What is it about quilters? We can be from all different parts of the world, have different faiths and beliefs, be different age groups, have entirely different upbringings, have completely different views on politics, yet we all have the same "something". What is it?? It is a kindred spirit for sure. I am a Christian. Period. I have a deep faith in Christ and believe in one God. Someone else that shares my same views, speaks my same language (spiritually), a person whom I am connected to in the spirit as a sister, and as long as we agree on every other thing, life is peachy. Disagree on one point and all hell breaks loose, literally. Christian's can learn something from quilter's. I know a sister in Christ who turned on me so fast my head spun!! You may say "Well, she was not a true Christian." I think she was. I also know an atheist quilter, who is one of my greatest cheerleaders, no matter if she agrees completely with my view or not.
Now I am not saying anything bad about Christian's, most quilter's I know are Christians also, but a dear wise woman pointed out that old adage to me "Christian's are known for shooting their own wounded." Why? Why do we do that? And why are quilters more apt to get along with each other? That same wise woman said, "Quilters like to put things together, make pieces fit and turn them into something beautiful, that is what makes them different." That hit a chord deep inside of me. I learned something today. Like a quilter's heart that wants everything to work out, to fit together, to work out something beautiful, I want to be known as a Christian that is like a quilter. Visit some quilting blogs if you do not already do this. You will see a common thread (no pun intended) running among all of them. You will be blessed by each and everyone and you may even learn a thing or two from a non-believer...yes, it can happen!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Spiritual Thoughts
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good points ~
What a great post!
Something that we all need to think and ponder about every once in awhile!
Wishing you a blessed Tuesday!
well...I like you just 'cuz
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I've enjoyed reading your blog this past year.
Like-hearted is more important than like-minded!
Hi bren,
Stop by and pick up something I have waitig for you.Lib
Great post, Bren! There are too many Christians who are cliquish. God created diversity, we just have to learn to appreciate it.
Ah, I am always thinking about these things! :) I grew up in an eccentric home. I wouldn't call them athiest's, but my family was very into the whole sixties drop out movement, and a large part of that movement frowned upon Church and Christianity. What I learned, growing up in that environment, though, I believe they meant well, was that they were being as judgemental as those they were trying to seperate from. I used to say to my parents, even though they hated it when Christians would try to "save" them, that even if you don't accept what they offer, doesn't it touch you to see poeple who sincerely care? Of course I'm not talking about people who scream "the end is near!" on street corners, I mean genuine Christians who believe it is their job to help people save themselves. I am not that type of Christian, however, I am more of the opinion that I can share what I've learned, but it's up to each person to find God, and not for me to try and force Religion on them - because that journey in itself is full of lessons. I think God intended for us all to be different, and I think part of whatever it is we are supposed to learn here on Earth, has something to do with the struggles we all go through, just trying to get along with each other! :) Good post! :)
Yes there is something special about blogging quilters.
Sometimes in life we have to agree to disagree. I agree, blogging quilters are fantastic! We don't have to agree on which is the correct way to press the seams or put on a binding. We all love the process of quilting and that is usually enough. Christians should realize we all love our Lord. We may differ on some doctrines, but we have the same Lord.
Ah. What a lovely post Bren!
How true.
I have been bitterly disappointed by 'christians' in my life. I have found them to be narrow, bitter & vengeful, but I don't judge all Christians in the same light.
I am sure the God you believe in has a larger heart than those 'Christians'. I would wish them no harm in their misguided beliefs. I would wish them love, to see the mistakes.
Great post! Sew on...
bren, i too have been hurt by fellow christians, some even in my own church or in churches i belonged to in the past; what did I learn? christians are people, period. we have a different value system but God created us human...it's disappointing though
cityquilter grace
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