We are getting blasted with snow! It started at about 8 o'clock this morning and we have many inches on the ground at noon. I am not sure how many, but these pictures were taken about 10 o'clock. They say we are getting 2 inches per hour.
Look at the size of those flakes! It is actually snowing harder now and the flakes are so dense I can not see the road. No wind, just a straight downward fall of snow. Joni showed pictures of her cows covered in snow today. I thought I would show a picture of my
cow dog chewing her bone out in the snow. Carly LOVES the snow. She runs and plays in it like a puppy. The kids watch from inside and laugh and giggle. It is great entertainment.
Today was THE day. The day that order and calm is brought back to our home. All the Christmas decorations came down. Had I known about "boxing day" I would have joined in! I love to get the decorations down right after Christmas. Americans think we are a scrooge if we do that, but I feel a need to move on. This morning the kids laid around watching a movie...Kyle on the couch, Zach on the love seat, and Charlotte on the floor. 
After their movie, we got this....
back to this....
The small tv room where the kids hang out still had the dance mat and the card table set up. 
Kyle handled that job for me.
So all the decorations are down, boxed and back in storage until next year. It was a really wonderful Christmas. I felt very blessed and thankful that my family was all here to celebrate together. Thanks to all of you who shared your Christmas on your blogs. It was wonderful to see how everyone celebrates. We were even able to start a few new traditions thanks to some of you. The family box was a BIG hit...thanks Niki!
After their movie, we got this....
Kyle handled that job for me.
Now I have to decide what to do for my Tackle It Tuesday....there is so much to choose from. Kyle goes to the Doctor on the 3rd. Until then, he has been using my sewing room as a "motel room" (his words). I can not wait until he can go back to his own room. The floors in his room are concrete under the carpet and there is a concrete wall at the bottom of his stairs. Just not safe until we get a medication for him. He is my priority and I am not complaining, per se, about him using my sewing room, but good grief...if you remember I just booted the little kids out and NOW look at what I have going on!!!!
Here is my sewing table!

Doesn't it feel great to have everything back in order? I am still sending prayers Kyles way! I see that he has a supply of Mountain Dew in his "motel" room!:) Have a blessed day, Bren!
I usually leave my decorations up at least Jan. 6th. There is always a Christmas tree bonfire at the town park that night and to me that means the end of the Christmas season. I found myself thinking about packing up most of the decorations this weekend. I usually leave my snowmen out until the end of Feb. Maybe I will pack up early.....
I am taking everything down this weekend. If Emery didn't have a nasty cold I would have had him in the barn loft last night getting down the boxes. So with all that snow, are you going to make a snow angel : )
Oh my you have snow and more snow.
Hope ya'll can stay in and keep warm.
Blessins', Lib
As much as I love decorating for Christmas, today we also took ours down. We suprised DH with a clean, straight house. Now if I could just clean the kitchen counter off and get all the CANDY out of here!!!
We started out with snow this morning too, but it soon changed over to rain. It was a nice way for the 12 girls we had overnight last night to wake up! I have enjoyed getting caught up on your blog today. I am going to be packing up my decorations tomorrow!
I am, most years, ready to have everything done a day or two after Christmas. This year for some reason, though, I wanted to leave them up through New Year's Eve. I don't know what the difference is, but even as I'm typing this I'm enjoying having the Christmas lights lit around me. It will all come down New Year's Day, though!
We usually undecorate on New Years Day or on the second. Isn't the snow this year something else???
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