This is what happens when my kids miss too much church. They make their own. Since this horrific bug has been making it's way through our family we have missed a month of Sunday's at church. Here is the conversation as it took place yesterday after announcing we would, again, miss church.
Charlotte: It's ok Zach, we can learn about God at home.
Zach: I KNOW!!! We can make our own church!
Charlotte: OK, we will make it like a tent in my room.
Zach: I get to name it. Hmmmm I will name it "Praise and Worship Church"
Charlotte: I'll get the art supplies!
Zach: We can sing Godly songs! (In a scolding tone) NO Hannah Montana, Charlotte...just Godly songs! (Note to self..find out how they know Hannah Montana songs)
During the making of the sign....
Zach: It needs more detail. (Where does he get this?) I know!! "God's Praise and Worship Church". 
The books are "pretend song books". So my kids had church!
Later they worked a 550 piece puzzle. 
My cold is not better, but different. My throat has improved but now my sinus and ears are involved. Really, I am just SICK of being sick. I try to ignore it everyday and just go about my work, but I tire easily. I did finally sleep well last night. I have that "underwater" feeling in my ears which is annoying and the pressure in my sinus is terrible. Do any of you have a home remedy for relieving sinus pressure?? This is my 3rd week of this and my mom has had it for 6 weeks. She has been on 2 different antibiotics and still has the symptoms so it has to be viral.
I worked some on my binder and did my Tuesday tackle...I will share that tomorrow.
I added index tabs to my section pages. I am revamping some jobs and getting my seasonal chores compiled. Susan at Wishing for a Simple Life is wanting to revamp her binder for a working mom. If anyone has tips they could give her, pop over and leave your comments. I have said this many times...a binder is such a personal thing that mine would not work for someone else. We can glean ideas and sections from each other, but in the long run, your binder will need to reflect your life. Someone else may not need a daily chores section as they have no children at home and things tend to stay orderly. Let me clarify also that when I say "binder", I am referring to any written home management tool. Yours may all be neatly in a word document on your laptop, or in a recipe style box or even a "flipper" file using a photo album and index cards (my first system was this sort). Whatever you are using, it can only work if it reflects your life...not someone else's. I am now stepping off my Binder! Lecture over!
Today is a new day, ears plugged and all! I have laundry well underway and am looking at my focus cleaning for today. Sweet Hubby did some vacuuming for me yesterday and I think he even dusted. He came home from work on Saturday night at 6:30 and said "Go on up to bed, I will take care of things." How sweet! I actually did go up and watched a movie and relaxed. Last night he bought us all dinner from a new Italian place that delivers. The pizza was excellent and the Panino Sweet Hubby ordered was good too....Cheesy Beef. After dinner I went upstairs and put my jammies on and when I came back down the kitchen was clean and coffee for today was made. I love that guy!
I spent my evening reading "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Price and plan to do more of that today. I am really enjoying her style of writing. Right now, I need to scoot and get Zach going on math and check Charlotte's progress. Come back tomorrow to see my Tackle...I am on a whole new level!

Hi, Bren! You have great kids! I am praying that you will feel better soon! Have a blessed day!
Awww poor Bren, I do feel for you. We missed church as well, iced in, and again today. No home cures I'm sorry but prayers that you'll feel a whole lot better real soon.
looks like the perfect church at home ! The bug is going around here too.
Oh, Bren, your cold sounds really icky! I'm so sorry, hope you feel better soon!
I have a remedy - the simplest in the world, but those of my friends I've tried to convince it works claims it is just too horrible. anyway, I do it whenever I feel that preasure, and it really works for me! Her it is: Take a cup of water, as warm as you possibly can without burning your skin, dip your nose into the water and breathe in through your nostrils (yes I know, you get that same icky feeling as you do when water goes up your nose when you're swimming), let the warm water find its way up, and blow your nose - careful you dont hurt your eardrums - do this a couple of times, and you WILL feel better. Have a good cream ready for your nose - the skin tends to get dry in that water...
Take care!
Hi, I did it. Give me a call. I need to talk to you. ~D
Oh Bren, for goodness sake, get better!!! Christmas is comin' girl!!! LOL, the kids look so adorable, and church looks great!
I'm giving you a big {{{hug}}}
I just love the name of "God's Praise and Worship Church"! The sign and church made me smile. I hope and pray that you are feeling better soon! Being sick isn't any fun.
Some of my favorite Memories are when we had to have church at home. One time all three of my kids did a "serive" which included communion. It is amazing how much they really do know.
Many years ago I read the Excellent Wife and it was the beginning of a completely different was of thinking for me. I ended up teaching it in our Sunday School class and also going through it with another woman. God really used that book in my life.
Boy, that bug is hanging around too long at your house. Hope it takes a leave very soon. We used to 'play church' when we were kids. We even took an offering. One time my little brother didn't want to put his nickel in the plate and swallowed it instead. He had to go to emergency to have it removed. We laugh about that now and I think he still has the nickel.
I love it when kids use their imaginations like that! What fun. As for Santa -- nope, no problems there. The magic is in the giving and the joy. And if you really need the justification -- well, try looking up the historical Saint Nicholas. Could be a fun project.
I remember playing 'church' as a kid. We grew up in a home that rarely attended church. Funny how kids do that! They must sense some need.
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