I LOVE this block. Isn't it wonderful? It is called "Sewing Society For Soldiers". I am so pleased with it. It was not as difficult as it looks, but that is alot of pieces of fabric. Those stripes measure 1/2 inch finished width. All the points came together nicely. Same here... 
This one is called "Bitter Enemy". I like the pale blue next to the black. This next one gave me some trouble...I ended up having to square it up.
It is called "Oath of Allegiance". I cut the squares 1 3/4 inches. After I got it all together I realized I cut them 1/16 inch too big. 1/16th of an inch is nothing unless you multiply it by 5 squares across by 5 squares down. You end up with a block an entire 1/2 inch too big. I may do it over.
This block is FOR SURE a do over. I have NO idea what happened. I can NOT make this mistake again if I tried. "Splendid Victory" it was NOT!

It measured out ok. I pinned it properly and had all the points matched up, but something happened between the pinning and the sewing...I lost a point and that side ended up all wonky. Now I ripped it out and re did it, but it was still there. I hate to admit this, but I am thinking I ripped out the good side and re did it. HEAVY sigh! I am just going to re do the entire block...you can't tell, but to fix that side, I would have to rip out 3 sides of piecing. I dislike frogging very much.
Did you notice how clear my pictures are??? Well, it is because I scanned the blocks...heehee.
I did all 4 of these blocks today, and I am ready for a break. I have some school planning to do and laundry to switch around. I feel like a nap!!!!
Your blocks are looking great. I have a few that are a bit wonky but I am not going to do them over. I figure I will just keep making blocks and then choose the best to put into a quilt.
Your blocks are looking great - especially now that the thumbprint is gone -LOL
I find that when working with the small 1/2 square triangles under the feed dogs it is really easy to stretch them a bit because of the bias and the small size of them. But the fact that the fabric stretches is also an advantage when it comes to putting the blocks together because you can ease them together so well. Once they are all together there will be so many you won't notice a little cut off triangle or an uneven edge or two. It will just look beautiful.
I see a lot of bloggers busy with this quilt. I figure that I better work on my Dear Jane instead of starting a new project. Good luck with it!
wow Bren, you are on a good roll with your block...they are all awsome!
Hi Bren, Scanning squares is a great idea! I need to try that. I am never too happy with my pics. I do love the blocks. Somedays when I have something I want to pull out I have to wait til the next day to have the *emotional energy* for it!! But I try to avoid such things at all costs. If I can hide the *wonkiness* I sure do try to give it a go!
Have a wonderful Sunday! Karen T.
That is sooo aggravating! They look great anyway because your fabric choices are right on. You're on to something with the scanning! What a great idea!
What a good idea to scan your blocks. They look very nice, even the one that is a bit wobbly. I like the colours.
These all turned out nice. I almost wonder if the bias of the fabric messed you up on that last one. Maybe it stretched slightly.
Well I can see your having fun. How is your daughter doing? I hope you have a wonderful week. Thank you for the scripture centering:)
I too love that first block you did. there all great but that one......love it!!!
Bren, your blocks are gorgeous. I love the first one, its so pretty....great job!!!
psst....remember that challenge on the Hugs cushion, sorry i got someone else stitching it for me :-), so you win!!
Your suares are beautiful and the mistakes are priceless!
Did you know that every Amish quilt has a mistake in it to remind them that noone is perfect?
Have a wonderful day!:)
I had trouble with a few blocks too, but I am not going to do them over. Telling myself that just adds to the vintage look. lol
I like all of these patterns. And thank you for showing the mistakes. I don't feel so bad now. On my 1st log cabin block, I redid the same piece 3 times and every time got it wrong.
I'll post some of my work tomorrow.
Have a good day, and thanks for stopping by for coffee.
Mama Bear
I love the blocks you have done. I went to a shop Saturday that had alot of Civil War fabrics and books. I did take pictures and it is on my blog.
Your blocks are wonderful! You're killing me here every time I see more blocks. I will be strong and resist!
I'm really looking forward to starting in on the CWD blocks! I love your fabric choices!
Your blocks look wonderful.
I especially love the top one.
I have the book but this looks like a real challenge. I was tempted to try to do them but am sitting it out and watching you and Linda instead :)
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