I mentioned yesterday that my goal poster needed updating (some people call these vision boards). There are 4 goals I have met. Book baskets are created and have been maintained, the Winter swap quilt is done, sent and recieved (it went to Wendy F., by the way. She has no blog, but sent a wonderful e-mail thanking me.), my HMB is finished to my satisfaction, and I am back in heels, thanks to my new orthodics.
I added my fountains (notice how I said "my" fountains...as far as I am concerned they already belong to me!) and 2 new quilting projects. One is, of course, the Spring installment of the Four Seasons Swap, which is now open for sign up. You can find this logo on my sidebar. Just click on it and it will take you to the blog. Make sure you give a big thank you to Margaret for doing such an awesome job of organizing and running this huge swap. She has done an incredible job.
Another goal that is quilt related, will be a long one. Last year I purchased "The Civil War Diary Quilt" book.
I have read through it and enjoyed all the stories. The blocks, however, looked daunting. Many of them will need to be foundation pieced. NOT my favorite. But, I really want to do this quilt! I was catching up on my blog reading (still not caught up), and read on Christine's blog about how she is joining a group of women in making this quilt. I jumped over to Kathie's blog and read about it. Now, I did not jump in yet, but put the quilt on my goal poster and am seriously considering it. Here is a picture of the quilt.
I am huge into history (I would have been a history major if I had gone to college) and the Civil War/American History topics are my favorites. I have a deep love of civil war repo fabrics. What could be better??? So I will probably jump in after I dip my toe in first!
One more change I made on my goal poster, was where it said "Debt Free", I changed it to "Financial Freedom". I was reminded of something I already knew, but had forgotten. "Focus on what you want, not what you don't want!"
It is also "Live Well Wednesday". I have not weighed in for a while and think I will wait. I am feeling good, and my clothes seem to fit better, but I think I am holding some water. This week I will concentrate on drinking more water.It is good to be back!!! Thanks for all your kind words and I will be getting caught up soon!
That Civil War Diary quilt looks like a lot of fun . . . but I'm just cheering from the sidelines *s*
I love your goal poster! What a nifty idea and continual reminder!! I might have to try that ~ good idea for my little guy too! Thanks for your comment on my blog also!
Blessings to you Bren!
I am SOOOO glad your back Bren-I missed you!!!!!
What a stunning looking quilt, having looked at Amazon am I right in thinking that the patterns for the quilt blocks are not included in the book?
I jumped in on the CW love letters and have ordered the CW diaries book. I love quilt history, this fits right in. So glad your back.
So nice to catch up with you today. I'm glad your computer problems were resolved!
I think I need a vision board or goal poster...I've got to get a lot acomplished before my trip next winter!
Glad to have you back Bren.
I was missing my morning friend/read.
I whole-heartedly believe in vision boards and the power behind them! i found it hard to keep them though, after creating so many. I found this website after watching Oprah, VisionBoardSite.com. You can create virtual vision boards by uploading images and audio! I put a great song that really pumps me up and gets me motivated!
Go for it...your not far behind where I am with just two blocks done...
Do three of the super easy ones and you'll have left me in the dust!
So glad you're back online :)
Someone at my bee last night is doing the Civil War Diary quilt, she started with some of the easier blocks and was working her way up to the harder ones.
I'm sure you'll enjoy working on that one!
Good advice to focus on that which you want. I always think "You have to have a dream, to have a dream come true!"
So good to have your cheery prescence back on the nets!
Your vision board is great! I love using them and actually made a wall in my sewing room into a vision wall. I love the motivation and inspirtation I gain from it.
The Civil War Diary quilt looks like so much fun! There are far too many projects that look appealing to me right now.
Glad you are back!
You sound so happy and positive Bren. Lovely to be reading you again :)
I have that Civil War book and love it very much. I doubt my limited capabilities are up to actually making the quilt but I will take a loook at the blogs and just enjoy watching their progress as they work on this.
Hey Bren! Thanks for your comment - just wanted to let you know that I updated the post with a link to a website of a group of people that thinks there is little/no health risk with bisphenol A. I haven't looked at all of it, but I'm guessing they probably have "their studies" or resources listed there.
Have a good day!
The Civil War Quilt is awesome--I read the book and liked it very much, but I'll just watch this time as yours grows!
So good to see you back, I've missed you! Thank you for your comment on my blog and especially your prayers for my dad. Thanks for all your inspiration!
Hi Bren! I love your new picture of the squares on the top of your blog.
You've inspired me, too, to come up with some nooks for myself. :)
I love that you are blogging again!
Karen T.
What a beautiful quilt and so many , detailed blocks to do. I am happy for you that you are doing so well.
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