That is the plan! Scrap quilts! First, however, I will finish my pink and brown, machine piece the hidden star and put that in the hoop next, finish the applique on my Underground Railroad sampler, and of course FINISH THE MASTERPIECE BLOCK. Yes, I got stuck on a teeney tiny acorn and I threw it aside (literally). I am refreshed in my goal to get it finished and get the next one underway. I really picked about the most difficult one to begin with. These goals should be met by summer, but after the Hidden Star is pieced, I need another machine piecing project. Of course I have the Winter 4 seasons swap piece to do, but that will only take a weekend (if that) to do on the machine. I will hand quilt it. I have my PIF gifts to make, which is exciting. I have not figured out what I will make yet. Something quilty, I think. My plan for further machine work is "scrap quilts". I always thought I had a pretty good size stash, but I really have very little in comparison to many other quilting bloggers. Still I need to use up what I have. Some of these fabrics I have had for 10 years or more. I have Thimbleberry Paintbox if that tells you anything (from it's first release!) So the year will be full of quilting projects!

Now I have a question for all you quilter's who make stash quilts...what is the BEST way you have found to pre cut, store, plan out, your stash to be used in the making of stash quilts??? I think I definitely want to make a log cabin so 2 inch strips would be a way to go I am sure. Please share...maybe even a blog post showing your process and plan. Remember...organized is good!

Check out Bonnies website at:
She has some great tips, particularly her Scrap Users System.
I like to have 2 1/2" and 1 1/2" strips cut that I can grab from when I want to make a scrap quilt. I too suggest going to Bonnie's web site. Her Scrap Users System is great, but I have limited myself to precutting the above mentioned size of strips. I know I will, and have used them.
How funny, Bren ! I 'm planning a scrap quilt, as well for 2008 !
I've been admiring these for a long time, and noticed that mostof them are using 2 1/2 inch squares, either in 9 patches, or 4 patches, or even 16 patches. Check Finn's Blog, and also "Gypsy Quilter", and Bonnie of course......
On the other hand I was thinking about another "special project", that I'm calling "the New Look Quilt" (referring to my weight loss big project" lol), maybe with a particularly meaning block name, like "hidden star" (me ! LOL), or "bright hopes".... or anything else appropriate (suggestion welcome, please !). Then I would also make 3 blocks for each pound I lose, making a total of at least 120 blocks (40 pounds) - a nice quilt size indeed.
I would use :
white (for pure)
blue (for water)
green (for veggies)
red (for loving myself & my family)
orange/yellow (for fruit)
purple (for spirituality, so help me God)
yellow (for light...light weight, of couse LOL)
Finally, a nice scrappy look !
AND my blocks would be small (for small plates)
What do you think ?
Wow, Nadine's idea sounds good!
I have too much mess, & have no precut pieces, but I can see they would be great.
I agree, Bonnie is a fount of wisdom.
I have used up all my scraps and made them into bricks. The sizes of the strips ranged from 1.5" to 3.0". So far I have made 2 scrap quilts and have 250 bricks ready to become quilts. I agree with others Bonnie's site and Finn's site are excellent choices.
Hi Bren ~ yes I got your email...thank you so much. When you read my comments on my blog, just highlight them, and you'll be able to read them fine. That's what I'm doing until Xanga gets back with me and tells me how to put a background behind them!
Wow what great work. I have clothing to do first when life slows down a quilt might be nice.
HI Bren,
I Love your pink and brown quilt. I guess I would of never of thought to put those 2 colors together,
Have a Great day!
Blessins', Lib
I need to make another scrappy quilt to use up these scraps I have! Good luck with the weight loss!!
I need to get organized, too. All my scraps are stored in the box my sewing machine came in. My cat likes to sleep in scrap box. I know, I know... it is horrible. I need to get organized, which is one of my goals for 2008.
Hi Bren - I don't have any sort of system at all -- LOL But I love LOVE the sampler quilt. Is that the Underground railroad sampler? Love the colours -- you should finish that one for sure :)))
Happy New Year!!
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