A few weeks ago, Charlotte was invited to attend a ballet near Chicago. It was with a group of girls from church and the ballet would be Snow White. Oh, what a thrill for an 11 year old girl! Charlotte counted the days and finally, on Saturday, she got dolled up in her best, black tie affair, ensemble!
She left at 2pm for the 4 o'clock curtain. It was certainly all she had dreamed it would be and more. She sat with her best friend Gracie, and they were mesmerized by all the beautiful dancers. After the ballet they went backstage to attend a special tea. Oh, yes...it gets better.
All the dancers came back and visited with the girls. They signed their books and posed for pictures. (I will be getting copies to show you soon)
The girls all received crowns, so they could become Princesses themselves!
A late dinner at a wonderful restaurant and then home at 10pm. What a day Miss Charlotte had!! One for her memory book for sure.
The rest of our weekend was spent attending Sunday services (where that group of girls huddled and giggled and re-lived their night all over again) and staying dry. It rained so much I thought we would need to build an ark!! The grandbabies had their portraits done on Sunday afternoon, so I went with Rachel to help with clothing changes. Those pictures will be beautiful! Other than that, I spent most of my weekend doing this....
The entire center is done and I am working my way around the edges. Once that is done I will quilt shooting stars in the borders and then bind it. I think I may just meet my April 6th deadline!!! If I have any hope of quilting today, I must first get off the computer, give math tests, and wash floors amid laundry cycles. Grocery shopping is a must today also.

She looks so beautiful!
What fun for Charlotte!
Hi Bren!
I'm trying to get caught up on my blog reading so it took me a while to get around to you.
The quilt looks wonderful and I like the shooting stars idea on the border.
Charlotte day out sounds wonderful. What a blessing that must have been for her. She looks like a dancer herself, and with that crown she looks like tinkerbell. ;D A real cutie pie. Speaking of Cutie Pie, that grandbaby is adorable, but you already know that.;D
Bren, Charlotte looks so beautiful all duded up. She also looks so happy. I am glad she had such a magical time. Your sister's quilt just keeps getting better and better. I am sure you will make your deadline. Have a good day. Winona
How wonderful! I am glad she had such a wonderful time :-) Your quilting is gorgeous, as usual. You have some real talent!
I'm so happy your daughter liked the ballet. As the mother of a poor starving ballet dancer I like to hear people still enjoying the ballet.
Charlotte looks like she had a wonderful time. Having girl time is always fun.
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