When I walked out the door yesterday, for the first time in DAYS, the trees all looked like they had twinkly lights on them. They were all coated in ice, but the sun was hitting them strong and the sight was beautiful. Our roads were all clear, even dry. Our town takes very good care of the roads. Salt trucks and snow plows get the job done quickly. It felt good to get out and I managed to get my grocery shopping done. Since Wednesday is Sweet Hubby's day off, he stayed home with the kids!
My family spent most of the day finishing up their puzzle. I am not in to the puzzle thing, but my entire family is. They started this one on Sunday and I told them they had til bedtime yesterday to finish it. I even slipped a few pieces in. .JPG)
It was a tough one, but I got my table back. Next time, we will pull the card table out!
Today I am playing catch up. I went to start my laundry first thing this morning and found the load of towels from 3 days ago IN THE WASHER and not in the dryer like I had thought! Nothing is worse. Another round of washing with HOT water, detergent and vinegar will hopefully do the trick. I could have cried! The kids are done with breakfast and working on math. They have music class at 11 and then during lunch we will watch the season finale of Kid Nation. Zach's goal in life is to be on that show! I plan to bake a couple of different kinds of cookies this morning and a couple of loaves of banana bread need to be made.
My kids all love bananas so much that to make banana bread, I need to buy spotted bananas and hide them. I bought a new mixing bowl yesterday as mine was cracked. I like the large plastic ones. I thought I would share with you my favorite serving bowls. They both have the same thing in common. The underneath is 3-D and the inside is smooth, but the 3-D shows through. This one is a beautiful amber color and has legs. I use it often. I remember it being on my Grandmother's Christmas dinner table every year..JPG)
This one my mom gave me and I am not sure where she got it. It is green and has grapes on the bottom..JPG)
I really have a love of unique bowls and serving dishes, and I love depression glass.
Today Rachel is coming and we will finish her bags. I have a few projects left to finish also, but FIRST, I need to get those towels taken care of.
Meggie sent me an e-mail this morning and I can't help but share this with you. It is too good not to share. Click here to be touched. (for some reason the link is not working for anyone but me. Hmmmm. I will work on this and update soon). UPDATE: Problem solved. I hope it works now. I just had to link to a different video...not as clear but still wonderful.
Hi Bren,
I enjoy seeing your Family doing Family working the puzzle together. I think its good to have Family things.Seems these days the t.v and video games entertain kids too much.
I Love your bowls. Now those makes a pretty table setting.:o)
Hope you have a Blessed day!
I am a puzzle freak too so I get it. 3 days in the washer eh? Boy that smelled sweet! LOL. Oh well, nothing that can't be fixed. (But I got a laugh out of it.):0)
I am a big lover of bowls . . . all sorts. Thanks for sharing the favorites from your collection *s*
must of felt great to get outside! Your grandmothers bowl is very collectible. It's called "carnival glass" so take care! You probably do anyway just because of it's sentimental value!
Good job on the jigsaw, family!
What a beautiful sight!
I wish that we lived somewhere that we could see such wondrous things!
Have a blessed day!
I'm not a puzzle fan either. Puzzles don't hold my interest for long. Love your bowls!
Ice storms can be rough - but oh, so beautiful!
One of our Christmas traditions is getting a puzzle out and working on it (on a card table) over the holiday break.
half my family loves puzzels the other half just thinks its an old peoples activity ! Love your serving bowls so pretty.
It was truly beautiful out yesterday!
Hi Bren,
I love doing puzzles - because I can FINISH them =) I hear we have to talk about UFO's I am glad you are feeling better. I woke up this morning with a sore throat myself...hope that the extent of it!
I understand them doing a puzzle, once you start you can´t quit until the puzzle is finished.
I love your pics of the sparkly ice on those trees.
The carnival glass bowl that was your Grandmother's is lovely, & so is your green bowl.
We loved jigsaws when we were younger!
I, too, have an obsession with bowls of all sorts. Mixing bowls, serving bowls, decorative bowls... you name it. Congrats to the kids and your Sweet Hubby for finishing the puzzle! I am notorious for starting something (especially cross stitch projects) and being REAL slow about finishing it! Oh, and about the towels, I have done that before. Mine was a load of socks and underwear, and they were never quite the same. Good luck! I am glad you are feeling better, Bren! Have a blessed day!
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