My first official rant!! I need to repent, but will do it after this post. The Neurologist's office called and informed me that "Dr. S. will be unable to see Kyle, as he has reached his quota of these kinds of patients for the year. You may however, take him to Crusader Clinic, where they have a wonderful Neurologist." First let me say, Crusader Clinic is our city's homeless clinic. I would not take my dog there. I know...not a very Christian attitude. Well God does not want to see His Prince Kyle go there either! This is a battle I am willing to fight. When I was told this by the "compassionate" nurse, I replied in a not so nice way. First I asked her what kind of patients are "these"? I did not wait for an answer, but said "I assume you are referring to patients like my son. Those who were disabled by the medical community in the first place. Those who had responsible hard working parents who paid their insurance premiums even though they could have gotten "free" medical. Those who like my son, have a life threatening illness, not a cold, and need to beg to see a "good" doctor, only to be turned away like scum. Those patients, who for the rest of their lives, will be dependent on some type of government hand out and then have the privilege of being treated like TRASH!!!! Are you referring to THOSE kinds of patients????" By the end of that tirade I was not speaking softly. The "compassionate" nurse on the other line quietly, in almost a whisper said "I am not suppose to tell you this but one of our associates will see you if you drive to D***** (a town an hour from here), but he is in India until the end of January." I took a DEEP breath and kindly responded that I would not require the services of any associates and that I would appreciate her passing on my Christmas greetings to Dr. S. I have a call into my family doc (who I wonder now if HE will see us as Kyle had insurance the last time he was in for a check up over the summer). I have learned I am prejudice. I have a real hard time with scum. Not poor people..I have been one step up from poor. My own son is poor. No, but those who suck off the system to get what they can. People like the womb and the vampire. (somehow I can turn ANY situation into THEIR fault! Not rational, I know) Because of them my son can not get medical treatment for a potentially dangerous condition. AND then I get treated like I am one of them! Can you BELIEVE he had a GRAND MAL seizure on is Thursday and he is still not being treated???? I am typing this in tears of frustration and fear. MY mom called to say the Legos she wanted to get Zach were out of stock. Oh My Gosh...I was so mean to her. I need to apologize. I told her I could give a (insert expletive) if they had legos! I need a NEUROLOGIST for Christmas!
Well that is the end of my rant and rave!! I had some really cool stuff to share, a beautiful fabric post card from a dear friend, Charlotte's new quilt design, Cinnamon rolls made for my husbands office breakfast tomorrow, a new award from a sweet blogger, and my apron received by my swap partner. Sorry. I don't have it in me today. Thanks for listening.

All I can say is I'm crying with you as I write this and I hope you can feel my {{{hugs}}}
Things will improve, I just know they will, so hang in there
big blessings and prayers for your strength!
Oh, Bren! I'm lifting you up in prayer right now, dear friend. Praying for peace for your heart, wisdom as you navigate the medical system, and healing for Kyle.
Oh my dear Bren this is unbelievable, I DO hope that you will get an appointment with some nice doctor soon.
Hi Bren,
My heart goes out to you.I'm praying a good Dr. will come thru Quick.
Blessins', Lib
Oh Honey - I wish I could give you a real hug. I am praying for you and Kyle.
I hear your pain, and just want to say keep your chin up and pray. Pray as I know helps what we see as impossible come to happen. My prayers are with you and Kyle.
Ranting right along side u Bren, we r having the same problems with my MIL. Im afraid that by the time the specialist sees her it may be too late but the snotty receptionist wouldnt listen to my concerns. I have been put in touch with the hospital social worker and she is going to investigate and push things through, hopefully!!! appalled at the health system!!!
Hope things work out well for u and your family!!
Oh Bren ...
I'm so sorry your son has to endure such treatment! And sorry they don't treat you or your son with a little more respect and dignity. How shameful.
The government needs to rethink things and do a better job of helping those who help themselves!
We'll certainly pray for you.
God bless you and hold on to hope!!
(((((Hugs))))) Bren - that is terrible. The anger and pain you must be feeling right now! My prayers are with you and Kyle.
(((HUGS))) Bren! My four year old niece has a lump on her rib cage and it took 3 weeks to get her into a specialist. It is crazy, I know! I will continue to pray for Kyle!
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