
Glad to see things are back in order Bren!! :-)
Good to have you back.
Happy your back, missed you :)
I'm glad you're back. Yes, I need to decide how much computer time is healthy and work it into my schedule instead of letting it take up so much time. I liked having a special sitting room when I had one. When our foster daughter was given back to her "real" mom, we changed her room into a small sitting room for just the two of us. It was nice and cozy. That was years ago of course.
Yes, the ruler was marked wrong. It seems this brand had been used by some other girls in the quilt class and they knew it. They let me bring a class ruler home and ordered me one. It made me feel so much better when I could cut correctly.
Thanks for visiting,
Mama Bear
Great to see you back! Linda did a great job, keeping 'your' hand in while you were absent!
The house looks beautiful Bren, nice and cozy. I have missed you !
Yeah! It's good to have your back, Bren. I missed your posts, although Linda was kind to keep us updated. Your rooms look beautiful!
Welcome back!
Glad you are back . . . happy readin' *s*
welcome back, we missed you! Wow, your house is immaculate - I guess we really do spend a lot of time on "other" activities, don't we?
Welcome back, you may want to download a free spy ware , like I use it all the time. Your house looks lovely.
So much accomplished! Looks great.
Yeah you're back!!!!! It's so good to have you back. It was so good of Linda to keep us posted. Thanks Linda!
Welcome back. The house is beautiful. So cozy. I am just catching up myself. Been a very busy long week end here.
Welcome back, Bren!! You were missed!! Lots!
Happy to see you back and posting again Bren.
You were very much missed.
It looks as though you put your extra time to good use.
Your rooms look so inviting - just beautiful!
Your home looks beautiful! Could you come over to my house and teach me how to keep it?
I'm glad you're back. You are always a blessing and an encouragement!
I am so glad you are back, Bren! Your house looks beautiful! I love changing things around. :)
Karen T.
Pretty and inviting!
I expected to be at the computer longer to get myself caught up on your posts ..... but can understand why. Glad that you are back, although Linda did pretty darn good with posting for you. That girl does have a great sense of humour! :o) Our living room has only a stereo and that is our place to sit and chat and get caught up on daily life. Your rooms are pretty and look so inviting to your family and friends.
Sure missed u bren! :) Glad you're back in action! lol. HUGS! niki
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