Zachary. My Zachary! He wants BIG. He only wants one thing, but it is expensive. We do not spend big on Christmas and I want my children to understand the true meaning, without them losing the magic of Christmas. Is it wrong for Christians to tell their kids there is a Santa Claus? I don't know, but my faith in God is not affected because I believed. Sue's daughter Rachel was explaining to her brother Lucas that Santa may not bring him everything on his list. Lucas looked at Rachel and said in horror, "Rachel! You are pretending not to believe in Santa!" Christmas....children....magic (not witchcraft)....Jesus....Savior....God....it all fits together. Back to my Zachary. He will make a great lawyer. After telling him that Santa probably does not give Nintendo DS's and that it would be a great birthday gift in July, he let it drop.....for about a minute! Then he came back to me and said, "you know mom, it IS Jesus's birthday and He would want me to have a Nintendo DS for His birthday present." Here is Zach's Christmas gift...a RED Nintendo DS, because I do think Jesus would want Zachary to have His Birthday gift. 
TJ was easy....I thought...I wanted to get him this....
But I could not find them anywhere as they were out of stock. I ended up getting him this...
And yes, I asked my son and daughter in law first, because they are NOT staying here! TJ loves to "drum".

TJ was easy....I thought...I wanted to get him this....

But I could not find them anywhere as they were out of stock. I ended up getting him this...

Kyle had a list of DVD movies to add to his collection and I found all of them. So my kids are taken care of and I can relax. I really have not stressed too much as I know it takes all the joy out of the season. The one true gift is taken care of and THAT is to be the focus.
So now wrapping is next on my list. Right now all of my kids gifts are at Rachel's house hid away from little eyes!

My tree is looking odd...the kids continue to move ornaments around leaving big gaps in the decor, but I am fine with it. It is their tree too and every so often I try to fill in a "hole" and just move on. The ornament which has a place of honor on our tree is never touched. The kids KNOW better..JPG)
It is difficult to see, but it says, "Our First Christmas Together 1979". Sweet Hubby bought it for me 29 years ago.I have spent sometime this week working on my seasonal/quarterly homemaking list. I need to revamp my HMB to add a few jobs that have popped up along the way. It is always a process.
I spent some time baking bread yesterday.
I love my machine for the mixing kneading process, but I really like my loaf baked in a traditional loaf pan in the oven.
SOMETHING went wrong with this one.... .JPG)
No, a little critter did not do this...I must have had an air bubble or something as it was entirely hollow...the loaf was tossed.
No, a little critter did not do this...I must have had an air bubble or something as it was entirely hollow...the loaf was tossed.
We got more snow last night. Carly does not mind...she loves snow.
School at the table is GREAT....I get so much more done during the day and things are staying tidy where school supplies are concerned.
Rachel will be here very soon to make purse's for Christmas gifts...we have 9 to do, though she chose to do a single fabric instead of 2 different ones. It will definitely make it go faster.
There is a brand new blog out there that I hope you will visit. Her name is Sarah. She is a young woman just married a year. She is a quilter and a Christian who works as a veterinary assistant. Pop over and say hi! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Wow - what a fun post!! Bits and pieces of all sorts of things - I love it! Funny, I just posted a pic of my bread machine too! I was looking for recipes...
Sounds like you are in good shape to celebrate Christmas without any stress attached - way to be on the ball! :-) One thing I always try is to reduce any stress - no need for it and certainly not the time to have it when we are celebrating one of the most important events in history!!
Blessings to you!
(((HUGS)))! Bren, you are so sweet! Thank you for mentioning my blog!
In God's Hands,
Oh Zach will do well when he's older with thinking like that, what a giggle...lol... Sounds like you have everything under control. We still haven't shopped for the 3 of us, all the overseas stuff is done and ready to post tomorrow, which will probably cost an arm and a leg. Now if I'd known you were shopping this week I could have given you my list.....
Hi Bren,
I just love visitng with you.
What a good post.:o)
That Niki is so sweet and has great idea's huh?;o)
Hope you have agreat wk. end,
Blessins', Lib
Wanna wrap gifts for me, too? It's my least favorite part - not just for Christmas, but all the other gift wrapping occasions, too. Sounds like things are coming together nicely at your home . . . I do miss the excitement of young'uns at this time of year - they make it so cheery and fun. Enjoy!
p.s. Happy Birthday to your dad *s*
Wow you are busy! It is neat hearing about what you got the kids. I do hope they enjoy their gifts. Do you and DH get each other anything?
Such fun! I love Zach's logic! It sure worked. I don't blame you, I would have given in to that logic too!
What a delightful read today! I've missed your blog all week - what's up with that? I'm not sure how that happened. HMMMM!
Everything is wonderful and I love, love, love your handquilted pink and brown quilt. I envy your talent to handquilt. Sigh! :-)
You have been one busy lady!!
What a fun post, a little bit of everything!
I am slowly inching my way toward having all of my Christmas shopping done.
My dog also loves the snow, it is so much fun to be out to play with him when there is snow.
I bought the AG doll Bitty Baby last year for my little one. It is so hard to find dolls with clothes that fit - and since I don't sew...
Drums! Yeah! Our son has been 'drumming' since he was two years old. Now he is taking lessons and is awesome! Way to encourage it!
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