Saturday, November 29, 2008

Feng Shui

I thought I would let you in on a little of my weird-ness. I am a believer in Feng Shui. I don't practice all the rules, but I do think there is something to be said for the "flow" of a home. I do not burn sage to cleanse the rooms, nor do I place mirrors in strategic places, though I do not see anything wrong with that if it makes you feel better. Can a Christian practice aspects of Feng Shui? I am a Christian. I practice areas of Feng Shui. Do I place it as an idol...oh no.One of the first things you can do to help your home be a more peaceful, creative, harmonious place to live, is to get rid of clutter. Clutter will stop the flow of a room instantly. The feeling of comfort is gone, and chaos is all around. Am I sounding weird yet??? That's ok. Clutter is just the first step. A clean clutter free room is not the only thing....take my sewing room/office for example. Here is a picture of it "before" I moved things around to make the room a better place to be. It is clean and tidy. Everything in it's place. Still, the flow was not great. While at my desk, my back was to the door, making me feel inaccessible to anyone coming in. Also, the creative part of the room was broken up. I moved things around and, even though the desk is sticking out into the room, it flows much nicer. The creative area is all contained, and the desks allows me to face the door where any man, woman, or child can be greeted with a smile (not that that always happens!)Also, this room has a wall that juts out at the entrance. This creates a sharpness to the entryway of the room. To soften that, I hung chimes in that area. Really, it works....Another thing I do is to surround myself with those things that make me feel good. God's Word has always been an extreme comfort to me. I have pictures, plaques, and even rocks around my home that "speak" to me. Here are a few....
One of the most important aspects of Feng Shui is the "center" of your home. What room is in the exact center of your home??? Mine is the powder bathroom. Now in Feng Shui this is the WORST thing that can happen to you. In my mind, it is not the end of the world. I do, however, believe that bathrooms should be kept CLEAN, smelling fresh, and toilet seats DOWN at all times.Fountains are an important element in Feng Shui. Sweetheart LOVES a fountain. I tend to let them dry up, get dirty and forget to turn them on and off. This is worse than not having one at all. I will be trying again to keep several fountains going. The sound and sight of them are very calming to the room and the person.Live plants are another source of practicing Feng Shui. Artificial plants are a no-no, though I have several artificial plants. I keep them clean (for the most part) and do have some live plants around. They must be cared for though. Placing a LIVE green plant between the stove and the frig (a source of fire vs a source of water) is a Feng Shui practice. I personally like the look of it. The placement of bedroom furniture is key. Here are a couple of examples. These pictures are taken from the doorway of the room.This is the guest bedroom at my Mom's house. The room is fresh and clean and even has chimes (yes, I hung them myself) hanging in the entryway as it has that same sharp edge as my sewing room. The placement of the furniture is not great for the room, however. No offense, Mom. The room is small and she can not easily move it around. Beds should not be placed across the entry of the doorway.
Here is a picture of Charlotte's room from the door way.Having the foot of the bed face the doorway creates a positive flow of the room. Are you still here??? Really!! I am certain I have hit a new level of weird for you.
Ok, let's move on. Adding a new piece of furniture to a room can create a positive, or negative. Go with your gut feeling. I just added this antique sewing machine cabinet (it has an awesome sewing machine inside) to my formal living room. I like it. It fits and the feel of the room is a good one with it in place.Be careful for traps. Our library is a wonderful addition to our family room. I love the design and style of the custom made shelves, but it can be a trap. The books can become "cluttered" looking very easily and even though there is no actual clutter, it can appear that way.My newest Feng Shui discovery happened just yesterday. My formal dining room is one of my favorites. The room is very small though the furniture fits like it was made for the room.When adding 2 leaves to this table for Thanksgiving dinner, I turned it the other way. It was a tight fit, but gave access to the kitchen better with this set up. After the day was done, I took the leaves out ready to put the table back. I was shocked at how much nicer the room looked and felt with this placement (minus the 2 leaves).The area feels twice as large and the flow is much better! After years of the other placement, who da thought it???
So, I am by FAR no expert in Feng Shui, nor do I desire to be. I do know that the placement of furniture and the addition (or elimination) of certain things can create an environment of peace. And you all know I am about getting any kind of peace!!!! Let me know if you have had any Feng Shui experiences!!! Please don't leave a comment telling me I am weird, or not a good Christian. It is not good for my chi!!!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

My daughter is (was) an Interior Designer. Until she had four children in five years. :)

I asked her about Feng Shui one time and she said there is a lot of common sense in it. You just have to overlook some of the weird eastern religion stuff.

I really enjoyed this post very much. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Your home is lovely. I don't know anything about Feng Shui but I do know about balance. I'm a Libra and I'm also Christian, LOL! Libra is a scale, and anytime I find something out of balance it drives me crazy! I also try to declutter to have more harmony and peace in my home. I don't like chaos and right now I'm living in construction so I have no choice but to deal with it. It will soon pass and I will have peace again. Call it Feng Shui or whatever you want, I think there are a lot of women like us.

Melzie said...

I personally love the Christian/practicality of this post :) I need to send pics of my rooms and get some advice from you :) xoxo melzie

Homeschool Diva said...

You have such a beautiful home!!

I personally view this kind of stuff as baby/bathwater stuff. There is the whole eastern mystism thing associated with Feng Shui, but there are good things to be learn from it as well - as you have pointed out with this post. Throw out the bathwater (eastern religion) and keep the baby (organization and resulting peace).

Andrea Cherie said...

I strongly believe what you said about a bed not crossing a doorway. My mom told me years ago " You should place the bed on the wall opposite the doorway, so looking in you see the whole thing with the foot of the bed near you." She told me that as a decorating tip and it has stuck. I always notice if someone ignores that rule!

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I have the fountain and the chimes and the candles. I have to look at the arrangement of the furniture.
Mama Bear

NeeCee said...

Yes, but the turkey is the center of the table, its the main event, its what everyone is yearning for and anticipates for so long. Being a turkey is a good thing. LOL

Donetta said...

I too use some of the principles of it in the home. Makes a big difference. I love to have things before me and not behind me. I have never liked my back to a doorway.We have a real clutter issue. I have noticed it more and more. I think that is why I have not bothered to unpack more.
Besides they'd be board if we were not weird. They would have nothing to talk about HAHAH