I am excited about 2008, but I really have to say that 2007 was a wonderful year. I entered the blogging world and have been so inspired by so many other blogs. You all know who you are...if I visit your blog, I am inspired. Sometimes I do not comment, but I am always smiling or thinking or even in awe at some of the wonderful blogs out there. Sweet Hubby said he was going to start a blog. He was going to name it "My Wife Is A Blogger". He felt it would be a very popular blog for husbands. I started cutting down my blog reading after that. It really does not take alot of time to write a blog, but reading blogs...that is another story.
I have already posted some of my goals for 2008. I am a goal setter all year round. I make goal posters regularly and always have them up. I just took my last one down as 80% of the pictures on there had been achieved. It is a proven fact that a goal poster will bring about the success of goals 50% more than if you have no goal poster.
Habakkuk 2:2 says "Write the vision, make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it." Even God reminds us of the importance of seeing our goals. Put them where you can see them daily and you will run with them, even without knowing it! I had tried to quit smoking many times. I ended up putting it on my goal poster and within 6 months I had quit! Other things like an Oreck vacuum I did not achieve, but let me tell you
Hazel is just as good as any Oreck I could have gotten. I will be making another goal poster early in January. My
quilting goals and
weight loss goals are a priority. Instead of the Tales From The Scale, I have decided to join
Charlene in the Live Well Wednesday's. I really like the idea behind it. You can click on the badge on my side bar. I will be doing
Body For Life.

Angie, bless her heart, started
a whole new blog regarding this. Check it out. I am amazed at her. She knows her stuff and shares it so willingly! Thanks Ang!
As for the quilting goals, I have added a RRRR. No, I am not growling!! It is a mystery Round Robin Row by Row.
Debi will be starting it tomorrow, and the first of every month through June she will add to it. Click
here to read about it. I plan to do mine with a muslin background and scraps. She has it set up where you do all your own rows...no mailing anything out.
Well I am off to take the boys to their brother's house and Charlotte and I are going to a fabric store! Sounds like a great way to end the year. Talk to you in 2008...I am starting off the year with a Tackle It Tuesday!!!